"Science News for Kids
is a web site devoted to science news for children of ages 9 to 14.
Our goal is to offer timely items of interest to kids,
accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, Web resources, and other useful materials.
Our emphasis is on making the Web site appealing by offering kids opportunities to comment on and grade the subject matter, get ideas for science projects, and try out mathematical puzzles. At the same time, we offer
teachers creative ways of using science news in their classrooms."
Learning Games for Kids offers games for mathematics as well as many other content areas. Most of the games on Learning Games for Kids can be played directly on the website although some do link out to other sources.
Mathtrain.TV is a free educational "kids teaching kids" project from Mr. Marcos & his students at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, CA. It provides student-created math video lessons all in one place.
A social-networking style web2.0 tool that allows people to share what books they've been reading and how they like them.
Simple and direct, it seems to have potential for fast online exchange of book recommendations for kids and also as a tracking measure to see how much and what kids are reading.
This site is terrific for students and teachers for all grade levels. Click Online Tours and you can explore an artist, theme, or artwork. Click NGA Kids and you will find interactive games and activities for elementary school children.
This PBS site has a Galileo biography, an exploration of Galileo's telescope, and other interesting articles as well as fun interactive activities for grades 6-12. These games feature animated experiments including Galileo's ingenious experiment on gravity demonstrating that all objects fall at the same rate. Teacher's can find an archive of over 120 companion Web sites to past Nova TV programs by interest, program title, or year of broadcast. There is a searchable teacher's section with classroom activities, TV program descriptions, related NOVA resources, and explorations for students. The video is not free but the interactive experiments on this site are very nice. They are animated and the kids predict what will happen before you activate the animations.
This site offers an introduction to mathematics and its variety of topics. It's not just for kids, it's for everyone (even if you aren't a number nut).
She also gives tips about using the game model (2) in the classroom. James Paul Gee (3) has long been a champion for game-based learning in speeches, blogs, and books. Quest to Learn (4),
"Game-based learning (GBL) is getting a lot press. It is an innovative practice that is working to engage kids in learning important 21st century skills and content. "
Great interactive game that presents real-life scenarios and requires students to determine if they are protected by Bill of Rights, then identify the appropriate amendment. Comes complete with a kid-friendly version of the Bill of Rights.
Thhis site provides you with information to get started on scratch a free program that will allow you to create interactive games and activities for students. It is also great for kids who like to create with technology.
If you have used scratch you will like this site. Lots of help and examples of how to use scratch. If you haven't used scratch this will be a very helpful site to get you started.
"The LF10 is a loose association of middle school students in undisclosed
locations in cyberspace dedicated to promoting awareness of important academic
terms and concepts through absurd stop-motion films"
This site has links to Animals, The Arts, literature and Language, Sciences, Mathematics & computer, Social Sciences, History and Biography, Social Sciences, Reference Desk,. This site is sponsored by the Association for Library Services to Children
"We believe that everyone should have the same opportunity to learn. The best way to make this possible, we believe, is to organize into one, super directory the hundreds of thousands of good videos currently available on the Internet. To
make this a reality, we invite teachers, instructors and educators to suggest
videos for inclusion into our directory, and then to review, approve, and assign
those videos into appropriate categories using a wiki framework and philosophy.
The videos are the highest quality found on the World Wide Web, cover all major
educational topics from elementary to secondary schools (or age range 1 - 18),
and are Kid Safe!"
"Engage, inform, and educate your students with
TweenTribune and TeenTribune. These sites let students interact with the
news, while fulfilling requirements for language arts, computer skills, and
other classes. Kids love it - and so do their teachers" Teachers can sign up and customize Tween Tribune and TweenTribune for your classroom. Free