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Sean McHugh

Tony Wagner: All Students Need Digital Portfolios - Pathbrite - 0 views

  • [Students need] three things: they need content knowledge, but that’s the easy part today. It’s online; you don’t need a teacher to acquire content. The world simply doesn’t care how much you know anymore because Google knows everything. What the world cares about, now that content has become a commodity, is what you can do with what you know. And that suggests the two other education outcomes that are absolutely critical, and to simplify them I call them skill and will. Students need a new set of skills to thrive for work learning and citizenship in the 21st century; and they need will, meaning motivation, and arguably the most important is motivation. Because if you are motivated you will continuously learn new skills and new content knowledge, which you will have to in this era, and its the thing we do the most damage to in our schools today.
  • We’re not giving kids work that is intrinsically interesting in the vast majority of our schools, and we’re spending far too much time on test prep, and the tests themselves are predominantly multiple choice factual recall tests that tell us absolutely nothing about work learning or citizenship readiness in the 21st century. Kids know it, and they’re bored out of their minds.
  • I think the whole idea of a digital portfolio is part of what I call Accountability 2.0, moving away from an over-reliance on stupid tests and moving towards really looking at student work and having students meet a performance standard for passing on to higher grades and for graduating from high school. And it […] can be an important factor in motivating kids to want to do better work.
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  • teachers have to give students work that demands critical thinking, problem solving, and that they expect a high standard for communication skills and collaboration skills. And the digital portfolio provides students with an opportunity to show mastery. And also—this is very important—to show progress over time.
  • the skills you need to succeed in a competitive academic environment bear absolutely no relationship to the skills you need to succeed in an innovation economy.
  • in fact the real world is evidence-based, not merely data driven. And a digital portfolio can be one of the best forms of evidence of competency and accomplishments.
Sean McHugh

Please don't learn to code | TechCrunch - 0 views

  • There’s an idea that’s been gaining ground in the tech community lately: Everyone should learn to code. But here’s the problem with that idea: Coding is not the new literacy.
  • Selling coding as a ticket to economic salvation for the masses is dishonest
  • engineering and programming are important skills. But only in the right context, and only for the type of person willing to put in the necessary blood, sweat and tears to succeed. The same could be said of many other skills. I would no more urge everyone to learn to program than I would urge everyone to learn to plumb.
    • Sean McHugh
      Nice analogy, who uses plumbing? EVERYONE. Who knows how it works and how to fix it or fit it? Not many, and the small group of skilled individuals who do, are called Plumbers.
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  • An excessive focus on coding ignores the current plight of existing developers.Technology changes at a rapid pace in this industry.
  • The line between learning to code and getting paid to program as a profession is not an easy line to cross.Really.
  • If becoming an engineer is what you want, don’t let me — or anyone, for that matter — get in the way of your goal. And don’t let traditional confinements like the educational system slow you down
    ... engineering and programming are important skills. But only in the right context, and only for the type of person willing to put in the necessary blood, sweat and tears to succeed. The same could be said of many other skills. I would no more urge everyone to learn to program than I would urge everyone to learn to plumb.
Sean McHugh

Girls Should Play More Video Games, And Other Thoughts On "Cognitive Balance"... - 0 views

  • Girls should play more video games.
  • spatial skills matter: The ability to mentally manipulate shapes and otherwise understand how the three-dimensional world works turns out to be an important predictor of creative and scholarly achievements
  • spatial skills can be improved by training; these improvements persist over time; and they “transfer” to tasks that are different from the tasks used in the training
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  • the informal education children receive can be just as important as what they learn in the classroom. We need to think more carefully about how kids’ formal and informal educational experiences fit together, and how one can fill gaps left by the other.
  • The informal learning environments of television, video games, and the Internet are producing learners with a new profile of cognitive skills.
  • playing an action video game “can virtually eliminate” the gender difference in a basic capacity they call spatial attention, while at the same time reducing the gender difference in the ability to mentally rotate objects, a higher-level spatial skill
  • As kids grow older, much of the experience they get in manipulating three-dimensional objects comes from playing video games
    • Sean McHugh
      This is such a critical observation!
Sean McHugh

Study finds Portal 2 better at improving cognitive skills than Lumosity - 0 views

  • he video game Portal 2 is better at improving cognitive skills than the "brain-trainer" Lumosity—a web based system that has been designed to improve such skills
  • The researchers found that those who had played Portal 2 showed a "statistical advantage" over those who'd played Lumosity—they note that the reverse was never true with any of the volunteer
Sean McHugh

Being a Better Online Reader | The New Yorker - 0 views

  • there’s still no longitudinal data about digital reading. As she put it, “We’re in a place of apprehension rather than comprehension.” And it’s quite possible that the apprehension is misplaced: perhaps digital reading isn’t worse so much as different than print reading
  • they also need different sorts of training to excel at each medium. The online world, she argues, may require students to exercise much greater self-control than a physical book. “In reading on paper, you may have to monitor yourself once, to actually pick up the book,” she says. “On the Internet, that monitoring and self-regulation cycle happens again and again.
  • Maybe the decline of deep reading isn’t due to reading skill atrophy but to the need to develop a very different sort of skill, that of teaching yourself to focus your attention
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  • The digital deficit, they suggest, isn’t a result of the medium as such but rather of a failure of self-knowledge and self-control: we don’t realize that digital comprehension may take just as much time as reading a book
  • It wasn’t the screen that disrupted the fuller synthesis of deep reading; it was the allure of multitasking on the Internet and a failure to properly mitigate its impact
  • some data suggest that, in certain environments and on certain types of tasks, we can read equally well in any format
  • We need to be aware of the effects of deeper digital immersion, Wolf says, but we should be equally cautious when we draw causal arrows or place blame without adequate longitudinal research
  • Deep-reading skills, Wolf points out, may not be emphasized in schools that conform to the Common Core, for instance, and need to meet certain test-taking reading targets that emphasize gist at the expense of depth. “Physical, tangible books give children a lot of time,” she says. “And the digital milieu speeds everything up. So we need to do things much more slowly and gradually than we are.” Not only should digital reading be introduced more slowly into the curriculum; it also should be integrated with the more immersive reading skills that deeper comprehension requires.
  • Wolf is optimistic that we can learn to navigate online reading just as deeply as we once did print—if we go about it with the necessary thoughtfulness.
Louise Phinney

The 2 Most Important Skills Every Teacher Needs - Calgary, AB, Canada, ASCD EDge Blog p... - 0 views

    The power of a reflective teacher is unstoppable. Hand in hand with reflective practice is coachability.  Coachability speaks to the teachers capacity to: hear feedback; analyze and understand the feedback; implement the feedback into their teaching.
Sean McHugh

Technology in Education | American Federation of Teachers - 0 views

  • pedagogy (i.e., teaching practice) and not the medium (i.e., technological tools and resources, such as whiteboards, hand-held devices, blogs, chat boards) that made a difference in learning, stating that instructional media are “mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers our groceries causes changes in our nutrition
  • there was no proof to show that a medium was capable of ensuring that pupils and students could learn more or more effectively. He saw the medium as a means, a vehicle for instruction, but that the essence of learning remained—thankfully—in the hands of the teacher
  • it is not the medium that decides how effectively learners learn
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  • the effectiveness of learning is determined primarily by the way the medium is used and by the quality of the instruction accompanying that use
  • The crucial factor for learning improvement is to make sure that you do not replace the teacher as the instrument of instruction, allowing computers to do what teachers would normally do, but instead use computers to supplement and amplify what the teacher does
  • the use of both e-learning and contact education—which is known as blended learning—produces better results than lessons given without technolog
  • the medium does not influence the learning
  • the medium seldom influences teaching, learning, and education, nor is it likely that one single medium will ever be the best one for all situations
    • Sean McHugh
      But 'ordinary real life is mediated by computers! I'm still only in classrooms where the myth that this is not true still persists! 
  • students do not naturally make extensive use of many of the newest technologies, such as blogs, wikis, and virtual worlds
  • the main reasons young people use technology. These reasons are mainly social
  • Digital natives! Whenever the question of digital innovation in education is discussed, this is a term that immediately comes to the surface. But it should be avoided. Even the person who coined the term digital natives, Marc Prensky, admitted in his most recent book, Brain Gain, that the term is now obsolete.2
  • Prensky’s coining of this term—and its counterpart for people who are not digitally native—was not based on research into this generation, but rather created by rationalizing phenomena that he had observed
  • The students use a large quantity and variety of technologies for communicating, learning, staying connected with their friends, and engaging with the world around them. But they are using them primarily for “personal empowerment and entertainment
  • university students do not really have a deep knowledge of technology, and what knowledge they do have is often limited to basic Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), emailing, text messaging, Facebook, and surfing the Internet
  • There is simply no experimental evidence to show that living with new technologies fundamentally changes brain organization in a way that affects one’s ability to focus. Of course, the brain changes any time we form a memory or learn a new skill, but new skills build on our existing capacities without fundamentally changing them. We will no more lose our ability to pay attention than we will lose our ability to listen, see or speak.
  • Note that many of these studies examined the influence of television rather than the influence of interactive technology, such as smartphones and social media
  • when people think that young people today read less, it’s not about reading online content or text messages, it’s about reading book
  • young people are still doing a lot of reading, and these statistics make clear that many of them are reading for pleasure. However, we need to be careful about making too many sweeping assertions, since the reading figures in many countries are falling. Even so, we know that reading continues to be important: both reading by young people themselves and parents reading to their childre
Sean McHugh

Nir Eyal on how to beat tech addiction: 'We need a new skill set' | Technology | The Gu... - 0 views

  • we need to stop using the word “addicted” when it comes to technology – because most of us aren’t addicted at all; we’re just guilty of overuse
  • It’s amazing, he adds, that people don’t see that the alarm around tech is just a repeat of a very old storyline. “In the 1950s, fearmongers were saying the exact same thing about comic books, literally verbatim: it’s reducing kids’ attention spans; it’s causing them to commit suicide; it’s leading to mental health issues.” Distraction, he stresses, is an age-old problem that is far bigger than technology
  • If we want to avoid distraction, we can’t just throw our phones away or go on a digital detox; we need to deal with the psychological reasons we’re looking for distraction in the first place
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  • stop blaming technology for your personal failings and start blaming yourself
  • the fact we’re all carrying smartphones means that “distraction is easier than ever to find”. But he stresses that “This doesn’t mean we’re powerless – it means we need a new skill set
  • There are only three reasons for a distraction,” he adds. “An internal trigger, an external trigger or a planning problem
  • Eyal calls email the “mother of all habit-forming products”, one of several technologies he refers to in the book as “slot machines”. The uncertainty of what’s in our inbox means we’re constantly checking it, but most email is a complete waste of time.
  • but it takes me for ever to figure out how to label my emails
  • “hack back” my iPhone by adjusting my notification settings, reducing “external triggers” from apps.
  • The route to a healthier relationship with technology isn’t necessarily going cold turkey; it’s learning moderation and good habits.
Sean McHugh

Tynker - 0 views

    "Tynker is a new computing platform designed specifically to teach children computational thinking and programming skills in a fun and imaginative way. The cloud hosted system is now available to teachers, schools and districts."
Sean McHugh

Video Games and Social Emotional Learning | User Generated Education - 0 views

    "Video and online games can promote SEL skills and as such, should be integrated into classroom instruction."
Sean McHugh

Parenting for a Digital Future - Media literacy - everyone's favourite solution to t... - 0 views

  • Media Literacy … provides a framework to access, analyze, evaluate, create and participate with messages in a variety of forms — from print to video to the Internet.
  • The more that the media mediate everything in society – work, education, information, civic participation, social relationships and more – the more vital it is that people are informed about and critically able to judge what’s useful or misleading, how they are regulated, when media can be trusted, and what commercial or political interests are at stake. In short, media literacy is needed not only to engage with the media but to engage with society through the media.
  • any media literacy strategy requires sustained attention, resources and commitment
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  • let’s get media literacy firmly embedded in the school curriculum
  • it might be wise to calculate the cost also – to individuals, to society – of not promoting media literacy, of having a population with insufficient critical knowledge to manage its digital safety, security, privacy, civic and health information needs or consumer rights.
  • it is commonly said that media literacy is, at heart, critical thinking (demand evidence, question sources, analyse claims, consider what’s at stake for whom, etc.) and, therefore, should be taught right across the curriculum from history to science or English
  • In order to enable citizens to access information, to exercise informed choices, evaluate media contexts, use, critically assess and create media content responsibly, they need advanced media literacy skills.
  • Media literacy should not be limited to learning about tools and technologies, but should aim to equip individuals with the critical thinking skills required to exercise judgement, analyse complex realities, recognise the difference between opinions and facts, and resist all forms of hate speech
  • Work to get media literacy firmly embedded as compulsory in the school curriculum.
  • Media education is a long term solution – it takes thought-through pedagogical strategies and years of teaching, not a one-shot campaign
Sean McHugh

Thinking Critically About Critical Thinking - Quillette - 0 views

  • critical thinking is not a skill that can be improved through practice—like a golf swing—nor is it a “general” capability. Instead, it is an abstract description of what humans can do as a result amassing a wealth of underpinning knowledge and skills relevant to the particular context in which thinking is to be deployed
  • young children are capable of thinking critically about subjects they know a great deal about, whereas trained scientists can fail to think critically in areas where they are less knowledgeable
  • not all knowledge is created equal. We need to differentiate between knowledge and information. Much of the information stored on the Internet is pictures of kittens or videos of people singing sea shanties. This can keep increasing exponentially without any need for school children to become acquainted with it
Sean McHugh

Why video games shouldn't freak parents out | - 0 views

  • kids really do not like educational games; in fact, they hate them. And as I watched more kids play video games, I realized Sid was 100% correct. If given a choice between a game designed with a learning goal or a commercial game designed for fun, kids’ll choose fun every time.
  • when we reject the games that boys play, the games are merely a proxy for the boys themselves.We reject games because they’re violent, individualistic, competitive, engrossing and largely foreign to us as teachers, parents, leaders, adults. And these are the precise characteristics of boys that we reject when we enforce zero tolerance policies
  • We don’t have specific limits, because their lives are full of other things that are equally as fun and engaging for them. So, yes, it’s OK for your child to game, as long as they do it in a careful, balanced and sustained way (yes, sustained: deep engagement, grit, perseverance and other good skills are not built by grazing). Valuing their gaming activities amounts to respecting them and their culture
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  • competitive, violent fantasy games contribute to the development of strong future leaders and citizens.
    For years, I'd been making the case that we should borrow from the games kids love to create new kinds of educational games. But after that one memorable lunch, I realized that we didn't need to co-opt the mechanics of gaming at all. We could - and should - use the games that kids were already playing, the immersive, sometimes violent games that hold boys and girls enraptured for hours in a state of flow and focus.
Sean McHugh

Video Games Are The Perfect Way To Teach Math, Says Stanford Mathematician - Forbes - 0 views

  • the ability for a game to teach multiple skills simultaneously
  • does not build video games to ‘teach mathematics.’ Rather, we build instruments which you can play, and we design them so that when you play them, you cannot fail to learn about mathematics. Moreover, each single game can be used to deliver mathematical challenges of increasing sophistication.
  • I love the instrument analogy because I’m often explaining to my students why the Ancient Greeks saw math and music as part of the same realm–that area of experience that belonged to the god Apollo. Of course, the relationship has to do with intervals. But both math and music are also related to Apollo’s other domains, such as light, prophecy, healing, etc. The connection has been hard to understand from the rigidly measured viewpoint that has dominated Western thinking since Nietzsche inadvertently cemented the Apollonian into strict opposition with the Dionysian in The Birth Of Tragedy.
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  • Everything about school and work in the twentieth century was designed to create and reinforce separate subjects, separate cultures, separate grades, separate functions, separate spaces for personal life, work, private life, public life, and all the other divisions. Then the internet came along. Now work increasingly means desktop computer. Fifteen years into the digital revolution, one machine has reconnected the very things–personal life, social life, work life, and even sexual life–that we’d spent the last hundred years putting into neatly separated categories, cordoned off in their separate spaces with as little overlap as possible.
Sean McHugh

The Overselling of Ed Tech - Alfie Kohn - 0 views

    • Sean McHugh
      Classic RAT practices 
  • these are examples of how technology may make the process a bit more efficient or less dreary but does nothing to challenge the outdated pedagogy. To the contrary: These are shiny things that distract us from rethinking our approach to learning and reassure us that we’re already being innovative
  • The first involves adjusting the difficulty level of prefabricated skills-based exercises based on students’ test scores, and it requires the purchase of software. The second involves working with each student to create projects of intellectual discovery that reflect his or her unique needs and interests, and it requires the presence of a caring teacher who knows each child well
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  • teachers are far more likely to use tech to make their own jobs easier and to supplement traditional instructional strategies than to put students in control of their own learning
  • even if ed tech were adopted as thoughtfully as its proponents claim, we’re still left with deep reasons to be concerned about the outmoded model of teaching that it helps to preserve — or at least fails to help us move beyond
    • Sean McHugh
      Which means is why tech without coaches who adopt a pedagogical stance is pointless. 
Sean McHugh

Three problems with the debate around screen time - 0 views

  • it increasingly feels as though scientific evidence has become a casualty in the process.
  • the factors which underlie why the public discourse around technology is so dysfunctional
  • these factors aren’t just focused on debates around the effects of technology – they speak to wider debates around science and evidence-based policy
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  • Academics, public servants and other stakeholders alike need to recognise that plugging in a few terms of interest into a search engine will give an inherently skewed view of the actual state of the field
  • Academics, public servants and other stakeholders alike need to recognise that plugging in a few terms of interest into a search engine will give an inherently skewed view of the actual state of the field
  • Google does not sort search output by quality; it ranks search input by popularity.
  • Very recent evidence, that might use much better quality data or methods but that has not received much coverage, will not be featured. Yet one piece of high quality evidence might be worth 500 pieces of low quality evidence that populate the search output.
  • In 21st century life, finding evidence is not the most important skill anymore. Instead, it is recognising which evidence should be considered and which should be ignored, based on objective markers of quality.
  • Until this is addressed, moral entrepreneurs and doomsayers will dominate discourse with dire yet never fully substantiated claims
  • we need to be wary of any question which frames screen time as a simple number – questions like ‘how much screen time we should be engaging in?’, or ‘should we impose limits or bans on screen use?’ oversimplify a very complex concept to the point of becoming meaningless.
Sean McHugh

The Surprising, Research-Backed Benefits of Active Screen Time - 0 views

  • How about nine
    • Sean McHugh
      Outside of work? How is that possible? Get home from school at 4, bed at 9, even at that impractical extreme it's 5 hours, not allowing for meal time?
  • teens today are spending an average of nine hours a day online,
    • Sean McHugh
      Just like their parents; why is this key point so often overlooked?
  • sedentary screen time
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  • there is a very fine line between passive screen time, defined as when a child passively consumes digital content with no thought, creativity or interaction required to progress, and active screen time, which involves cognitive thought and/or physical engagement.
  • so vital for us to change how kids are using their computers and phones
    • Sean McHugh
      Again, only focused on kids, but if parents don't do likewise, how do they think they will have an effect?
  • As long as we ensure that our kids are actively using their screens, we can most likely avoid the problems that come with passive screen use
  • watching TV or videos
    • Sean McHugh
      What about the learning this offers? Specifically knowledge acquisition? Especially if that knowledge leads to hands on activity, like when kids use 'how to' videos?
  • learning a new skill like coding games or websites, creating music, writing and publishing stories or poetry
    • Sean McHugh
      Can you imagine many/and parents doing this? If they won't, how will they encourage their kids to do so?
Sean McHugh

Computer-supported collaborative learning - Best Evidence in Brief - 0 views

  • The use of computers, when combined with collaborative learning, positively affected: Knowledge gain (+0.45) Skill acquisition (+0.53) Pupil perceptions (+0.51) Group task performance (+0.89) Social interaction (+0.57) Lastly, extra technology-related learning tools during CSCL positively affected knowledge gain (+0.55), as did the use of strategies (+0.38).
    Aa meta-analysis on the effects of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL).
Sean McHugh

Is There a Healthy Way for Students to Use Social Media? | Greater Good Magazine - 0 views

  • we might be overlooking the “educational and psychological benefits of using social media sites,” such as developing critical thinking and perspective-taking skills
  • parents and educators have been led to demonize what could simply be an evolving means of social connection
  • a constant stream of interruptions
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  • we are probably all struggling to balance what our devices make possible with what they seem to impose on our attention spans and the rest of our health. Yet, for children, this difficulty is more acute because their bodies and brains are still developing.
  • heighten awareness of our multi-generational love of screens and encourage kids and parents to face it together.
  • None of us know the full extent of how our digital dependence is affecting us, or how it will affect the youngest generations growing up today. The least we can do is look up every now and then to ask each other how we’re doing, and how we can do better
  • they’re not alone in this struggle to practice what they preach
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