This is an opportunity to define the ideas (or "theses") that form the foundation of School 2.0. This is definitely a collaborative effort, and we want you to add to the idea list. Please add new ideas to the bottom of the list. Direct quotes should be attributed. If you need help using a wiki (or are unfamiliar with the Wikispaces conventions), please click here. If you are very interested in this dialog, you should consider subscribing to this page or to the whole wiki, which you can do from the "notify me" tab above. (Email notification is more efficient as it is easier to see changes in that format.)
Denne siden handler om vurdering som gjøres underveis i opplæringen og som har til hensikt å fremme læring. Underveisvurdering kan styrke elevers læring dersom lærere og elever bruker informasjonen de får til å justere opplæringen underveis. Først da blir det det vi kaller vurdering for læring.
Given the globalized online world we live in, learning a new language has never been easier - nor as interactive, interesting, and social! From Twitter to blogs to social networks, there are numerous ways you can start your social language learning and keep it up while making new friends.
There are links here to a range of downloadable writing frames. The frames are all in text format. They should each open in a fresh browser window. Simply select all the text and copy it to the clipboard. Then paste into a new document.