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Andrew Williamson

Movie Making and literacy skills | illegal harmonies - 5 views

  • But beyond that againg there is the ideas of student centered learning. The kids are creating personal, meanigful things not another task set by the teacher. The teacher is acting merely as the facilitator, guiding the learning to a deeper place. The ownership of the product gives the students motivation and a greater sense of enjoyment which always enhances learning. In my role as teacher for this project I introduced the idea, showed them some simple concepts and ten basically handed it over to them, always assisting when needed and giving guidance when appropriate
  • Creative expression is one of if not the most iportant part of life.  Humans have a desire to create and if we can use ICT to better enable children to do that while effectivly communicating their creations to others than that is fantastic.
    Awesome blog post on Movie making and literacy skills. Some great pedagogy happening with this group of students. I really like Kynan's philosophy of letting the students learn rather than intervening with teacher direction. Final cut express is a rather complicated piece of software but it looks like these kids have eaten it for breakfast
Russell Ogden

How Students Can Create Animated Movies to Teach Each Other | Jordan Collier - 8 views

    Having students create RSA-animate style movies is a fun way to teach content- by having the students become the teacher. It's not too tough once you get the hang of it, and in a BYOD or 1:1 school, the tools are there.
Shelly Terrell

Really? It's My Job To Teach Technology? Upside Down Blooms - 7 views

  • Are we teaching students to look for help everywhere to solve their problems? 4. There should be a K-12 agreement about which skills and software knowledge our students are going to graduate with. A expected skill set sounds like a good idea but is a list of required software competencies too prescriptive and unrealistic to maintain? Yes….first of all this is exaclty why the NETs for Students does not list software. If we teach software we are teaching a program not a skill. Let’s teach skills and use the appropriate program needed to accomplish the task at hand. Like Andrew points out, it really is unrealistic to maintain a list of all the programs that students have mastered, been exposed to, or know exist. I have seen schools try and do this and I have only seen a mess as the outcome. Students come and go, programs come and go, one year we are teaching X and the next year Y. Teach the skill and choose the program that fits.
  • Create can be met with paper and pencil, with glue and scissors, with a hammer and nail, or with movie maker and it should be the job of every teacher to expose students to different ways of creating content that fits within their discipline.
    Check out the Upside Down Blooms info
Camilla Elliott

Zimmer Twins - 5 views

    The Zimmer Twins is a fun way to incorporate technology into the classroom. Watch your students expand their vocabulary, practice proper writing habits, and become junior movie producers all at the same time! Take a few minutes to explore the Zimmer Twins and so you are familiar with the site before using it with your students. Includes tips for teachers.
John Pearce

Boinx iStopMotion for iPad: iPad Stop Motion and Time Lapse Software - 3 views

    Making movies on a shoestring budget? No need hunting for talented actors, building a stage or even writing a script. A bit of clay or a toy can be the star of your animated masterpiece. Spending quality time with your kids? Watch them tap their creative potential and be amazed at what they create. iStopMotion for iPad is also ideal for use in the classroom and in all disciplines, honing creativity, problem-solving and communication skills in students of all ages.
Andrew Williamson

JewelBeat: Royalty Free Music Clips, Instrumental Background Production Music for Video... - 8 views

    Royalty Free audio sound effects and loops. Need to acknowledged source. Great resource if students are creating movies
Russell Ogden

Storytelling Alice - 6 views

    Storytelling Alice is a programming environment designed to motivate a broad spectrum of middle school students (particularly girls) to learn to program computers through creating short 3D animated movies.
Gillian Light

JellyCam - Stop Motion - 0 views

    Very simple to use stop motion program and, more importantly, free. Could see it being very easy for my Primary students to make simple movies with.
Ian Guest

Free Stock Music - 19 views

    "We offer a wide variety of 100% free production music in eight genres: cinematic scores, corporate, easy listening, electronic, hip-hop, international, pop and rock. We're committed to helping you find the perfect song for your video, movie, film, video game, or media project. Our music comes with a royalty-free license allowing you to use the music in all types of productions for worldwide distribution, forever. There are never any fees."
    A useful way for students and teachers to add richness to their video productions, without treading the murky waters of copyright infringement?
Ashley Proud

Hooda Math - Cool Math Games, Math Tutorials, Math Worksheets & Math Movies - 0 views

    Hooda Math believes in math learning through play. Mr. Edlavitch credits board and card games for his early enjoyment of mathematics. Hooda Math believes free online math games can do the same for students today.
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