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karen sipe

Interactive Sites for Whiteboards - 0 views

    Harrisville Elementary School's Interactive Sites for Whiteboards: Math and language arts activities for elementary and middle school students.
karen sipe

Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. - 0 views

    this Internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion is suitable for grades 6-12. You'll find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya,k with plenty in between. the mythology section is divided to six geograqphical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. The Folklore section contains general folklore, Arthurian legends, Greek heroic legend, and fascinating folktales from many lands. In addition, there are special topics, including A Bestiary, legendary heroes, an image gallery, and genealogical tables of various pantheons and prominent houses.
karen sipe

English-Zone.Com - the BEST English-Learner's site on the 'Net! - 0 views

    The English-Zone.Com is owned and operated by Kaye Mastin Mallor, an ESL teacher in Fyullerton.CA. This is a fun site for middle or high school students who are learning English as a Second Language, or for native speakers who are brushing up on their English grammar skills. Students can learn some idioms, practice with English verbs, play vocabulary games, check out the fun stuff page, win a million bananas, or write a silly story. Teachers will also find ready-to-print materials, in-class activities, and worksheets as well as links to other English sites.
karen sipe

Free Book Notes, Cliff Notes, Summaries, and Study Guides | - 0 views

    This suitable for middle and high school students, provides a comoprehensive guide to free book summaries, literature notes, and study guides (like Cliffs Notes) for more than 1,600 books, plays, and poems.
karen sipe

Mathtrain.TV - 0 views

    Mathtrain.TV is a free educational "kids teaching kids" project from Mr. Marcos & his students at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, CA. It provides student-created math video lessons all in one place.
Anthony Angelini

Middle East Conquest Map - 1 views

    Animated map that presents all the conquerors of the Middle East from the past 5,000 years in just 90 seconds.
karen sipe

The National Academies presents: What You Need to Know About Energy - 0 views

    The National Academy of the Sciences has launched this new website that gives an overview of the U.S. energy system. It covers 4 main topics: energy uses, sources of energy, the cost of energy (in terms of the environment, national security, and sustainability), and energy efficiency. The site has easy to navigate content and links to source material, and it includes n energy quiz, a glossary, and a source library. The site's producers are also developing curriculum-based materials for high school and middle school classrooms. Two special features--Our Energy System and Understasnding Efficiency--are designed to actively engage visitors and enhance their understanding of energy, including what it is, h ow we use it, and ways to conserve it.
    Looks like a good resource related to the topic of energy
karen sipe

The Longfellow Ten - 0 views

    "The LF10 is a loose association of middle school students in undisclosed locations in cyberspace dedicated to promoting awareness of important academic terms and concepts through absurd stop-motion films"
    I checkd out some of the videos the kids made. This looks really engaging. What a great way for kids to demonstrate their understanding.
    I checked out some of the projects. What a great way for students to demonstrate understanding of a concept.
karen sipe

50 Plus Ideas for Using Document Cameras in the Classroom - 0 views

    Lists of uses for a document camera broken into Primary, Intermediate/Middle and High School
    50 uses for a document camera
karen sipe - 0 views

    With a view of travel as an educational experience like no other, the project makes use of digital media to promote an understanding of different culture and customs to students worldwide. The site hosts virtual field trips to England, Jordan, and South Africa that include more than 160 fort films that correspond to the destinations. Each video explains more about the region's food, music, culture, and language. Since 2003, project explorer has counted more than a million visitors to the site from more than 40 different countries. Recently, it won a Parents' Choice Award for "Outstanding Web Programming." The site's developers qre not working to add a fourth field trip--this one to Malaysia--the Project Explorer has lesson for upper elementary, middle and high school. They plan to offer lesson specifically designed for the early grades.
karen sipe

A Thin Line : - 0 views

    Sexting Quiz for middle and high school students. Use to generate discussion about appropriate behavior on a mobile device.
karen sipe

Mint | - 0 views

    Math and Money, as academic standards-based program designed to teach middle school students the value of managing and saving money. Teachers can download lessons, printables, and bonus materials. Students can participate in an interactive game to see the impact of smart money decisions and budgeting. A parent handout encourages families to work together to create budgets, save wisely, and cut costs.
karen sipe

Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 teacher guide - 0 views

    The company has released its latest version of Mathematics as a free download. The upgrade includes ink handwriting support and a full-featured grqphic calculator. It is designed to help middle and high school students learn to solve equations step by step while it provides an overview of fundamental STEM concepts.
karen sipe

Decimal Squares - 0 views

    Decimal Squares provides simple games for students to use to develop their math skills. The games do not require an account to play and they work on any web browser that has current Flash plug-ins installed. The games are best suited to middle school students, but could be used with upper elementary grades or with high school freshmen.
karen sipe

Free Educational Software For Teachers - 0 views

    Sheppard Software has a fantastic collection of free web-based educational games. Sheppard Software's free games cover Science, Math, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Most of the games are appropriate for elementary and middle school students, but some games are appropriate for high school students. The geography games are particularly good.
karen sipe

What2Learn - 0 views

    What 2 Learn is a website offering more than two thousand educational games for middle school and high school age students. What makes What 2 Learn particularly useful though is the capacity for teachers to create accounts in which they can monitor their students' scores. Teachers can create custom games using twelve different templates provided by What 2 Learn. What 2 Learn is a European based website so some of the games, particularly the math games where money is expressed as Euros and Pounds, may not be appropriate for US students. Aside from that most games are appropriate for use with US students.
karen sipe

Teachers Network - Lesson Plans, Online Courses, Resources & Videos for Teachers, Educa... - 0 views

    Teacher network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources.
karen sipe

NOVA | Galileo's Battle for the Heavens | PBS - 0 views

    This PBS site has a Galileo biography, an exploration of Galileo's telescope, and other interesting articles as well as fun interactive activities for grades 6-12. These games feature animated experiments including Galileo's ingenious experiment on gravity demonstrating that all objects fall at the same rate. Teacher's can find an archive of over 120 companion Web sites to past Nova TV programs by interest, program title, or year of broadcast. There is a searchable teacher's section with classroom activities, TV program descriptions, related NOVA resources, and explorations for students. The video is not free but the interactive experiments on this site are very nice. They are animated and the kids predict what will happen before you activate the animations.
karen sipe - 0 views

    This link has some interactive games on it related to a number of problem solving and critical thinking activities.
karen sipe

Share My Lesson - Free K-12 Lesson Plans & Teaching Resources - 0 views

    Share my lesson has lesson resources for teacher from over 50 content partners. It is free and you can search for content by subject, and grade level. Lots and lots of resources for free.
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