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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Philip Pulley

Philip Pulley

MentorMob: What's On Your Learning Playlist? | MentorMob Blog - 53 views

    • Philip Pulley
      Great new collaboration tool for students and much more 21st Century
  • A few months ago, I discovered MentorMob (MM), which allows any user to create “Learning Playlists” to share or open up to other fellow learners who might want to add or edit the content in the playlist. The end product is the ultimate learning tool for students, especially when the playlist is populated with high-quality content, including visual, audio and interactive elements
    Explains playlists on MentorMob blog, how to create and use them.
Philip Pulley

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Facebook Friending 101 for Schools - 45 views

    • Philip Pulley
      How circles of friends work.
  • How does this impact Teachers?
    Facebook information for teachers and schools
Philip Pulley

To Flip or Not to Flip | Flipped Learning - 73 views

    • Philip Pulley
      Planning to do this with history classes fro overview information but not in a chronological manner.
    • Philip Pulley
      Plan to use with the URQs for students to do more of the work for tracking down additional information and making connections collaboratively.
Philip Pulley

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: A New Workflow for Me: Ipad, Keyboard, iPhone - 1 views

    • Philip Pulley
      Using Splashtop streamer at school, it both computer (laptop) and iPad are on the same wireless network you can control the computer from your iPad. If a hard wired internet connection on a desktop you can access it though your Google account.
  • I finished this post on my PC in the office because the Zemanta plug in
    • Philip Pulley
      A blogging tag tool, I need to check it out down the road when I am blogging more.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • and used the PowerTeacher
    Blog with resource information for iPad, iPhone and iPad keyboard.
Philip Pulley

How Free and Open Technologies Benefit the Affluent - EdTech Researcher - Education Week - 1 views

    • Philip Pulley
      Like Outliers, the affluent students and schools have more hours of practice and the low-income schools can't catch up.
    • Philip Pulley
      I hope that isn't used as a reason NOT to get those resources to lower performing schools. Stop spending money on knowledge level testing and start funding poor schools so that the "Playing Field" becomes somewhat more level than the steep slope it actually is.
  • I hope that isn't used as a reason NOT to get those resources to lower performing schools. Stop spending money on knowledge level testing and start funding poor schools so that the "Playing Field" becomes somewhat more level than the steep slope it actually is
Philip Pulley

Report Sets K-12 Broadband Goals for 2014-15 - Digital Education - Education Week - 0 views

    • Philip Pulley
      We have talked about providing WiFi access to students/parents at home that do not have it.
    • Philip Pulley
      We are upgrading with fiber optic line to one of our district towns next year, and to all by the year after.
Philip Pulley

Education Week: School Administrators Seen to Embrace New Digital Devices - 1 views

    • Philip Pulley
      Ours use them, often school provided/paid for. We will be in the top 15% next year by providing laptops?
    • Philip Pulley
      Or do we the administrators get the best "toys" first. Shouldn't these be in the hands of the teachers to make changes in how they teach so that the learning experiences can be improved FOR THE STUDENTS?
    High tech use by administrators, more than general public.
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