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karen sipe

Teachers Network - Lesson Plans, Online Courses, Resources & Videos for Teachers, Educa... - 0 views

    Teacher network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources.
karen sipe

Site map of dositey educational site - 0 views

    This site provides a collection of free online and printable language arts activities and merials for grades K-8.
karen sipe

Word Puzzles - Crosswords, Codewords, Polyword, Pathfinder - 0 views

    cluemaster, a free subscription service for grades 5-12, offers a collection of hundreds of crossword puzzles, word searches, and othe rword games that can be pirnted from your browser. The 50 quizk crosswords and word searches are suitable for younger students, whereas the more challenging cryptic crosswords are suitable for high school students. Each word puzzle includes a printable answer sheet.
karen sipe

Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. - 0 views

    this Internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion is suitable for grades 6-12. You'll find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya,k with plenty in between. the mythology section is divided to six geograqphical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. The Folklore section contains general folklore, Arthurian legends, Greek heroic legend, and fascinating folktales from many lands. In addition, there are special topics, including A Bestiary, legendary heroes, an image gallery, and genealogical tables of various pantheons and prominent houses.
karen sipe

Change of address - 0 views

    Family games offers an online fantasy-adventure novel, randomly generated haiku poems and stories (reload for a new versions) and other interactive features for grades 5-12.
karen sipe

English-Zone.Com - the BEST English-Learner's site on the 'Net! - 0 views

    The English-Zone.Com is owned and operated by Kaye Mastin Mallor, an ESL teacher in Fyullerton.CA. This is a fun site for middle or high school students who are learning English as a Second Language, or for native speakers who are brushing up on their English grammar skills. Students can learn some idioms, practice with English verbs, play vocabulary games, check out the fun stuff page, win a million bananas, or write a silly story. Teachers will also find ready-to-print materials, in-class activities, and worksheets as well as links to other English sites.
karen sipe

Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude - 0 views

    this site, maintained by RobinL. Simmons, provides grammar explanations and numerous interactive exercises handouts for teachers and students in grades 6-12.
karen sipe

Free Book Notes, Cliff Notes, Summaries, and Study Guides | - 0 views

    This suitable for middle and high school students, provides a comoprehensive guide to free book summaries, literature notes, and study guides (like Cliffs Notes) for more than 1,600 books, plays, and poems.
karen sipe

Explore Themes | The Art Institute of Chicago - 0 views

    Art Access looks at objects from the The Art Institute of Chicago's permanent collection. This site has a variety of online resources including lesson plans for the classroom and art projects for the home. The site is suitable for grades 5-12.
karen sipe

National Gallery of Art - 0 views

    This site is terrific for students and teachers for all grade levels. Click Online Tours and you can explore an artist, theme, or artwork. Click NGA Kids and you will find interactive games and activities for elementary school children.
karen sipe

Asian art, Oriental art, Asian antiques and Arts of Asia - 0 views

    Asian Arts is an electronic journal for the study and exhibition of arts of Asia. For an online tour, click Exhibitions and Galleries. The site, suitable for grades 5-12, includes articles and links to other relevant resources.
karen sipe

National Geographic: Secrets of Egypt (Photos, Diagrams) - 0 views

    This National Geographic site, suitable for grades 6-12, makes excellent use of multimedia to explore the pyramids individually, and place themwithin historical context. It also includes photos and videos from King Tut's Final secrets as well as other ancient Egypt resources
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