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ac 1360

第一課:譬喻(比喻)修辭 - 2 views

shared by ac 1360 on 02 Dec 09 - No Cached
Laura Dell

ESPN En Español - 1 views

    Deportes en español
Michelle Kassorla

A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. - 27 views

    A curated list of awesome C/C++ frameworks, libraAwesome C/C++ Standard Libraries Frameworks Artificial Intelligence Asynchronous Event Loop Audio Biology Compression Concurrency Containers Cryptography
Monica Williams-Mitchell

Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Five Questions to Ask ... - 29 views

  • Daniel Pink observed, traditionally neglected talents, which he refers to as Right-brained directed skills, including design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning, will become more valuable (Pink, 2006).
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      YES! We need to address these things. I don't see them as incompatible w CC, however.
  • international assessments such as PISA and TIMSS, which are mostly left-brained cognitive skills.
  • Common Core does not include an element to prepare the future generations to live in this globalized world and interact with people from different cultures.
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      But does that simple fact prevent us from addressing this? I think not.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Common Core, by forcing children to master the same curriculum, essentially discriminates against talents that are not consistent with their prescribed knowledge and skills.
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      Is this any different from the current situation? Is this author arguing that we should not have common standards, or that we should maintain our current status quo of a patchwork of test-driven standards?
  • A well organized, tightly controlled, and well-executed education system can transmit the prescribed content much more effectively than one that is less organized, loosely monitored, and less unified. In the meantime, the latter allows for exceptions with more room for individual exploration and experimentation
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      I think the problem lies in seeing this as an either-or question. Any system that relies solely on testing as the measure of success is short-sighted and archaic. Having no identified common ground puts at risk the learners who most need a firm starting point. To say that the current system allows "more room for individual exploration and experimentation" is naive at best and disingenuous at worst. Where in test-crazed American schools do you see this happening??
    A provocative article by Yong Zhao on CCSS and reflective questions we ought to as ourselves.
Todd Finley

Metagifted Education Resource Organization: Critical Thinking - 2 views

  • Criticial Thinking Org Center for Critical Thinking Library for K-12 Educators Tactical and Structural Recommendations for bringing critical thinking into the K-12 classroom - Excellent ideas for teachers!!! Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Project Mission Critical page San Jose University's Critical Thinking Web Page Logical Arguments A Brief History in the Idea of Critical Thinking Google.Com Search on "Bloom's Taxonomy" Google.Com Search on "Critical Thinking" Links to General info about Critical Thinking on
Kent Gerber

What the Web Said Yesterday - The New Yorker - 42 views

  • average life of a Web page is about a hundred days
    • Kent Gerber
      Where does this statistic come from?
  • Twitter is a rare case: it has arranged to archive all of its tweets at the Library of Congress.
  • Sometimes when you try to visit a Web page what you see is an error message: “Page Not Found.” This is known as “link rot,”
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Or maybe the page has been moved and something else is where it used to be. This is known as “content drift,”
  • For the law and for the courts, link rot and content drift, which are collectively known as “reference rot,” have been disastrous.
  • According to a 2014 study conducted at Harvard Law School, “more than 70% of the URLs within the Harvard Law Review and other journals, and 50% of the URLs within United States Supreme Court opinions, do not link to the originally cited information.”
  • one in five links provided in the notes suffers from reference rot
  • 1961, in Cambridge, J. C. R. Licklider, a scientist at the technology firm Bolt, Beranek and Newman, began a two-year study on the future of the library, funded by the Ford Foundation and aided by a team of researchers that included Marvin Minsky, at M.I.T.
  • Licklider envisioned a library in which computers would replace books and form a “network in which every element of the fund of knowledge is connected to every other element.”
  • Licklider’s two-hundred-page Ford Foundation report, “Libraries of the Future,” was published in 1965.
  • Kahle enrolled at M.I.T. in 1978. He studied computer science and engineering with Minsky.
  • Vint Cerf, who worked on ARPAnet in the seventies, and now holds the title of Chief Internet Evangelist at Google, has started talking about what he sees as a need for “digital vellum”: long-term storage. “I worry that the twenty-first century will become an informational black hole,” Cerf e-mailed me. But Kahle has been worried about this problem all along.
  • The Internet Archive is also stocked with Web pages that are chosen by librarians, specialists like Anatol Shmelev, collecting in subject areas, through a service called Archive It, at, which also allows individuals and institutions to build their own archives.
  • Illien told me that, when faced with Kahle’s proposal, “national libraries decided they could not rely on a third party,” even a nonprofit, “for such a fundamental heritage and preservation mission.”
  • screenshots from Web archives have held up in court, repeatedly.
  • has already been adopted by law reviews and state courts; it’s only a matter of time before it’s universally adopted as the standard in legal, scientific, and scholarly citation.
  • It’s not possible to go back in time and rewrite the HTTP protocol, but Van de Sompel’s work involves adding to it. He and Michael Nelson are part of the team behind Memento, a protocol that you can use on Google Chrome as a Web extension, so that you can navigate from site to site, and from time to time. He told me, “Memento allows you to say, ‘I don’t want to see this link where it points me to today; I want to see it around the time that this page was written, for example.’ ”
    Profile of the Internet Archive and the Wayback Machine.
Glenn Hervieux

The new way to create flipped video in 60 seconds without adding software (using Office... - 83 views

    Nice step by step tutorial with screenshots on how to use Office Mix to easily create videos.
    This is really nice, however, one must be careful that the video created is ADA compliant. Written transcripts and/or CC must always be made available. Our institution, as well as others that I am aware of, will not allow faculty to use anything that ADA compliant.

Welcome to Discovery Education Player - 2 views

    Video Segment about Christopher Columbus
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