At Google, we support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand
the frontiers of human knowledge. That’s why we’ve assembled the information and
tools you’ll find on this
As you build your lesson plan, tag each resource by unit or by
week, highlight passages you want to draw students' attention to, and add your
own notes to guide them. You can also 'chain' resources by simply adding a link
to the next page at the bottom of each note. Diigo's flexibility gives you
freedom to use just the structure that is right for your needs and the needs of
your classes.
Keep up with changes, and always offer your students the latest,
most accurate information. By finding frequently updated academic or educational
sites on the Web, you can provide them with the most current and relevant
material. All you need to do is delete links that have become useless, add the
new ones you want, and when you extract the entire topic everything will be up
to date.
Share anything you find with a colleague, including your highlights
and notes, even if they don't use Diigo. Simply use the Forward feature,
and Diigo will send anyone you choose a link to the original page along with the
text you highlighted, your notes, and any comments you choose to add. All with
no cutting, pasting, or going to another window to compose an e-mail.