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Suzie Nestico

Arab spring: an interactive timeline of Middle East protests | World news | - 1 views

    Very cool, interactive timeline of the protests in the Middle East beginning with Tunisia in December 2010
john c.

3-D Avatars Could Put You in Two Places at Once - 1 views

    Probably within the next five years, we will have the luxury of being in two places at one time using 3-D avatars. Instead of getting up early, getting dressed, and changing your schedule around for a meeting, you could just open up your laptop and within the matter of two minutes, you can be in a virtual conference room. The program will allow you to move your head to look around the room at the other people and while your avatar is wide awake and taking notes for you, you could be sleeping.
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    If technology does get this advanced i'm going to be not too suprised. Things are changing very quickly in our world and nothing suprises me anymore.
    That's actually crazy. Technology is getting so advanced.
    I personally do not like that idea. America is already making a big deal of people not doing anything like not working and people being over weight. This is just another chance for people in the world to sit at home and do nothing.
    That would be awesome, it's like facetime but 3-D.
    This sounds like it could be a bad idea. it would just make people lazier than what they are. I wouldnt do this.
Robert k

Reporter detained - 1 views

    A reporter was covering a story on protest in Bahrain. When the Bahrain goverment came up to them and pointed machine guns at them. The reporter was arrested and the goverment erased all the footage. They were at the police station for 6 hours before being released.
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    That is very sad. They cant even speak what they think.
    How can people do something like that. what is the need to shoot someone let them be
    Its unbelievable the risks people take just to do their job.
    True it is amazing that this reporter went there all of this for just a story. But hey go big or go home, right!
Kristen D.

Air planes hit eachother - 1 views

    if two planes get close enough to hit each other there is something wrong with the air control station, someone was not performing there job well.
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    The Air France Airbus 380 hit the smaller plane while taxiing to the runway for takeoff. The smaller plane then caught on fire. Emergency crews eventually put the fire out.The passangers remained calm as they were alerted to what happened. After a few hours the plane was evacuated and everyone was safe. Their luggage was also ok. This happened because the smaller plane was landing when the other was getting ready for take off. Everyone was safe.
    I think that if your trained to fly then you should have to watch where your going just like in a car unless you cant see where your going or in this case flying.
    well apparently someone wasnt doing their job if planes hit each other unless there was communication mix ups. thats bad though how cant you notice 2 planes aboyt too hit.
    I agree. It takes a lot more than just being awake to control an airport. Someone wasnt doing their job.
    Someone should be fired.
    I do not understand how this happened. How could someone at the airport let the planes in the same area at the same time!
    The people flying this plane are not to blame, the people in the control towers should be able to maintain control of these kind of things. I wouldn't be too happy about this because of somebody else being careless.
nate w

Supercar price cut in half - 1 views

    McLaren cuts the price of its carbon fiber menu. The MP4-12C one of Mclarens elite supercar is now more affordable. The MP4-12C has 592 horsepower twin-turbo V8. The car is capable of reaching over 205MPH. The car used to cost over $500,000.00. Now the super car cost lest then $250,000.00. What made the car so expensive before was the use of all carbon.
    Yeah the supercar may be more affordable now from its old retail price but really who has a quarter mill to be spending on a car. unless you're rich of course.
    People should just wait to buy the car because the price will just keep on dropping overtime.
ryan p

Serial killer gone wild? - 1 views

shared by ryan p on 12 Apr 11 - No Cached
    In Long Island, New York a serial killer is on the loose. Police officers said they found remains which could be up to 9 bodies. They found their first remains in December. Four of the victims were on craigslist. The police are looking for more evidence that can tie someone up to these murders. They have everyone including the K-9 unit looking.If they don't catch this guy he is just going to murder more people. Hopefully, one day justice will be served.
    I hope they find this serial killer. For the peoples in Long Island, New York. Hope there are no more people found died there. Hope everyone stays safe
Kristen D.

Odyssey of the Mind - 1 views

    Recently seven of the Mount Carmel Area Odyssey of the Mind teams went to Williamsport. Three out of the seven teams advanced to world. Odyssey of the Mind is a competition that anyone can compete in. The teams consist of five to seven people. This competition has two parts. The first is your long term problem. At the beginning of the season you pick a problem. There are five total. You then have to solve this problem within an eight minute skit and meet all of the regulations. The second part is spontaneous. The team enters a room with three judges. You can receive a hands-on problem, a hands-on verbal problem, or a verbal problem. Each problem varies on topics and you have a specific amount of time. You are also limited to how many times you may answer. Each of your teams received 1st or 2nd place at the state competition. They will be going to the University of Maryland where they will compete for a world title. Spontaneous and the long term problems are on separate days. Pin trading and shirt trading are only two of the many activities to do during their time there.
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    This sounds like a good way to learn life skills with other students your age. It gets you out of the class room and allows you to think out side of the box.
    Good job and good luck at worlds.
    Congratulations on advancing to worlds. It's a great opportunity to participate in.
    Odyssey of the Mind is a great thing to be involved in. Having three teams going to worlds from Mount Carmel School is a big deal and a huge accomplishment.
    Hope u have a good time. Good luck and hope u win.
    The first time in a lone time that our odyssey of the mind made it to worlds. Good luck and great job at worlds, Congratulations and i hope you win at worlds.
john c.

Obama born in U.S. - 1 views

    Skeptics and conspiracy theorists have been attacking president Obama with their doubts that he was born in America. Statistics show that 25% of citizens have doubt of his birth on U.S. soil. But, evidence has shown that he is a U.S. citizen. And was born in Hawaii. Proof such as the document of his birth in the newspaper, the birth certificate, and memories of the current governer of Hawaii as Barack was a baby.
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    This is good, this will make all the skeptics finally shut up about our president being an American.
    The government can make the people of the United States believe whatever they want us to believe. Just because some piece of paper was copied onto a newspaper doesn't necessarily make something true. I believe that until there is an actual visual of his birth certificate then no so many people are going to believe that he really is a us citizen.
    Not according to Donald Trump.
    Obama may have been born in usa but he dont act it
Stephanie A

What would happen if everything you worked for slipped away? - 1 views

    Shane Parthsm came home from Iraq and he lost 8 of his friends, hes wife was seeing another man.After Shane had dinner with his family, He drove to her family's house with a gun in this hands. Wendy sister called the police about a family fight. He kills his wife Wendy and now he is in jail at Newton County, Georgia , His there for life.
mikael h

Justices, 5-4, Tell California to Cut Prisoner Population - 1 views

    The Supreme Court ordered California to reduce its' prison population by 30,000 people. Justice Anthony Kennedy said that the prison system is failing to deliver minimal care to the prisoners. Also, suicide rates in the prison are 80% higher than the average for inmates nationwide. There are now more than 140,000 inmates in the prison system now.
brett p

L.A. police identify baseball fan beating suspect as gang member - 1 views

    The primary suspect in the brutal beating of a of a San Francisco Giants fan at Dodgers Stadium is Giovanni Ramirez. He is 31 years old and is associated with the Varrio Nuevo Estrada street gang. It is one of 34 gangs in a 15-square-mile area east of downtown Los Angeles.
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    There should be serious consequences for Giovanni Ramirez. Gangs are a big problem and every member they have off of the streets is a good thing. They need to be stopped somehow
    I remember hearing about this when it happened thinking it was just so awful i didn't think somebody could be so low and beat another person up because of the sports team they follow. It's really something to think about
    I really can't believe that somebody has the guts to beat somebody up for something so little and stupid. That guy can't even like his favorite baseball team without getting beat up for it. I think that it is a great thing that the giants players are giving a reward to anyone with answers. It really shows that they care about their fans.
    when stuff like this happens it needs to be dealt with and have major consequences. when this happens it just looks bad on the sport and general managers that do not provide enough security. this is a major problem at sporting events.
jared p

survior of bear attack - 1 views

    57-year-old Jacqueline Berghorn came face-to-face with a bear at her home in Center Harbor, New Hampshire. It pushed her down and she hit a glass door. The bear then ran away, right through a fence. Berghorn said it came back and her husband fired two shots at it. He missed and the bear ran off.One of Berghorn's neighbors said a bear killed six chickens on his property Sunday, but it's believed to be a different bear.
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    That lady is really lucky that bear did grab a good hold of her.
    Something must have triggered the bear to do something like that. Normally bears are very afraid of people unless their cubs are around or they're harmed.
    Thats something that will jump start your day. Being attacked by a bear. Invest in a fence like in jurassic park, no bear would be even close to the household let alone the people inside.
    She must have found her pepper spray.
    I agree there had to be something that set the bear off. Whether it was hungry or scared it might have had a motive. At least no one was hurt.
    I agree with kayleen, the bear must have a motive behind doing this. Black bears arent really that mean of bears. they usually keep to themselves.
    It's not unlikely to have bears around our houses and places where we do activities. We just need to be careful in case we do see one to know what to do.
rachel t

Missouri tornado deadliest in decades - 1 views

    Death toll rises to 118, Missouri governor says. A siren test is scheduled for Tuesday. First responder struck by lightning is in ICU. President Barack Obama plans to visit Missouri this weekend.
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    I would not enjoy living there right now, however chasing a tornado like he movie Twister is on my bucket list. lol
    These people are going to have a long line of recovery ahead of them. I'm sure a lot of help is going to be there for them, but nothing can replace friends and family that were lost.
    This siren test is a good thing to let people no when a bad storm is coming
    Wow, that's horrible. i wonder how much money is gonna be spent to fix the places that got hit.
    I feel sorry for the people house and family that died and losted everything. Missouri's tornado is one of the million that hit in the U.S.A
Angela S

Deadly Joplin tornado could cost $3 billion. - 1 views

    The tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri killed about 118 people and could have damages reaching 3 billion dollars in insured losses.
    A devastating tornado hit Joplin, Mo., that killed at least 117 people. This tornado may have caused up to $3 billion dollars in damage & insured losses, according to an estimate from a catastrophe risk modeling firm released Tuesday.
    this is very sad my cousin lives in Joplin with her family and was only about a hundred yards from the home depot that collapsed. there is barely anything left of her house. this is so sad for everyone involved in it.
katie j

Dangerous outbreak of severe weather in parts of the South - 1 views

    Their are severe thunderstorms and possible tornadoes could erupt from northeast Texas into parts of Mississippi and Tennessee it's also touching parts of Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas and Louisiana
brittany v

Ford: Best first quarter since '98 - 1 views

    Ford Motor combined strong sales and improved pricing to roar past earnings forecasts and post its best first-quarter profit since 1998. Ford earned $2.6 billion, up 22% from last year. They did this by lowing prices on cars and making the most sold cars in America. This has been Fords best since 1998. They are currently the company withe the most cars sold.
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    Because ford is reasonably priced and keeps close watch on the economy. Every other car company out there needs to follow in ford's footsteps to keep the balance in our economy.
    In New York a ford motor combined sales and improved pricing to roar past earning forecasts.This started in 1998. Ford earned $2.6 billion, or 61 cents a share, up 22% from a year earlier, the company said Tuesday.In 1998 was the last time they earned that much in the first quarter. The past quarters performance performance underlined the continued turnaround at the company, which has now posted seven straight quarters of profit after years of losses.
    You would think with the economy, vehicle sales would go down. But it's good to hear that they are not, at least for Ford their not.
    Hopefully this will continue and help the boost the rest of our economy.
    This would be good for them because then it would help them out
    Hopefully things stay good for them.
Dominic W.

U.S. population is beginning to slump. - 1 views

    The United States was once one of the most rapidly growing countries in the world, but that is not the case now. Slow population growth can be a good thing, as the U.S. is in a recession the way it is, and more people can make it worse, especially with jobs currently being difficult to find. From the 90's to 2000, the U.S. was growing at 13.2%, and from 2000 to 2010, it has grown 9.7%. 43% of the growth is Hispanics, which shows how rapidly we our adapting to a diverse community. Studies show that the U.S. is becoming a middle aged country, which will most likely harm us if we don't get out of the recession, because that will be even more money being drained once all the middle aged people are able to collect Social Security.
luke h

Donation jar stolen - 1 views

    Police are looking for three people who took a donation jar from julf gas filled with $20
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    Luke, in the future, you will have the ability to choose between different kinds of media to bookmark for this purpose. For this assignment, it needed to be an article that your classmates could read and comment. Nice job with the tagging ~ accurate.
    It is sad that some people have to resort to stealing money from a donation jar. The fact that they got only $20 out of the jar just makes them look even worse.
    It is very sad that someone would have to resort to something that low.
    I agree with Tyler. It's horrible that people will do anything just for money. Taking money from a donation jar is really inconsiderate, and not to mention, illegal.
    That sad that someone would steal donations.
    This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of someone doing. Most donation jars are basically empty anyway because people really don't care.
    Times might be hard, but stealing isn't an excuse. Especially when it's from a donation jar to help someone else out.
    Thats so terrible to steal a donation jar of 20 dollars. Its terrible how low people go just for some money.
    This is sad. That money could have been used to make a difference in someone sick and now it's being used for something not nearly important. People are just so inconsiderate.
    That is just a shame how people could go and steal things, and to go and steal money that is for someone with cancer yet. I dont think some people have feelings. It is just wrong and uncaring to do something like that.
mikael h

College student working on project to turn food waste into energy - 1 views

    College student working on project to turn food waste into energy. He is studying was to converting biomass waste into liquid fuel known as butanol.
    This topic is one of the most discussed alternet energy resolutions today, but hardly funded. Its possible that this college student will get somewhere, but also nowhere without funding to back up his research.
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