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David Price

Collective Intelligence in Organizations: Tools and Studies - 3 views

    A new generation of Collective Intelligence (CI) technologies, adopted by public and private sector organizations, offers "the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate and invent".
    Uh... collective intelligence in organizations sounds a bit creepy, like "We are the Borg".
Alberto Cottica

Technology | Global Pulse - 0 views

    Crowdsourced hypothesis formation, evidence collection, and collective decision-making. UN sponsored.
David Price

YourView - 0 views

    YourView aspires to give Australians a stronger democratic voice. It has the unique ambition to present what we really think about major public issues, and giving that collective wisdom a role in the national political discourse. By "what we really think" we mean the considered collective viewpoint - ideally what Australians as a whole would think if they were better informed about major public issues and if they had more time to reflect and deliberate about those issues. YourView's aims are thus consistent with those of the deliberative democracy movement.
david osimo

Home - Climate CoLab - 2 views

    "MIT Center for Collective Intelligence"
Alberto Cottica

Check out Engagement Commons [beta] | Code for America - 0 views

    Code for America collects and maps 150 apps for citizen engagement
David Price

Collective intelligence for complexity - 2 views

    Democratizing Big Data and Complexity Science by weaving participatory CollectiveIntelligence into FuturICT.
David Price

ParticipateDB - 0 views

    A collection of tools and projects used for web-based participation, e-consultations, e-participation and online public engagement - with all of the content available now under a Creative Commons license.
david osimo

Noah Raford » Manifesto - 0 views

  • scenario planning, social simulation, role playing, red teaming, crowd sourcing, collective intelligence, sensemaking and experiential learning,
David Price

Metamaps - 0 views

    Build narrative environments for idea discovery, knowledge mapping, sensemaking and creative conversations.
David Price

Mattermap - 3 views

    A mattermap is a diagram of a news story, discussion or event. Our software helps journalists to collect and organize citations and sources around a central question.
david osimo

CyberEmotions - 0 views

    The CyberEmotions consortium began in February 2009 for a period of four years. The project focuses on the role of collective emotions in creating, forming and breaking-up e-communities.
Scott Fortmann-Roe

Big Data Infrastructure Made Simple | Infochimps - 0 views

    Large set of data collections in addition to analysis tools.
david osimo

How Clarabridge Works - 0 views

    Clarabridge provides individual departments, Global 1000 enterprises and technology and service providers with an universal view of their customers through transforming of text-based verbatim into customer experience insight. Clarabridge collects all sources of customer feedback, transforms it using Natural Language Processing (NLP), categorizes the content, performs sentiment scoring and delivers customer insights enterprise-wide though a variety of interfaces.
David Price

Civic Evolution - 3 views

    Think together to act together: CivicEvolution helps citizens create community written and supported plans to solve community problems.
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