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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ann Darling

Ann Darling

movingforward - Education Blogs by Discipline - 59 views

    RT @web20classroom: List Of Education Blogs By Discipline: #edchat #eltchat #education #edtech #mlearning #elearning
Ann Darling

web20classroom: Setting Up Student Blogs - 97 views

    how to set up blogs for younger students, valid info for older ones too
Ann Darling

BBC - A History of the World - 54 views

    art history, design etc great interactive website, really cool
Ann Darling

Teaching Strategies | AEA 267 Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment - 55 views

    30 teaching strategies pdf and word
Ann Darling - 46 views

    free clip art for classrooms
Ann Darling

Artsonia: More Than Just An Online Art Gallery : The Teaching Palette - 68 views

    Blog post for artsonia
Ann Darling

100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School | Online Colleges - 199 views

    huge list of google stuff, absolutely amazing
Ann Darling

NAEP Gets It One-Third Right -- THE Journal - 15 views

  • gets, the more the debate will stir and positive things can come of all this.
  • 9 Gail Desler California I look forward to following this discussion! Currently many school districts have the same keyboarding + MS Office requirement for tech proficiency shared above by Interested Parent. I think to continue with that model well into the 21st century is really the train wreck waiting to happen. I've read through the NAEP draft. as well as some of their referenced documents from ISTE, DOT , and the DOT 1stcentdefinition and am hopeful that the NAEP framework will promote the integration of technology literacy across the curriculum. Thanks for starting the conversation.
  • Wed, Sep 9, 2009 Dick Schutz The framework defines technology as "any modification of the natural or designed world done to fulfill human needs or desires." I can't think of any human action that wouldn't fall under that definition The definition of technological literacy is "the capacity to use, understand, and evaluate technology as well as to apply concepts and processes to solve problems and reach one’s goals. It encompasses the three areas of Technology and Society, Design and Systems, and Information and Communications Technology." That's pretty much universal expertise. This is to be measured with a 50 minute test starting at Grade 4. The specs for the tests at Grades 8 and 12 merely get more detailed and more abstract. By the time this gets run through the Item Response Theory wringer we'll have results that are sensitive to racial/SES differences but not to instructional differences. I'll look forward to your forthcoming explanations of how this came to happen.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The problem? Namely, this: With no established federal definition of technological literacy, most states have chosen to follow the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) established by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and to create their curricula and assessments accordingly.
  • gical literacy that is very different from anything any state or No Child Left Behind (NCLB) envisioned. From the draft document: "In recent decades the meaning of technological literacy has taken on three quite different… forms in the United States. These are the science, technology, and society approach, the technology education approach, and the information and communications technology approach. In recognition of the importance, educational value, and interdependence of these three approaches, this framework includes all three under its broad definition of technological literacy."
  • Geoffrey H. Fletcher is the editorial director of 1105 Media's Education Group. He can be reached at Comments
Ann Darling

Whole Brain Teaching : The Teaching Palette - 39 views

    classroom management for art or other activities
Ann Darling

Adobe - Education: Digital School Collection teacher resources - 1 views

    visual dictionaries, idioms, uses photoshop elements but can be adapted to wiki
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