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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kate Pok

Kate Pok

I Need Help! « W. Scott Cheney - 2 views

    great discussion about e-grading processes...
Kate Pok

Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online - 29 views

    Text to Mind Map converter: Convert your text or list of keywords to a mind map instantly. The text 2 mind map converter makes a mind map out of your bullet list. Also known as Text-2-mind-map converter or, shortly, Text2Mindmap.
Kate Pok

On Capitalizing "Mom" and "Dad" and "Graet-Aunt Betty" - 9 views

    Finally, a clear explanation of how to capitalize titles and kinship terms!
Kate Pok

Modeling | University Writing Center - 46 views

  • When you come across an example of student writing that is particularly well-written, you can share it with other students. However, avoid using negative examples, as most students will hesitate to give permission if they know you plan to use student writing to exemplify poor writing–and not telling them of your intent would be unfair. Furthermore, students will learn as much from positive as from negative analysis. No piece of writing, your own included, is so perfect that constructive criticism cannot be aimed at it. It’s best to ask all students to sign a release form at the beginning of the semester granting permission to use their work for teaching purposes. Note that if you wish to quote their work in an article on teaching, you’ll need specific permission.
  • It’s not enough simply to show models. Students need to work with models and discuss them to be able to transfer their abstract understanding of the model’s features into their own writing. While you can lecture on the qualities you endorse or admire, it is far more effective to engage students actively in evaluation and analysis through class discussion and peer response groups.
  • If you do decide to use a student’s paper as a model, you should have him or her sign a Student Contract.
Kate Pok

Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students -- Campus Technology - 15 views

    article on blogging
Kate Pok

Twitter Does Not Always Work As A Class Requirement - 80 views

  • Twitter Does Not Always Work As A Class Requirement
    nice assessment of using twitter in a classroom
Kate Pok

OWS's Beef: Wall Street Isn't Winning It's Cheating | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone - 0 views

  • Just recently, the French and Belgian authorities cooked up a massive bailout of the French bank Dexia, whose biggest trading partners included, surprise, surprise, Goldman, Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Here's how the New York Times explained the bailout: To limit damage from Dexia’s collapse, the bailout fashioned by the French and Belgian governments may make these banks and other creditors whole — that is, paid in full for potentially tens of billions of euros they are owed. This would enable Dexia’s creditors and trading partners to avoid losses they might otherwise suffer... When was the last time the government stepped into help you "avoid losses you might otherwise suffer?" But that's the reality we live in. When Joe Homeowner bought too much house, essentially betting that home prices would go up, and losing his bet when they dropped, he was an irresponsible putz who shouldn’t whine about being put on the street. But when banks bet billions on a firm like AIG that was heavily invested in mortgages, they were making the same bet that Joe Homeowner made, leaving themselves hugely exposed to a sudden drop in home prices. But instead of being asked to "suck it in and cope" when that bet failed, the banks instead went straight to Washington for a bailout -- and got it.
Kate Pok

Baby Baiting | The Nation - 0 views

  • Like the slur "anchor baby" itself, each of these claims is a fallacy. Far from "anchoring" their parents to US soil, many children born to undocumented immigrants are seeing them be deported. And for all the rhetoric spewed by the right about the need for tough new legislation to combat the immigrant "invasion," laws governing immigration to the United States have gotten more restrictive in the past fifteen years. Today, a citizen must be 21 in order to sponsor the green card application of a parent or an immediate relative. The applicant must then show documentation proving that he or she has not been in the United States unlawfully for more than one year. Barring such proof—the primary obstacle most immigrants face—the parent must return to the country of origin for ten years before being allowed to lawfully re-enter the United States and resume the application process. This is commonly referred to as the "touchback rule," explains María Blanco, director of the Earl Warren Institute at the UC, Berkeley, School of Law, and it is among the most insurmountable restrictions placed on the legal naturalization process in the name of "immigration reform" passed in 1996.
Kate Pok

Guidelines for Note-Taking - 15 views

started by Kate Pok on 07 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
  • Kate Pok
    Guidelines for Note-Taking
    1. Concentrate on the lecture or on the reading material. 
    2. Take notes consistently. 
    3. Take notes selectively. Do NOT try to write down every word. Remember that the average 
    lecturer speaks approximately 125-140 words per minute, and the average note-taker 
    writes at a rate of about 25 words per minute. 
    4. Translate ideas into your own words. 
    5. Organize notes into some sort of logical form. 
    6. Be brief. Write down only the major points and important information. 
    7. Write legibly. Notes are useless if you cannot read them later! 
    8. Don't be concerned with spelling and grammar. 
Kate Pok

Collecting, Annotating and Redistributing Student Work using an iPad, GoodReader, Dropb... - 129 views

    • Kate Pok
      Google docs and rubrics vs. annotating in iPad- now set comments in the rubric, I can quickly mark it up and send it back to students...I would have to do all the markups by hand in iPad. Advantage in iPad of course is that it's portable.
Kate Pok

Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class -- via Twitter - Wired Campus ... - 1 views

  • He replied that his hope is that the second layer of conversation will disrupt the old classroom model and allow new kinds of teaching in which students play a greater role and information is pulled in from outside the classroom walls. “I’m not a full-time faculty member,” he said. “I use my classrooms as an applied-research lab to decide what to promote as new solutions for our campus.”
Kate Pok

Calendar Software - 7 views

    Interesting calendar and task software
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