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Rachel H

Dell - Healthy Internet Habits | Dell - 0 views

  • Talk About It Talk with your kids about the Internet, and encourage them to see it as a shared, open environment in which they have social responsibilities just as they would in any physical environment.With open discussion, you can set expectations about the behavior you expect from them, curb negativity and discourage behaviors such as secrecy, boundary-pushing or thrill-seeking. You can also emphasize that online safety is something you care about and will continue to examine.Keep in mind: Enjoy the Internet along with your children, and discuss the ways in which it brings value into your lives.Stay open to your kids' questions, and encourage them to share their Internet experiences with you without fear of punishment about what they read, see or experience.Discuss how to safely interact online with others, why kids should stay away from certain types of content and individuals, and that Internet rules are there to protect kids. Teach children to trust their instincts, and to come to you if something or someone online makes them feel uncomfortable or threatened. Stay calm and remind them that they are not in trouble for bringing issues to your attention. Praise their discretion.As kids get older, keep family communications about the Internet as open and positive as you can. Talk with your kids about their online friends and activities just as you would talk about other friends and activities.
  • Set Rules for Internet Use Lay out rules for Internet use, setting clear expectations for your kids' online habits. A good set of rules should include things like the amount of time kids are allowed to be online, what types of content are appropriate and who it's okay to chat with as well as proper online conduct and good Internet citizenship.Keep in mind: The most successful rules are those that are created collaboratively. Work with your kids to draw up an online family safety contract that the whole family can agree to and sign. Discuss the rules frequently. Remind them that the rules are in place to protect your family, and that strictly maintaining privacy online can lower the risk of being targeted by online predators. Tell kids that following the rules and keeping communications open will allow them to gain freedoms as they get older. Let them know that you will reevaluate the rules over time. You can reinforce the rules you set by enabling restrictions on your PC. Windows Live Family Safety lets you set parameters that can limit Internet searches, monitor and filter specific websites, receive detailed activity reports of your child’s online activities, and let you be in control of who your child can communicate with in Windows Live Spaces, Messenger, or Hotmail1.
  • Balance Time Online Maintaining a balance between entertainment and other activities in kids' lives can be a serious challenge. The Internet has made it even more difficult, as the lines between entertainment and education are often blurred. Modeling a healthy balance between your online and offline activities is a great way to encourage children to do the same.Keep in mind: Enforce rules about the amount of time your kids may spend online, and the hours they are allowed to go online. Help your kids develop self-control, discipline and accountability regarding Internet use. Use parental controls in Windows 7 to limit PC time. Set up individual user accounts to determine how much computer time children have and what hours of the day they are allowed to use the PC, as well as which programs and games they can access.Encourage and support their participation in other activities — particularly physical pastimes with other children. If your child is reluctant, look for offline activities that tap into the same interests your kids pursue online. Watch for signs of Internet dependency. If Internet use seems excessive or begins to affect your child's school performance, health or relationships, consider professional counseling for Internet addiction.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion Let's face it: There's a lot of content on the Internet that isn't helpful or reliable. While more online fact checking happens today than previously, the ability of nearly anyone to offer opinions or build Web sites can make the Internet a confusing place for young people.Teach your kids how the Internet works, and encourage critical thinking. Train them to use a variety of online resources and to always check, question and verify what they see online. Ultimately, these skills can help your kids avoid bad situations and individuals — such as online predators — that may seek to mislead or trick Internet users. Keep in mind: Start young. Even preschool students use the Internet to look up information. Teach them early to distinguish fact from opinion, and discuss ways to recognize bias, propaganda and stereotyping.Challenge your kids to evaluate what they see online by asking: What is the purpose of this site? To entertain? To sell? Does it provide the author’s contact information or an "About Us" section? Does a company or an individual person sponsor it? Is it a public conversation? Finally, challenge them to consider whether the Internet is the best place to find the information they need.Discuss racism and other forms of hatred with your kids. Software filters can help block hateful material, but critical thinking and an awareness of history and world events can help children recognize more subtle biases.
  • Keep Personal Facts Private Online privacy is vital to your family's safety. Ensuring that your kids communicate online only with people known to them and your family can help limit their contact with unsavory elements. Still, as kids grow older, they are bound to make new friends online. As your kids grow into middle and high school, the most recent research shows that the greatest threat to their safety is actually from people in their own age group, or slightly older.Keep in mind: Ensure that children keep facts such as their real name, age, gender and location private. Discuss how details in photographs can reveal more information to would-be predators than your child intends.Many kids routinely visit social networks and blogs where they may post pictures, make comments and write personal entries. Insist that your kids keep personal information private and that they think twice before joining location-based peer groups that may give away information on their whereabouts.Ensure that your kids understand the risks involved in making private or personal information public online. Keep an open dialogue about the people they come into contact with online. Discuss and evaluate online relationships as you would any other relationships in your child’s life. In this section, we covered some basic knowledge all parents should keep in mind when their children are online. Impress upon your kids the seriousness of online safety concerns, while making sure to keep the lines of communication open and non-judgmental. In the next section, we’ll look at ways to ensure your family’s privacy online isn’t compromised.
    healthy habits for online
Molly S

Global Competence Definition | Asia Society - 0 views

  • What is Global Competence? Help us better define global competence. Send in your students' work. Be a part of a ground-breaking effort to assess student global competence. We are collecting samples of work that demonstrate student global knowledge and skills at various developmental levels. Once the work is published, it will help teachers strengthen instruction and better evaluate student work and provide examples for students to help them strive for greater achievement. With each submission, you will be entered into a regular drawing for $500 Staples gift certificates. Learn more and get involved (PDF download). A globally competent student can Investigate the World Recognize Perspectives Communicate Ideas Take Action Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Students recognize their own and others’ perspective. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. Students can: Generate and explain the significance of locally, regionally or globally focused researchable questions. Identify, collect and analyze the knowledge and evidence required to answer questions using a variety of international sources, media and languages. Weigh, integrate and synthesize evidence collected to construct coherent responses that is appropriate to the context of issues or problems. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Students can: Recognize and articulate one’s own perspective on situations, events, issues or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. Articulate and explain perspectives of other people, groups or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Explain how the interaction of ideas across cultures influences the development of knowledge and situations, events, issues or phenomena. Articulate how the consequences of differential access to knowledge, technology and resources affect the quality of life and influences perspectives. Students can: Recognize that diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information. Use appropriate language, behavior and strategies to effectively communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences. Explain how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. Select and effectively use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences. Students can: Recognize one’s capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. Identify opportunities for personal and collaborative action to address situations, events, issues or phenomena in ways which can make a difference. Assess options for action based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account varied perspectives and potential consequences for others. Act creatively and innovatively to contribute to improvement locally, regionally or globally both personally and collaboratively.
Valerie B.

Education Update:How To Manage Your Classroom Effectively:Teaching and Learning Resourc... - 0 views

    ASCD Teaching and Learning Resources for the Global Classroom
Dru F

Technology's Language Barrier - - 0 views

  • Blunders like these can be costly. And as burgeoning markets in Asia increase in importance, new insight is required to break through what you could call a language barrier.As a result of the globalization of business through mergers and international investment, English has become a lingua franca. Almost two billion people worldwide speak it, and more than half of these learned it as a second language. Moreover, global popular culture is dominated by English-language television, music, film, print and social media.
    The language barrier can present problems in interactions when different languages are being used in business. "Blunders like these can be costly. And as burgeoning markets in Asia increase in importance, new insight is required to break through what you could call a language barrier. As a result of the globalization of business through mergers and international investment, English has become a lingua franca. Almost two billion people worldwide speak it, and more than half of these learned it as a second language. Moreover, global popular culture is dominated by English-language television, music, film, print and social media."
Molly S

Global Competence: Prepare Youth to Engage with the World | Asia Society - 0 views

  • This new reality helps us more clearly define the role that education must play in preparing all students for success in an interconnected world. The United States have invested unprecedented resources in education, betting that our outmoded, factory-age system can be fundamentally transformed to prepare students for the rigors of a global economy. 
  •  Globally competent students understand that audiences differ on the basis of culture, geography, faith, ideology, wealth, and other factors and that they may perceive different meanings from the same information.  They can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences.  Because it is increasingly the world's common language for commerce and communication, globally competent students in the US and elsewhere are proficient in English as well as in at least one other world language. Communicating ideas occurs in a variety of culturally diverse settings, and especially within collaborative teams.  Globally competent students are able to situate themselves in a variety of cultural contexts, organize and participate in diverse groups, and work effectively toward a common goal.
Julie Lindsay

The Possibility Post | Fostering Global Digital Citizenship - 0 views

    Ann from South Australia talks about her exploration of digital citizenship with her students. My favourite sentence, Ann, I really enjoyed reading this blog post. You have shared vital process material from your recent connection with NZ and also communicated student responses -also a necessary part of assessing the success and viability of online connection that leads to collaboration. My favourite sentence is your last one - "Global digital collaboration goes beyond research. We found out more through the learning experience of meeting and sharing knowledge." #flatconnections #GlobalCitizen New blog on my first global collaboration.
Morgan S.

Wamogo infusing more technology into education - 0 views

    "Wamogo infusing more technology into education- The Register Citizen ""Students are driving the learning,"" LITCHFIELD - You may have heard of No Child Left Behind, but have you heard of no child left offline? Ricky Campbell talks about the technology innovation is the classroom at Wamogo Regional High School. Technology has inspired students to pay more attention to learning and reaches them in more of their way. Principal William Egan states, "Students are driving the learning." He means that because of all the help the web brings, and having teachers that know how to use it, the students are able to create their own ways to study, learn, and do assignments."
Julie Lindsay

Learn 4 Life » Educators in Virtual Worlds on Open Sim - the pioneers… - 0 views

    Watch the interview with students below in Real Life and Avatar form and then the next one with Vicki see how eloquently she comments on these new learning landscapes. I would hold that interview up as a seminal exemplar of someone who knows exactly what they are doing in this field and if I had my way it would be required viewing for anyone who has doubts about the efficacy of using Web 2.0 tools in education and the systems and infrastructure that can be built around them. I would also point people to the award winning wiki on the global Flat Classroom Project for further reference - the Digiteen project is just one small subset of that whole activity.
    Excellent blog post about the pioneers in virtual world education. Excerpt here is from teh section about Vicki Davis and her class who built Digiteen Island in Reaction Grid Open Sim. Watch the interview with students below in Real Life and Avatar form and then the next one with Vicki see how eloquently she comments on these new learning landscapes. I would hold that interview up as a seminal exemplar of someone who knows exactly what they are doing in this field and if I had my way it would be required viewing for anyone who has doubts about the efficacy of using Web 2.0 tools in education and the systems and infrastructure that can be built around them. I would also point people to the award winning wiki on the global Flat Classroom Project for further reference - the Digiteen project is just one small subset of that whole activity.
Molly S

What is Global Competence? | Asia Society - 0 views

  • The world is demanding citizens and workers have the knowledge, skills and dispositions to act creatively and effectively on issues of global significance. And American schools are trying to respond to this urgent demand.
Riya P

IGI Global: Improving Cross-Cultural Awareness and Communication through Mobile Technol... - 0 views

  • Increasingly, technology is mediating the way in which the youth around the world communicate, consume content and create meaning. As mobile communication media and the internet become more pervasive, young people from different cultures and communities are afforded more opportunities for collaboration across previously unbridgeable distances.
    CULTURE This a article about how young children are communicationg with other cultures through technolgy. There is another link with the whole article... "Increasingly, technology is mediating the way in which the youth around the world communicate, consume content and create meaning. As mobile communication media and the internet become more pervasive, young people from different cultures and communities are afforded more opportunities for collaboration across previously unbridgeable distances."
Julie Lindsay

Global collaboration | Asia Education Foundation - 0 views

    Global collaboration across the curriculum toolkit created by Julie Lindsay with the Asia Education Foundation.
Julie Lindsay

Google launches YouTube curriculum to educate students on digital citizenship (video) -... - 2 views

    It is all very well to provide resources to learn about digital citizenship, but the BEST way for students to learn is to actually be online connecting and collaborating with others globally. This is where the Digiteen Project is SO powerful. It not only uses resources such as this one, but gets students putting expectations into practice.
Morgan S.

ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "Inevitably, though, they listen - and they learn." I've found that using popular music in lectures also increases my credibility among students. They see music as their territory, and are often surprised when a professor understands something they are familiar with - or think they are.-ProfHacker Personally, I think this is really cool that teachers are branching out this far just to reach us and help us learn. Some music might not be appropriate for listening to in the classroom for a subject, so that means you would have to take time and experiment. These 4 characteristics will help you realize how just how helpful doing this could really be: Vocabulary. Music can help start discussions about language use and get students thinking about the way we use words and phrases. Imagery. Music videos offer an entrée into such things as gender and social roles, fashion and sexuality, not only through sound but through the accompanying images. Cultural references. Popular songs allude to many elements of popular culture, providing a means to explore current events, celebrity culture, politics and the boundaries of taste. History. Today's music evolves from yesterday's music, which evolved from previous music in the past. Finding those connections can be eye-opening.
Morgan S.

Drill Down: Gaming in Education -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Drill Down: Gaming in Education" Over half the students at the middle school level believe that using games to go along with a concept could help them learn easier and faster. Virtual world environments provide benefits for teaching and learning. Look at these statistics! About six out of 10 middle school students think the use of games would help them understand difficult concepts. Greater engagement in subject matter is gaming's most widely seen benefit among high school students. At both the middle school and high school levels, connecting the real world to the subject matter received the fewest responses.
Vicki Davis

Tech Ed-dy - 0 views

  • I think it is that there is a lot of value in allowing students to make mistakes in an environment like the Ning where they can make mistakes and learn from them. I was nervous about the Ning component of this project because of the potential for my students to make mistakes on a public site, but if they are never given a chance to really fully participate in real world experiences then how are they ever going to learn how to navigate these experiences successfully.
  • This short story has really reinforced for me the power of these global collaborative projects, and it’s not over yet. I wonder what other teachable moments and wonderful connections will happen next?
    Issues with digiteen that are great learning experiences.
    Excellent reflections on some of the most poingnant issues we've had on Digiteen this year. I agree with Phil totally!
Callie S

10 Ways To Stay Safe Online... - 0 views

  • 10 Ways To Stay Safe Online 1. Be a responsible cyber citizen. If you use the Internet, you're a citizen of a global community-a cyber citizen. Just like being a citizen of your local community, being a cyber citizen has responsibilities. Use the Internet to share knowledge that makes people's lives better. Keep safe, use good manners and respect the laws. 2. Use anti-virus software. A computer virus is a program that can invade your computer and damage or destroy information. Anti-virus software is designed to protect you and your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need to be updated regularly. Check with the web site of your anti-virus software company to see some sample descriptions of viruses and to get regular updates for your software. Stop viruses in their tracks! 3. Do not open email from unknown sources. Delete email from unknown sources. Watch out for files attached to e-mails, particularly those with an "exe" extension-even if people you know sent them to you. Some files transport and distribute viruses and other programs that can permanently destroy files and damage computers and Web sites. Do not forward e-mail if you are not completely sure that any attached files are safe. 4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private. Do not write passwords down on small pieces of paper taped to your computer. You would be surprised how many people are sloppy about keeping their passwords private. Passwords that are easy to-guess are a bad choice. In other words, if your name is "Dan" do not make your password "Dan." Change your passwords regularly and don't give your passwords to anyone! Tell your family that combinations of letters, numbers and symbols are harder to crack than just words. 5. Protect computers with firewalls. Install firewalls for your family-it is not difficult. A firewall helps prevent hackers from breaking into your computer or the computers that belong to your family. Firewalls help prevent thieves from stealing and using private information including your phone number and credit card numbers, which may be stored on a family computer. 6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks. Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to "share files". This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you do not pay close attention. Check your operating system and other program help files to learn how to disable file sharing. Do not share access to your computer with strangers! 7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use. The Internet is a two-way road. You get information and also send information. Turning off the Internet makes sure that someone else on the Internet can't enter your computer and cause harm. Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you are not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer. 8. Back-up your computer regularly. Help your family back up all household computers onto external media such as CD's or diskettes. 9. Regularly download security protection update "patches". Security flaws are regularly found in operating systems and application software. Companies that make software release quick fixes called "patches" that you should install to correct the latest software flaw. It is a good idea to check for security updates on the publisher's Web site for all the software you own. 10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis. Evaluate computer security at least twice a year. To help remember, do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings time! Check for all of the items listed previously.
    Safe ways online and how to keep your privacy.
    website uses ten safety rules to stay safe online. 1. Be a responsible cyber citizen. 2. Use anti-virus software. 3. Do not open email from unknown sources4. Use hard-to-guess passwords and keep them private.5. Protect computers with firewalls.6. Do not share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.7. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.8. Back-up your computer regularly.9. Regularly download security protection update "patches". 10. Help your family to check computer security on a regular basis.
    When online you should follow these tips to stay safe.
Madison T.

A teenager promotes internet safety - 0 views

  • Her presentation, titled “Better Safe than Sorry,” outlines the social network environment that she said may be foreign to most parents but very common to students.It covers Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Friendster, Bebo, Yahoo, Google Plus, Classmates, Flicker, Instagram, You Tube and My Space, all social networking programs, Aguilera said.Aguilera said with so many people using social networking and so many young people posting personal information, its important that teens learn the basics of operating safely on the Web.
    This teenager promotes Global Awareness for Internet safety with her presentation "Better Safe than Sorry"
Vicki Davis

Neustar Launches Social Media Digital Citizenship Program for  Kentucky Schoo... - 0 views

    A program from Neustar to Kentucky schools about Digital Citizenship. Lots of people are jumping on this "bandwagon." I think my biggest concern is that: #1 It needs to be "real" and not based on preachy scare-based tactics #2 Students should talk with those who share the program - if it is just videos and worksheets, that doesn't cut it.  #3 To talk about and learn social media, you should be doing it. (That is what we do on Digiteen.) a major new initiative to bring social media digital literacy education to students across the state of Kentucky through a program called "My Digital Life." Neustar will partner with EverFi, Inc., a leading education technology company, to provide this innovative, online student experience to all Kentucky schools interested in teaching and certifying their students in digital literacy skills and responsibility. Most importantly, Neustar's partnership is making the cutting-edge program available free of cost to the schools and state.
Margaret s

Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context - Document - 0 views

    a story about how women are learning computer literacy skills all over the world
Julie Lindsay

Conversations about Collaboration and Global Projects - 0 views

    E-Learning Journeys: Blog post answering questions about being a flat classroom
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