Here are a few other specific things that teachers can do to create an environment that nurtures learning instead of stifling it:
Contents contributed and discussions participated by C CC
12 Expert Twitter Tips for the Classroom: Social Networking Classroom Activities That E... - 51 views
Online Audio Editor -'s Myna# - 37 views
Gazette » 50 Web Applications for Teachers - 104 views
Ahead - Playground for creative minds - 86 views
How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class | Edutopia - 0 views
How to Keep Kids Engaged in Class When students let their minds drift off, they're losing valuable learning time. Here are ten smart ways to increase classroom participation.
One in four boys fails writing test for seven-year-old pupils - Education News, Educati... - 0 views
Girls swept the board in national curriculum tests for seven-year-olds, beating boys in every paper – reading, writing, speaking and listening, maths and science. The biggest gap was in writing, where one in four boys failed to reach the standard expected, compared with just 13 per cent of girls.
I find it a very sad state of affairs in the UK that this article constitutes a story. It has been widely acknowledged amongst child developmentalists that there is going to be a gulf between the sexes at such an age due to the internal developments taking place. Although testing is 'voluntary' in the UK, it is clearly still widespread to accountability purposes. We are talking about 7-year-olds here. What is disappointing also, is the fact further on in the article that a politician sees this as capital to attack the government, rather than the whole 'testing' regime for 7 year olds.
Colport Teaching - 0 views
A Better Idea for Improving Teaching « Education On The Plate - 0 views
Any Elementary Teachers using Diigo? - 101 views
BigHugeLabs: Do fun stuff with your photos - 7 views
Become a pop icon! Inspired by Warhol's famous paintings of Marilyn Monroe.
Make your own magazine cover! Be a superstar! Prove to your friends how famous you really are!
Make your own customized movie poster. You choose the photo, titles, and credits. Be a star!
D4LC - Drama for Learning and Creativity - 0 views
Space Hangman with Alpha the Alien - 0 views
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