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karen sipe

Digital Dialects language learning games - 0 views

    Digital Dialects offers a nice selection of educational games and activities for learning 55 different languages. Most of the games are designed to learn and practice the basics of each of the 55 languages listed on the Digital Dialects homepage.
karen sipe

The Best Resources For Learning Research & Citation Skills | Larry Ferlazzo's... - 0 views

    "The Best Resources For Learning Research & Citation Skills September 24, 2009 by Larry Ferlazzo | 8 Comments This "The Best…" list is sort of a combination of two lists I had been thinking of making to go along with The Best Online Resources To Teach About Plagiarism (Another list to keep in mind might be The Best Reference Websites For English Language Learners - 2008). The more I thought about it, though, the more I felt that a list of engaging (and even fun) sites to teach research skills and accessible citation resources would make a good combination. Since a graduation requirement in our district is that seniors need to develop a "Senior Project," I've spent some time finding these kinds of helpful sites that might be accessible to English Language Learners.  I have to say, though, that these sites (except for the first one) would probably only be accessible to more advanced ELL's. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning Research And Citation Skills: LEARNING RESEARCH SKILLS:"
karen sipe

The Top 10 Apple iPod Touch Apps for English and Language Arts Teachers - 0 views

    The best free apps for education: Apple ipod touch apps for language arts teachers
karen sipe

Flashcard Friends - Create flash cards, find and modify existing flash cards, share the... - 0 views

    This is soooo cool! Go in and check out the 12 minute tutorial video. You will not believe all that this tool can do and it's free. Not only can individuals create and share flash cards, but they can test themselves. You can also add sound to this tool. If you selecte the spelling option you can create spelling flash cards that use sound. There is a translation tool built into this for foreign language teachers or ESL teachers or for students learning a new language. You have got to check this out!
karen sipe

Literacy Center Education Network - 0 views

    Another good website for learning and practicing language basics is Literacy Literacy Center offers games for learning and practicing French, Spanish, German, and English. The Literacy Center is a 501c non-profit with a contract from the US Department of Education.
karen sipe - 0 views

    EFL Classroom 2.0 is an award winning, busy community of thousands of English language learners and teachers. The community is entirely free but requires a quick registration. Built by members, we need your voice and contribution! Please introduce yourself and make friends from all over the world. Enjoy your teaching, learning and discovery here!
karen sipe

lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre! - 0 views

    Lingro provides an on-line environment that allows anyone learning a language to quickly look up and learn the vocabulary most important to them. You place a web address within this site and all the words on that web page will become clickable.
    This site would be really helpful for those students who are struggling readers and often don't know the meanings of words they are reading.
karen sipe

English-Zone.Com - the BEST English-Learner's site on the 'Net! - 0 views

    The English-Zone.Com is owned and operated by Kaye Mastin Mallor, an ESL teacher in Fyullerton.CA. This is a fun site for middle or high school students who are learning English as a Second Language, or for native speakers who are brushing up on their English grammar skills. Students can learn some idioms, practice with English verbs, play vocabulary games, check out the fun stuff page, win a million bananas, or write a silly story. Teachers will also find ready-to-print materials, in-class activities, and worksheets as well as links to other English sites.
karen sipe

ALA | Great Web Sites for Kids - 0 views

    This site has links to Animals, The Arts, literature and Language, Sciences, Mathematics & computer, Social Sciences, History and Biography, Social Sciences, Reference Desk,. This site is sponsored by the Association for Library Services to Children
    Lots of great sites in one place.
karen sipe

Grammar Worksheets - 0 views

    This site h as links to free worksheets for Math and Language Arts. This is the coolest site. It appears to all be free. The worksheets look great.
    If you aren't into worksheets, some of these worksheets provide great ideas for flipchart pages and interactive activities.
karen sipe

JustTheWord - 0 views

    JustTheWord is a completely new kind of aid to help you with writing English and choosing just the word. If English is your first language, JustTheWord can help you express that elusive idea with le mot juste. If you're learning English, JustTheWord can justify your choice of words or suggest improvements - and JustTheWord knows about some common errors made by speakers of your mother tongue. When we write, we search our knowledge of words in two ways. We choose between words that mean similar things. A thesaurus gives us access to this sort of knowledge. But our choice constrains and is constrained by the other words in the sentence. We know, or need to know, which word combinations sound natural. A dictionary gives us access to some of this sort of knowledge. Based on the latest advances in statistical linguistics, and exploiting Sharp's patented analysis technology, JustTheWord combines the advantages of thesaurus and dictionary, and enhances the usefulness of both. By analysing a huge amount of English text, we've built up a highly detailed knowledge base of the word combinations whose mastery is at the heart of fluent English.
karen sipe

Site map of dositey educational site - 0 views

    This site provides a collection of free online and printable language arts activities and merials for grades K-8.
karen sipe - 0 views

    This website provides numerous games, interactives, and printables to help enhance and practice elementary in not only maths but also science and language arts.
karen sipe

Free Math Resources and Lesson Plans - 0 views

    This is a collection of free math resources, lesson plans, interactives and printables. Each slide links out to a resource. Someof the resources also align with science and language arts content.
Pat Kennedy

Blog post - Free Rice - 0 views

    Karl Fisch's blog post 12/7/2008 a website where students (or anyone) can practice building their vocabulary and at the same time donate rice to the United Nations World Food Program. Additonal subjects include Art, Chemistry, English, Geography, Languages, and Math.
karen sipe

Maps101 -- Welcome - 0 views

    Maps 101 appears to not be free but has a trial version. ti appears to be K-12. It includes materials for Spanish language educators and those teaching students with limited English. I couldn't find information on the purchase but I did see that you can request an extension on the trial version.
    Map resource
karen sipe - Remember and Understand - 0 views

  • is a new learning website that allows users to create their own study guides and then share them on the web. The free site assembles user-generated content in three formats -- flash cards, multiple choice, and visual learning diagrams. The topics range from traditional school subjects, such as history, languages, and geography, to less academic categories, such as food, billiards, and television. Users can follow other users and their pages and edit other users' pages to craete their own unique page.
    Look like some fund activities that could be used for a variety of content areas.
    Free and can be used by a variety of content areas
karen sipe

Encyclopedia of Earth - 1 views

    Encyclopedia of the Earth an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environmetns, and their interaction with society. It is a free, fully searchable collection of articles written by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The articles are written in non-technical language and are useful to students, educators, scholars, and professionals, as well as to the general public.
    At a quick glance it looks like this site has lots of information about a variety of science related topics.
Pat Kennedy

Inaugural Words 1789 - Present - 1 views

    Website - A look at the language of presidential inaugural addresses. The most-used words in each address appear in the interactive chart below, sized by number of uses. Words highlighted in yellow were used significantly more in this inaugural address than average.
karen sipe

TweenTribune for the classroom | - 0 views

    "Engage, inform, and educate your students with TweenTribune and TeenTribune. These sites let students interact with the news, while fulfilling requirements for language arts, computer skills, and other classes. Kids love it - and so do their teachers" Teachers can sign up and customize Tween Tribune and TweenTribune for your classroom. Free
    Note the feature about the
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