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John Pearce

Facebook Launches 'Guide To Facebook Security,' Helps You Secure Your Account - 2 views

    "Over the last few months, Facebook has launched several initiatives and features to help you keep your account and data secure. Back in May, the company revealed it was switching over to the secure HTTPS protocol and announced details of its login approvals feature. Facebook has also teamed up with Web of Trust to help protect you from scam websites and recently added its social reporting tool to its mobile website. In addition, the company has launched a bug bounty program that rewards security researchers for finding flaws in the social network's security systems. To help you understand the social network's security features and how to protect your account, a Guide To Facebook Security has been launched. The guide, which you can download from Facebook, is 14 pages long and offers all kinds of tips on how to protect your account, including how to spot and avoid scam apps and clickjacking."
John Pearce

Technology Infographics: Social Media Privacy, Cyber Security and More | Veracode Blog - 4 views

    Veracode Security Blog: Application security research, security trends and opinions » INFOGRAPHICS
Judy O'Connell

Now Available in V CAST Apps: Net Safety Tips On The Go - The First-Ever Online Safety ... - 1 views

    "BASKING RIDGE, N.J., June 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Verizon Wireless said today it is spotlighting Net Safety Tips On The Go, the first-ever digital safety and security advice app for Android(TM) smartphones as part of National Internet Safety Month. Now available in V CAST Apps, the app, developed by Google and Verizon together with premier online safety education organizations, provides critical online privacy, security and youth online safety educational messages to help Verizon Wireless customers protect their privacy, families and finances when using their Android smartphones. "
John Pearce

Good to Know - Google - 7 views

    A guide to staying safe and secure online from Google Explore quick tips and how-to's that explain what you can do to stay safe and secure on the web. Get advice from parents at Google and family safety experts on how to help your family safely surf the web. Learn how Google helps protect you.
John Pearce

How to Protect Your Privacy and Secure Your Accounts Online - 4 views

    "Online privacy is a big issue, and the increasing popularity of social networks have only aided in adding fuel to the fire of this debate. But whether you're running a business online and don't want your accounts being hacked or you simply enjoy being active online and don't want your personal information or banking details being stolen, there are steps you can take to protect your privacy and more effectively secure your accounts."
John Pearce

Wickr - Leave No Trace! - 1 views

    "Wickr is a free app that provides: ·military-grade encryption of text, picture, audio and video messages ·sender-based control over who can read messages, where and for how long ·best available privacy, anonymity and secure file shredding features ·security that is simple to use"
    mmm ... apparently this app has been around for some time - 2 years at least. Spoke to my son who works in the IT industry and he is very sceptical about it - since email is sent to a server, then deconstructed and sent as packets and then reconstructed on a server and then sent to a user - when does the message self-destruct? If it is only at the end point then the digital footprint is still there. Military grade encryption - what does this mean? There is no such thing as a free lunch on the Internet - I would be careful about what I send and certainly not trust something that is touted as "free" - there is always a cost! :) BC
John Pearce

Facebook security flaw lets anyone see part of your friend list. | Digital Trends - 2 views

    "If you chose the Facebook setting that hides your friend list from people who aren't you friends, Irene Abezguaz has some bad news. Abezguaz, a vice president of product management at Quotidium, outlined a loophole she discovered at AppSecUSA 2013, a New York security conference - that friend list isn't totally hidden. "
John Pearce

Microsoft tells users to stop using strong passwords everywhere | Technology | theguard... - 0 views

    "Users should use and reuse weak passwords for websites which don't hold valuable information, say researchers from Microsoft, overturning decades of accumulated wisdom on internet security. By not having to worry about remembering complex unique passwords for every individual website, users can focus their efforts on recalling secure passwords for high-value sites like banking or e-commerce."
John Pearce

Digital storm on the horizon - 8 views

    "Michael Fraser calls it the ''rubbish web''. That is the internet we will be left with in five to 10 years unless governments and cyber corporations fix the holes that allow criminals to infiltrate the world wide web and strip global citizens of their identity, money and dignity, he believes. In his bleak view, those who can afford it will retreat behind private corporatised security walls."
Judy O'Connell

Organize on Facebook Securely | - 1 views

    "More and more, people are using Facebook to gather online, spark conversations, share information and ideas, and ultimately meet offline. Sometimes it's for a protest, sometimes it's for a party; sometimes it's in a country where discussions of public life are discouraged or even punished and sometimes it's in a country where freedom of speech is a part of life. Facebook is a potent tool, but to use it most effectively you should make sure that you're taking steps to minimize the chances of people seeing your communications who you do not want to see them. This guide offers steps for doing so. Follow it to organize more safely, but know that even if you do everything we point out here, you should still be cautious and skeptical when you're organizing online and take your online interactions offline as soon as it is possible (and safe) to do so!"
John Pearce

The Spooky Side of Cybersecurity [INFOGRAPHIC] - 5 views

    "Fear comes in many forms, and on Halloween things get creepier and crawlier than usual. But for some of us, the scariest thing of all has nothing to do with snakes and spiders - and everything to do with cybersecurity. Lax attitudes towards online accounts have led to major digital break-ins for years, which is why content security software Trend Micro realized we should all be a little bit more scared of password protection and less scared of heights and elevators. The company found that one in four of us use the same password, or a variation, for all our accounts. One in four people in the U.S. also don't bother to back up files."
Judy O'Connell

Were eGovernment meets the eSociety - 4 views

    Some interesting research going on in the EU on how social media can be used to inform policy: Social networking technology provides major new opportunities for policy makers (eGovernment) to engage with the community (eSociety). We will develop a toolset that allows full advantage to be taken of a wide range of existing and well established social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, WordPress etc.) to engage citizens in two-way dialogs as part of governance and policymaking processes. The tools will make it possible to detect, track and mine opinions and discussions on policy oriented topics. The tools will allow discussions to be seeded and stimulated through injection of policy discussion points into relevant communities in a secure and managed way. The tools will allow the origins, bias and evolution of opinions to be tracked to provide auditable records of provenance, guard against misuse, and ensure trust and privacy for all involved. A key feature of our approach is to allow policy makers to move away from the limitations inherent in the current practice of using bespoke and dedicated platforms (e.g. specific opinion soliciting websites hosted by government) and instead make full use of the high levels of participation and rich discussions that already take place in existing social networking communities. In this way, WeGov will develop the tools and techniques for closing the loop between policy makers and the citizens.
John Pearce

Export Google Search History - 2 views

    "I've mentioned last year that Google tested a download feature for search history. It looks like this feature is available for everyone. Just go to Google Web History, click the gear button and select "Download". "You can download all of your saved search history to see a list of the terms you've searched for. This gives you access to your data when and where you want," informs Google. "When you download your past searches, a copy of your history will be saved securely to the Takeout folder in Google Drive. You can download the files to your computer if you want a copy on your computer.""
John Pearce

Internet of hackable things: wired world wide open to new age of cyber crime - 1 views

    "It sounds like the stuff of sci-fi nightmares - a stranger hacking your baby cam and shouting abuse at your toddler. Someone controlling your home's lights and power points via a system that should only respond to your smartphone. Criminals watching you and your family from your smart TV without your knowledge. But each of these has already happened, and mark the beginning of a cyber crime wave threatening business, governments and individuals around the world. The number of smart devices being connected online in what's called the "Internet of Things" will rocket from 13 billion to an estimated 50 billion by 2020. The problem, says LA security consultant Marc Goodman, is that they're all hackable."
Judy O'Connell

Heartland AEA Digital Citizenship / Digital_Citizenship - 0 views

    "Digital Citizenship addresses our digital society and the relevance and importance of understanding and obeying the norms, rules, and laws of this society in our classrooms. Nine elements will be explored: access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights and responsibilities, health and wellness, and security."
Judy O'Connell

Privacy, digital citizenship and young children | Australian Policy Online - 3 views

    "A growing number of educators and advocates in the online safety field are now embracing the term 'digital citizenship' to describe education about privacy, safety, security and responsible use of information and communication technologies (ICT). There is also a growing understanding of the importance of beginning this education when a child first starts their use of ICT. "
    The full version of this does not seem to exist :(
Judy O'Connell

ENISA & European Schoolnet - New Prize for Teaching of Online... -- BRUSSELS, HERAKLION... - 1 views

    The rapid spread of internet use among young people is making it essential to address eSafety and ePrivacy, in order to protect young people from online risks and threats and to prepare them to use digital technologies in a secure and responsible way.
Judy O'Connell

Digital discoveries - First Quebec school board to offer digital learning program - 0 views

  • The goal is to safely and securely harness new technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience.
  • Nine elements are considered in helping the students better navigate the challenges of technology. From access, communication, etiquette and law to rights and responsibilities, commerce, health and wellness, security and commerce, students will become aware of all aspects of online learning.
    "The aim of the digital citizenship program is to teach members of the school community the responsible use of technology. With iPods, laptops and smart phones becoming an everyday reality for students, the board has decided to embrace technology rather than fight against it."
Judy O'Connell

YouTube - TEDxBKK - Robyn Treyvaud - Cyber Citizens - 0 views

    "Robyn Treyvaud is the founder and director of CyberSafeWorld, a website that addresses the whole spectrum of online safety issues, including cyberbullying, risks, security, ethics and addiction.Her trail-blazing efforts have provided an essential resource for schools and parents to protect and educate the world's first generation of kids to 'grow up digital' in an environment where computers, the Internet, video games and mobile phones are ubiquitous. In addition to her work as director of CyberSafeWorld, Robyn is a senior ICT consultant at Australia's Center for Strategic Education."
Judy O'Connell

Everloop Offers Safe Online Environment for Tweens | GeekDad | - 2 views

    "That training isn't just for the kids interacting on the site. Everloop also educates parents about how kids make use of social media channels. Parents can help shape the online experience for their kids, but they aren't allowed to participate in the tweens' space. Everloop is a Toolkit for Parents There is a growing trend toward use of monitoring for digital parenting. Location services can be buried deep in the firmware of smartphones and other mobile devices to allow parents to keep tabs on their kids. CheckPoint, an internet security firm, offers software to alert parents to patterns of destructive online behavior on Facebook without granting direct access to the content. Facebook itself has taken steps, including an upgrade to their Family Safety Center, to improve education and member reporting of destructive content. Everloop focuses on a user group younger than these technologies address."
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