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Rune Mathisen

In Math You Have to Remember... - 5 views

  • It's not that people cannot think mathematically. It's that they have enormous trouble doing it in a de-contextualized, abstract setting.
  • absent any clear evidence as to how best to proceed, the majority of teachers quite understandably default to more or less the same teaching methods that they themselves experienced. Overwhelmingly that is the traditional method, though the fact that no one has been able to make this approach work (for the majority of students) in three-thousand years does make some wonder if there is a better way.
  • the majority of claims made about the efficacy of various pedagogies are based on nothing more than an extrapolation from personal experience (of the teacher, not the student)
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • In the nineteenth century and for much of the twentieth, most industrial workers did work silently on their own, in large open offices or on production lines, under the supervision of a manager. Schools, which have always been designed to prepare children for life as adults, were structured similarly. An important life lesson was to be able to follow rules and think inside the box. But today's world is very different - at least for those of us living in highly developed societies. Companies long ago adopted new, more collaborative ways of working, where creative problem solving is the key to success - the ones that did not went out of business - but by and large the schools have not yet realized they need to change and start to operate in a similar fashion.
  • I ask you, which is the more important information: the score on a standardized, written test taken at the end of an educational episode, or the effect that educational episode had on the individual concerned?
  • teaching math in the progressive way requires teachers with more mathematical knowledge than does the traditional approach (where a teacher with a weaker background can simply follow the textbook - which incidentally is why American math textbooks are so thick)
  • First, the students were completely untracked, with everyone taking algebra as their first course, not just the higher attaining students. Second, instead of teaching a series of methods, such as factoring polynomials or solving inequalities, the school organized the curriculum around larger themes, such as "What is a linear function?" The students learned to make use of different kinds of representation, words, diagrams, tables symbols, objects, and graphs. They worked together in mixed ability groups, with higher attainers collaborating with lower performers, and they were expected and encouraged to explain their work to one another.
    The US ranks much worse than most of our economic competitors in the mathematics performance of high school students. Many attempts have been made to improve this dismal performance, but none have worked. To my mind (and I am by no means alone in thinking this), the reason is clear. Those attempts have all focused on improving basic math skills. In contrast, the emphasis should be elsewhere.
    Jeg skulle gjerne ha gjort mye flere prosjekter/utforsking/åpne oppgaver osv. Men jeg er redd for eksamen. Dessuten - mange lærere tør ikke å innrømme at de knytter seg opp til boka- jeg må ha mye mer støtte fra en bok før jeg har TID (og peil) til å sette i gang)
Rune Mathisen

To Share or Not to Share: Is That the Question? (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    My goal in writing this article is to help faculty, administrators, and college/university support staff to better understand who open faculty are and why they make the choices they make. The model presented here is my best attempt to map out the open faculty mindset (both analog and digital). My hope is that some enterprising graduate students and/or faculty members will take up a more academic research project to see if this model holds for a large sample of faculty. And if they do conduct this research, I hope they will openly share their findings as they progress.
Rune Mathisen

The Electric Educator: Google-Proof Questioning: A New Use for Bloom's Taxonomy - 3 views

    When I give worksheets with questions on them my students immediately type the entire question into the omniscient search box on Google and in an instant, they have their answer. They have expended absolutely zero energy or effort to find the answer and as a result will not remember the question or the answer. There are two solutions to this problem: 1. Ban the use of Google by all school-aged children. 2. Learn to write "Google-proof" questions.
Rune Mathisen

FRONTLINE: digital nation: watch the full program | PBS - 2 views

    In Digital Nation: Life on the Virtual Frontier, FRONTLINE presents an in-depth exploration of what it means to be human in a 21st-century digital world. Continuing a line of investigation she began with the 2008 FRONTLINE report Growing Up Online, award-winning producer Rachel Dretzin embarks on a journey to understand the implications of living in a world consumed by technology and the impact that this constant connectivity may have on future generations. "I'm amazed at the things my kids are able to do online, but I'm also a little bit panicked when I realize that no one seems to know where all this technology is taking us, or its long-term effects," says Dretzin.
Morten Oddvik

HOW TO: Learn and Practice Languages Using Social Media - 2 views

    Given the globalized online world we live in, learning a new language has never been easier - nor as interactive, interesting, and social! From Twitter to blogs to social networks, there are numerous ways you can start your social language learning and keep it up while making new friends.
Rune Mathisen

DLMF: NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions - 4 views

    The NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, together with its Web counterpart, the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF), is the culmination of a project that was conceived in 1996 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The project had two equally important goals: to develop an authoritative replacement for the highly successful Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, published in 1964 by the National Bureau of Standards (M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, editors); and to disseminate essentially the same information from a public Web site operated by NIST. The new Handbook and DLMF are the work of many hands: editors, associate editors, authors, validators, and numerous technical experts.
Guttorm H


  • They don't replace handbooks - they support handbooks because they can do things that handbooks can't do.They don't replace handbooks - they support handbooks because they can do things that handbooks can't do.They: (1) are interactive; you get immediate feedback. (2) can show objects in 3D by rotating them on the screen. (3) are dynamic; you see things happening right in front of you. (4) make use of virtual objects with which you can do experiments and teachers and parents can do demonstrations. There is no age restriction - the younger, the better.There is no age restriction - the younger, the better.
Rune Mathisen

Improving Learning in Mathematics - NCETM - 1 views

    The multi-media resource Improving Learning in Mathematics (ILIM) builds on existing successful practice and explores approaches that encourage a more active way of learning through the use of group work, discussion and open questioning. Learners are encouraged to 'have a go', become more independent and reflective about their mathematics, to learn to think mathematically rather than simply learning rules and most importantly, to enjoy their mathematics.
birgithe schumann-olsen

5 Gmail Tips for Teachers | The Thinking Stick - 3 views

    "As we move to Google Apps for Education at my school I gave a quick 10 minute talk at a staff meeting on 5 Gmail Tips for Teachers. Here they are:"
Morten Oddvik

Wiki - Free Website - Wetpaint - 0 views

shared by Morten Oddvik on 27 May 09 - Cached
    Wetpaint is the largest network of free websites. Wetpaint sites are great for groups, classes, and more; start your free website in 3 steps.
Guttorm H

Playing with AR Media Plugin for Sketchup « - 0 views

    3D-tillegg til sketchup.
Guttorm H

50 Best Video Games for Your Business | Business Schools Directory - 0 views

  • Video games are often written off as useless entertainment, but the truth is that they have a lot to offer. For business, they can provide valuable training and information in a medium that’s fun and easy to understand. Read on to learn about 50 games that are both fun and good for business.
    50 spet, strategi, marked...
Guttorm H

Pixel Poppers: Awesome By Proxy: Addicted to Fake Achievement - 1 views

  • It turns out there are two different ways people respond to challenges. Some people see them as opportunities to perform - to demonstrate their talent or intellect. Others see them as opportunities to master - to improve their skill or knowledge.
  • While a performance orientation improves motivation for easy challenges, it drastically reduces it for difficult ones. And since most work worth doing is difficult, it is the mastery orientation that is correlated with academic and professional success, as well as self-esteem and long-term happiness.
  • When I learned about performance and mastery orientations, I realized with growing horror just what I'd been doing for most of my life. Going through school as a "gifted" kid, most of the praise I'd received had been of the "Wow, you must be smart!" variety. I had very little ability to follow through or persevere, and my grades tended to be either A's or F's, as I either understood things right away (such as, say, calculus) or gave up on them completely (trigonometry). I had a serious performance orientation. And I was reinforcing it every time I played an RPG.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Be aware of why you play the games you do the way you do. Be aware of how you use them. We humans are remarkably adept at finding ways to lie to ourselves, and ways to be self-destructive
    Interessant og forklarande om motivasjon og spel.
    Dersom du har nokon som brukar litt mykje tid på spel kan dei få lesa denne... Kva motivasjon har dei?
Guttorm H

What Gen Yers don't know about themselves | Penelope Trunk - 0 views

    "Gen Y is simply demanding what their parents told them they should expect from the world: Work that matters and work that complements a life that matters. Those revolutionary expectations come from the Boomer parents. Gen Y is just doing what they are told."
Guttorm H

Learning Theory - What are the established learning theories? - 0 views

Rune Mathisen

Some educators question if whiteboards, other high-tech tools raise achievement - 2 views

    Kritikk mot bruk av teknologi i klasserommet. Synd at så mange tror at teknologi i seg selv skal gjøre klasseromsundervisninga bedre, og erklærer det som tull når det ikke blir bedre. Teknologi gir ingen gevinst i seg selv, det er anvendelsen som er avgjørende. Dårlig anvendelse -> dårligere resultater.
Rune Mathisen

The Glass Bees « bavatuesdays - 2 views

  • the Utopian, blue sky ideas of technology as a singular harbinger of possibility and liberation ignores the cold and all-consuming role that capital plays in the shaping of technology as means of control.
  • The insanely irresponsible advertising for BlackBoard 8 suggests that Academic Suite release 8.0 will “enhance critical thinking skills” and “improve classroom performance.” What LMS can do this? What Web 2.0 tool can do this? This is total bullshit, how can they make such an irresponsible claim? These things are not done by technology, but rather people thinking and working together. Our technology may afford a unique possibility in this endeavor by bringing disparate individuals together in an otherwise untenable community, yet it doesn’t enhance critical thinking or improve classroom performance, we do that, together.
  • The learning happens not as a by-product of the technology, it is, or rather should be, the Raison d’être of the technology.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • if we reduce the conversation to technology, and not really think hard about technology as an instantiation of capital’s will to power, than anything resembling an EdTech movement towards a vision of liberation and relevance is lost.
  • I don’t believe in technology, I believe in people. And that’s why I don’t think our struggle is over the future of technology, it is over the struggle for the future of our culture that is assailed from all corners by the vultures of capital.
    Artikkelen som introduserer begrepet "edupunk" for første gang.
Guttorm H

DJEEO - 0 views

    GPS-basert samarbeidsspel. Krev PC og spesiell gps.
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