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Adriana Trujillo

Chipotle Makes History by Becoming First Fast Food Chain to Tag GMOs - 1 views

    Chipotle becomes first fast food chaion to tag GMO's. They have been doing so since March.
Del Birmingham

Where's the sustainable beef? Hackers tackle a meaty challenge | - 0 views

    Tech solutions to make the beef industry more sustainable.
Adriana Trujillo

China Now Handing Down Death Penalty to Worst Polluters - 0 views

  • Chinese authorities have recently given courts the authority to hand down the death penalty for serious cases of pollution
  • Public anger over China’s growth-at-all-costs policies has been growing steadily in response to the increasingly polluted air and water
  • public’s attitudes towards environmental protection found that up to 80 percent believe that environmental protection should be a higher priority than economic development.
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  • A recent analysis by the Health Effects Institute in Boston found that over a million people die prematurely in China every year as the result of air pollution.
  • Particulate levels in Beijing, Guangzhou and other Chinese cities often rise to as much as seven times the World Health Organization’s air-quality standard
  • dead zone
  • A protest over plans to build a petro-chemical refinery in Kunming
    Chines courts are allowed to hand down the death penalty for serisous cases of pollution
Del Birmingham

Why Disney, BP and Rio Tinto are exploring ecosystem services | - 0 views

    Incorporating biodiversity and ecosystems services (BES) into planning.
Del Birmingham

Ecolab CEO Urges "Big Bang Catalyst" to Tackle Rising Water Scarcity: Internal Shadow P... - 0 views

    Ecolab CEO says, water must be priced now. Water stress is already creating economic challenges.
Del Birmingham

Are Consumers and Businesses Ready for a Dematerialized World? | Blog | BSR - 0 views

    How do we scale up information and communication tech among consumers? Focus on direct benefits to consumers as opposed to saving the world.
Del Birmingham

The GM safety dance: What's rule and what's real | Grist - 0 views

    This blog tries to understand both sides of the issue on safety testing of GMOs or GEs. By law the testing is voluntary say critics of FDA, and FDA says even though voluntary by rule, ALL GMOs are tested for safety and reviewed by FDA before allowing it to go to market.
Adriana Trujillo

Ecodesk Launches Conflict Minerals Monitoring Tool · Environmental Management... - 0 views

  • potential problems
  • As each supplier completes a declaration on its sustainability profile, data is automatically connected to a customer dashboard,
  • enabling businesses to analyze conflict mineral use by geography, industry and by individual smelters at a glance.
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  • Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition
  • Ecodesk says it can help customers and their suppliers report once, but share many times, through its profile-based platform, thus avoiding having to complete repeat questionnaires.
    Ecodesk launched a monitoring tool for businesses to track conflict minerals in supply chain. They want it to be an eary warning system for non-financial factors in supply chain, providing an understanding of potential problems
Del Birmingham

Why Jason McLennan created the toughest green building ratings | - 0 views

    sustainable building ratings based on creating "good" buidlings not just less harmful. Ratings are also based on performance of a buidling as opposed to construction elements.
Del Birmingham

Is 3D printing an environmental win? | - 0 views

    life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the two 3D printers and the CNC mill, including the materials and manufacturing of the machines themselves, transportation, energy use, material in the final parts, material wasted, and the end-of-life disposal of the machines.
Del Birmingham

On the front lines of climate adaptation: Part 1 | Sustainable Industries - 0 views

    Now that climate change is directly impacting the well-being and safety of many communities, the conversation has officially shifted from mitigation to adaptation.
Del Birmingham

No one knows how to stop these tar-sands oil spills | Grist - 0 views

    Thousands of barrels of tar-sands oil have been burbling up into forest areas for at least six weeks in Cold Lake, Alberta, and it seems that nobody knows how to staunch the flow.
Brett Rohring

Terrorist Tungsten in Colombia Taints Global Phone-to-Car Sales - Bloomberg - 0 views

  • Tungsten, in particular, is in high demand.
  • The dark, heat-resistant and super-hard metal is inside the engines of some of the most popular cars in the world. It’s used for screens of computers, phones, tablets and televisions. It helps mobile phones vibrate when they ring. Semiconductor makers use the metal to provide insulation between microscopic layers of circuitry.
  • Tiger Hill rises above the rain forest in an area ruled by armed FARC fighters more than 220 kilometers (137 miles) from the nearest road, town or police station.
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  • The mine is illegal in three ways: It’s inside a forest preserve, it’s banned by Colombian law because it’s on an Indian reservation, and it’s run by the FARC, which is classified by Colombia, the U.S. and the European Union as a terrorist organization.
  • While Tiger Hill is illegal, it’s the only known tungsten mine in Colombia, according to the police and Environment Ministry officials responsible for regulating mining.
  • China produces the most tungsten -- about 85 percent of global output -- authorities there impose tight controls on the metal to assure domestic manufacturers have enough. That’s forcing companies to scour the globe for mines elsewhere, the USGS says.
  • Apple Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ) and Samsung Electronics Co. purchase parts from a firm that buys from the company that imports tungsten ore from Colombia, company records show.
  • the Environment Ministry’s director whose jurisdiction includes much of Colombia’s Amazon region, says the shippers are hiding the tungsten ore’s true origins.
  • “They falsify the source of illegal metals,” Melendez says. “This is how they launder tungsten.”
Adriana Trujillo

Columbia University Saves $700,000 a Year Via Energy Efficiency | Energy Manager Today - 0 views

    Due to Con Edison's Green Team, Columbia University saved more than $700,000 a year in energgy costs through upgrades to the water-chilling system
Adriana Trujillo

Oil Industry to EPA: Lower 2014 Biofuel Mandate · Environmental Management & ... - 0 views

  • The American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) have petitioned the EPA to lower the 18.15 billion 2014 renewable fuel mandate to about 14.8 billion gallons
    AFPM and athe API have petitioned the EPA to lower 18.15 billion 2014 renewable fuel mandate to about 14.8 billion gallons.
Brett Rohring

Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming - - 0 views

  • An international panel of scientists has found with near certainty that human activity is the cause of most of the temperature increases of recent decades, and warns that sea levels could conceivably rise by more than three feet by the end of the century if emissions continue at a runaway pace.
  • “It is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature from 1951 to 2010,” the draft report says. “There is high confidence that this has warmed the ocean, melted snow and ice, raised global mean sea level and changed some climate extremes in the second half of the 20th century.”
  • The draft comes from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of several hundred scientists that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, along with Al Gore. Its summaries, published every five or six years, are considered the definitive assessment of the risks of climate change, and they influence the actions of governments around the world. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent on efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions, for instance, largely on the basis of the group’s findings.
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  • The 2007 report found “unequivocal” evidence of warming, but hedged a little on responsibility, saying the chances were at least 90 percent that human activities were the cause. The language in the new draft is stronger, saying the odds are at least 95 percent that humans are the principal cause.
  • On sea level, which is one of the biggest single worries about climate change, the new report goes well beyond the assessment published in 2007, which largely sidestepped the question of how much the ocean could rise this century.
  • Regarding the question of how much the planet could warm if carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere doubled, the previous report largely ruled out any number below 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The new draft says the rise could be as low as 2.7 degrees, essentially restoring a scientific consensus that prevailed from 1979 to 2007.
  • But the draft says only that the low number is possible, not that it is likely. Many climate scientists see only a remote chance that the warming will be that low, with the published evidence suggesting that an increase above 5 degrees Fahrenheit is more likely if carbon dioxide doubles.
  • The level of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, is up 41 percent since the Industrial Revolution, and if present trends continue it could double in a matter of decades.
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