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Dana Huff

Life in 999: A Grim Struggle - TIME - 0 views

    This article appears in the Holt Elements of Literature Sixth Course: Essentials of British and World Literature text alongside Beowulf and an excerpt from John Gardner's Grendel. It is a good companion piece for Beowulf.

TCRecord: Article, "Approaches to Teaching Thinking" - 1 views

    Excellent article from Teachers College Review. Here is passage from abstract that captures the focus: "But what exactly is "teaching thinking"? Do the many theories and programs of teaching thinking speak of the same "thinking," "good thinking," and "teaching thinking"? I claim here that there is actually not one approach to "teaching thinking" but three-three approaches to teaching thinking that compete with each other for control of the field. A conceptual mapping of the approaches to teaching thinking will, I hope, enable further theoretical development of this field and its more effective application in teaching."

Email and good writing | Verbatim - 0 views

    Good short article about the etiquette about writing email messages.
Dana Huff - In the Case of the Billion-Dollar ERISA Typo, 7th Circuit Upholds Win for Ver... - 2 views

    This article would be great for teaching the importance of proofreading.
Mary Worrell

Nameless, Faceless Children (Blogs & Internet Safety) | Julie A. Cunningham - 7 views

  • I would say that they primarily need protected from themselves… that they need help moderating their web presence until they understand the full ramifications of things they say online.  I don’t think that means they need to be anonymous.  I do think that anonymity tends to foster less responsible behavior, in both children and adults alike
    • Mary Worrell
      Hear hear! Boogeyman tactics don't work. Educators and parents should be online, modeling the sort of digital citizenship we hope for our children and students - the kind that will keep them safe.
    Great article demonstrating the threats of real life and juxtaposing them with the threats of having an active, online life.
    Great article demonstrating the threats of real life and juxtaposing them with the threats of having an active, online life. Might be a good conversation starter with tech facilitators at your school.
Dana Huff

TCRecord: Article - 5 views

    Jim Burke shared this article by Nanci Atwell on the Myths of Independent Reading.
The0d0re Shatagin

By the Book: Exploring One School's Success with a Technology-Based Reading Program -- ... - 3 views

    THE article on Reading and the use of Lexia in an Elementary School
Dana Huff

Dickens daren't tell the truth about the real Oliver Twist workhouses | Mail Online - 0 views

    This article describes conditions in workhouses for the poor in Victorian England. It would be great to pair with Oliver Twist or with Blake's two "Chimney Sweep" poems.
andrew bendelow

Byliner - 17 views

    Nice site full of interesting articles old and new--non-fiction
Meredith Stewart

Stress, Control, and the Deprofessionalizing of Teaching - 15 views

    Article by Tom Newkirk on stress in teaching
Tom Cornell

In Iraq, 'Romeo and Juliet' Portrays Montague and Capulet as Shiite and Sunni - NYTimes... - 15 views

    NY Times article connects Shakespeare with current events.
    Great resource to connect Shakespeare to current events.
Mark Smith

The Case for Breaking Up With Your Parents - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Hi... - 5 views

  • More than love, sex, courtship, and marriage; more than inheritance, ambition, rivalry, or disgrace; more than hatred, betrayal, revenge, or death, orphanhood—the absence of the parent, the frightening yet galvanizing solitude of the child—may be the defining fixation of the novel as a genre, what one might call its primordial motive or matrix, the conditioning psychic reality out of which the form itself develops.
    "This is the play-date generation. ... There was a time when children came home from school and just played randomly with their friends. Or hung around and got bored, and eventually that would lead you on to something. Kids don't get to do that now. Busy parents book them into things constantly-violin lessons, ballet lessons, swimming teams. The kids get the idea that someone will always be structuring their time for them."
    A great article, worth 15 minutes.
Cynthia Roberson

Visas for dollars: Give me your Gucci-clad masses | The Economist - 2 views

    Article to pair with Lazarus poem "The New Colossus".
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 7 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
The0d0re Shatagin

Tech Tips For Teachers: Free, Easy and Useful Creation Tools - The Learning Network Blo... - 7 views

    Ryan Goble, who often coaches teachers in what he calls the "mindful" use of technology, has written today's guest post on user-friendly tools that enable the creation of student projects.
    NYTimes article recommending 5 free tools: Visualizing Text, Comic Text, Interactive Timelines, Digital Interactive Presentations, Idea Maps & Brainstorms
Boyd Logan

The Future of Reading - 'Reading Workshop' Approach Lets Students Pick the Books - Seri... - 0 views

    NYT Article on Lit Lab/Reading Workshop approach.

Clive Thompson on the New Literacy - 1 views

    Very interesting and timely article, important even, about writing in the new era that features insights from Stanford's Andrea Lundsford discussing findings from her longitudinal study of writing and why we have cause for hope.

'Teach Naked' Effort Strips Computers From Classrooms - Technology - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 23 Jul 09 - Cached
  • Here's the kicker, though: The biggest resistance to Mr. Bowen's ideas has come from students, some of whom have groused about taking a more active role during those 50-minute class periods.
  • Introduce issues of debate within the discipline and get the students to weigh in based on the knowledge they have from those lecture podcasts, Mr. Bowen says.
  • "Strangely enough, the people who are most resistant to this model are the students, who are used to being spoon-fed material that is going to be quote unquote on the test," says Mr. Heffernan. "Students have been socialized to view the educational process as essentially passive. The only way we're going to stop that is by radically refiguring the classroom in precisely the way José wants to do it."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "inverted classroom."
  • 'I paid for a college education and you're not going to lecture?'"
  • PowerPoint is not the problem. It is how PPt is used.
    • anonymous
      That's exactly the point. Of course we do need discussions in classrooms, but we also need to enable students to perform well in them, and here is where technology comes in: You can facilitate it in the learning process. - The headline of this article makes things far too easy...
    I like how Bowen is questioning the use of tech for tech's sake. This further shows how it's not about the technology, but about the teaching.
Mary Worrell

REFLECTIONS ON CREATIVE WRITING CLASS: THE TEACHER; How to confront 30,000 words a week... - 0 views

  • What I learned, most of all, was that if you're teaching and not learning then you're not teaching, and if you don't enjoy yourself in the classroom, you might as well be driving a taxi.
    A great article by the late Frank McCourt about teaching creative writing and learning alongside his students.
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