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Claude Almansi

[project 21] - Studentische Organisation für nachhaltige Entwicklung - Creati... - 0 views

    Creative Commons, Open Access, OpenStreetMap? In einer Veranstaltungsreihe im bQm werden Projekte und Initiativen aus dem Bereich der freien Inhalte in gemütlicher Atmosphäre vorgestellt. Creative Commons und FreeBeer - Dienstag, 29. September Was steckt hinter "some rights reserved" und was bringt es? Creative Commons kurz erklärt. Mit FreeBeer wird ein ungewöhnliches Creative Commons Projekt vorgestellt. Von Melanie Bosshart, Digitale Allmend und Pascal Mages, FreeBeer/[project 21]. Open Access - wissenschaftliche Texte und Bilder im Internet - Dienstag, 6. Oktober Worum geht es bei Open Access, wie und warum publiziert eigene Arbeiten man Open Access? Die ETH Bibliothek zeigt verschiedene Wege. Von Arlette Piguet und Nicole Graf, ETH-Bibliothek. OpenStreetMap - die freie Landkarte und Geodatenbank - Dienstag, 13. Oktober Warum OpenStreetMapper mit GPS Empfängern durch die Gegend laufen und die Weltkarte neu zeichnen. Vom Adreas Brauchli, OpenStreetMap. Live Konzert mit - Donnerstag, 15. Oktober Du bestimmst wer im bQm rockt! Jetzt probehören und abstimmen auf Die Musik steht natürlich unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz. Beginn 18 Uhr. Die Kurzvorträge beginnen jeweils um 17.15 Uhr. Danach DJ-Set mit Creative Commons lizenzierter Musik.
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons : le meilleur des deux mondes ? - Pierre-Yves Thoumsin, droit-technolo... - 0 views

    Creative Commons est l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit. Nous proposons en annexe n nouveau dossier, consacré à la licence Creative Commons, qui est sans nul doute l'un des acteurs les plus visibles du mouvement dit du copyleft. L'appréhension de ces licences libres nécessite une relecture des paradigmes classiques de la propriété littéraire. La présente étude propose une mise en contexte des licences Creative Commons sur le plan de la théorie du droit.
Claude Almansi

Sharing your work: Open Access and Creative Commons (in progress: drafts) - 1 views

    "Though Open Access publication and Creative Commons licensing were not mentioned as issues by the people who participated in the DICE survey, several replies deal with germane issues: see cases THETA-MU in the "Per cominciare..." section of the handbook. The concern about protection expressed in THETA, IOTA and KAPPA is answered in Chapter B [check "B" in final version - calmansi calmansi just now] of this handbook: works such as those mentioned in these replies are automatically protected by copyright law once they have been expressed, and this protection also obtains for works expressed in digital form, and offered online. Open Access publishing and of Creative Commons licensing are particular uses of copyright law. As we shall see in what follows, they can help towards the communal sharing wished for by the author of LAMBDA, and the literature about their implementation can be of use in solving the conundrums of third parties' rights evoked by the author of MU. Open Access The main Swiss higher education authorities have signed the Berlin Declaration on Open Access. This is a great progress for research. It also means that all publications by teachers and researchers - and all theses by students - of Swiss academic and higher education institutions must be made available in Open Access repositories, following the rules stated in by the Berlin Declaration: 1. The author(s) and right holder(s) of such contributions grant(s) to all users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, right of access to, and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship (community standards, will continue to provide the mechanism for enforcement of proper attribution and responsible use of the published work, as they do now), as well as the right to make small numbers of printed copies for their personal use. 2. A complete
Claude Almansi

dotSUB Terms Of Use - 0 views

    " ... 1. When you submit or post material, you must be the owner of the content or have express permission from the content owner to share their work. When content is uploaded to dotSUB you must choose a Creative Commons license or choose "other" or "all rights reserved". By choosing "other" or "all rights reserved". you indicate that the content will be posted under terms other than Creative Commons licenses. If the content is licensed under terms that do not permit derivative works to be made from that content, by which we mean to indicate permission to overlay subtitled files on top of the original digital files and/or to distribute that content via an mpeg4, do not upload the file to dotSUB. If the content has previously been licensed with a Creative Commons license, dotSUB will acknowledge the terms under which the content was originally licensed. Content uploaded using a Creative Commons or other license is subject to the specific terms that the license grants. 2. You, as a content owner, grant to dotSUB the royalty-free, perpetual, revocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, translate, distribute, and display the content (in whole or in part) worldwide, to create derivative works and/or to incorporate it in other media or technology. 3. The rights to the translations done by volunteers are always owned by the translators who do the volunteer translations on videos that reside solely on dotSUB. The following terms reflect the different use scenarios. We have tried to word this in the clearest non-legal language. We reserve the right to modify these terms, as necessary, but will inform the dotSUB community immediately if we choose to do so. You may not use this Site or the materials on it in any manner that violates the privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, contract rights, or any other rights belonging to the content's owner. We reserve the right, at any time to suspend, cancel, or term
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons wins the 2008 Free Software Foundation Award for Project of Social Ben... - 0 views

    Creative Commons vice president Mike Linksvayer accepted the award saying, "It's an incredible honor. Creative Commons should be giving an award to the Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman, because what Creative Commons is doing would not be possible without them."
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons and Related Rights in Sound Recordings: Are the Two Systems Compatible... - 0 views

    Abstract: Technically it is entirely possible to attach a Creative Commons license to a sound recording - but does the law permit it? This study examines the rights of performers and producers in the sound recordings they create, the collective management systems in place for the exploitation of those rights, and the relevant terms of the Creative Commons licenses. On this basis, it attempts to assess whether Creative Commons licenses can be attached to sound recordings, whether the use of such licenses can be combined with the collective management of related rights in sound recordings and, if so, under what circumstances and conditions this can be achieved.
Claude Almansi

Esther Wojcicki: Open Education Resources Get a Big Boost: Cathy Casserly Joins Creativ... - 0 views

    "Open Education Resources (OER) just got a big boost this weekend. Long time OER champion Dr. Catherine Casserly was just elected yesterday to the Board of Directors of Creative Commons to help provide further direction for the Open Education Resources movement worldwide. 2010-02-01-Casseerly4.jpg For those of you who never heard of OER, let me explain. In brief, OER is high quality learning materials that are freely available for use, remixing and redistribution; the name was first adopted by UNESCO in 2002. The push to further develop OER comes at a critical time when schools nationwide are seeking ways to improve learning. Creative Commons (CC) plays a major role in the OER movement as it provides the legal structure for sharing creative works and making them available for others to build upon and share. The CC organization has six licenses that allow creators to share their works easily."
Claude Almansi

cc-community Info Page - public discussion of Creative Commons and related items - 0 views

    Wide-ranging public discussion of Creative Commons and related items. Creative Commons runs several lists with more specific charters (e.g., license development, metadata, international porting). See for a catalog of all public Creative Commons mailing lists.
Claude Almansi

Digitale Allmend - Interview - VJs und Creative Commons Launch - 02/06/2007 - 0 views

    Das Interview fand anlässlich des Launches von Creative Commons Switzerland statt. veröffentlicht ihre Werke unter Creative Commons. Für den Launch hat ihr Set zum Remixen zur Verfügung gestellt.
Claude Almansi

Commoner Letter #1: Mohamed Nanabhay of Al Jazeera - Creative Commons - Oct 2009 - 0 views

    "This has been a big year for the Al Jazeera Network and our use of Creative Commons. In January we launched the world's first repository of broadcast quality video footage released under a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution (CC BY) license. At the time we made select Al Jazeera video footage - initially, footage of the War on Gaza - available for free to be downloaded, shared, remixed, subtitled and eventually rebroadcast by users and TV stations across the world, under the condition that they attribute the material to us. "
Claude Almansi

Before Licensing - CC Wiki #Are you a member of a collecting society? If so, does it al... - 0 views

    "You need to check with your society. Currently, many of the collecting societies in Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Taiwan and the Netherlands take an assignment of rights (or in France what is called a "mandate" of rights that nonetheless has the same effect practically as an assignment) from you in present and future works (so that they effectively become the owner of these rights) and manage them for you. So if you are already a member of a collecting society in one of these jurisdictions, you may not be entitled to license your work yourself under a Creative Commons license because the necessary rights are not held by you but by the collecting society. Please also read the FAQ on the website of the Creative Commons project team for your jurisdiction for more information about this issue in your jurisdiction. "
Claude Almansi

kultpavillon - der blog: Creative Commons: Dr. Volker Grassmuck (Video Teil 2) - 0 views

    26. Mai 2007. Im zweiten Teil des Gesprächs mit Dr. Volker Grassmuck, dass Daniel von der Digitalen Allmend in Zürich geführt hat, geht es um die Kompatibilität von Creative Commons und den Verwertungsgesellschaften.
Claude Almansi

100 Millionen freie Bilder bei Flickr - Metawelle, March 22 09 - 0 views

    Am 29 Juni 2004 gab Flickr bekannt, dass jeder der möchte, seine Fotos bei Flickr mit einer Creative Commons Lizenz ausstatten kann. Innerhalb des ersten Jahres wurden bereits 10 Millionen Fotos mithilfe der sechs zur Verfügung stehenden Lizenzmodule veröffentlicht. Nun, im fünften Jahr nach Beginn der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem kanadischen Fotohosting-Dienst und der gemeinnützigen Organisation Creative Commons, befinden sich bereits 100 Millionen Fotos in der riesigen Datenbank.
Claude Almansi

Cory Doctorow on the Three Strikes Death Penalty - interview by David Weinberger - blip... - 0 views

    "Creative Commons LicenseThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Author and activist Cory Doctorow argues that the Internet is too central to our lives to be taken away for three accusations of copyright infringement. Along the way he proposes that turnabout is fair play, and thus Universal (for example) ought to have its access to the Net taken away if it issues three false accusations of infringement. "
Claude Almansi

Internet Archive: Free Downloads: Text Archive - dynamic: no date - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Open-Access Text Archive. This collection is open to the community for the contribution of any type of text, many licensed using Creative Commons licenses. Check our FAQ for more information. Recent Internet Archive blog posts focused on Texts: * Guest Blogger: Barbara Janis of the Presidio Trust * Celebrate Banned Books Week 2009 * Travels with the FWP * Special Collections From the UCLA Scanning Center * Welcoming the "Share" Button * The Library of Congress at Your Fingertips * Yiddish Literature Online Please feel free to contribute your texts! (Uploaders, please try to set a Creative Commons license as part of the upload process, so people know what they can do with your texts - thanks!) All items (most recently added first) - RSS"
Claude Almansi

Why ND Is Neither Necessary Nor Sufficient To Prevent Misrepresentation - Rob Myers 201... - 0 views

    "Misrepresentation One of the greatest concerns for authors who create works of opinion and place them under alternative copyright licences is that the licence will allow their opinions or arguments to be misrepresented. The Creative Commons Attribution-No-Derivatives licence appears to protect against misrepresentation by ensuring that the author's original expression cannot be altered with the production of derivative works. But I would argue that ND cannot protect against mis-representation any better than using a copyleft licence such as Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike, and that copyleft licences are also better for freedom of speech." (integrate in CC chapter of handbook?)
Claude Almansi Conditions d'utilisation (lang=fr) - 0 views

  • Toute exploitation commerciale est interdite.
    • Claude Almansi
      This sentence is missing in the German version of the TOU
    "Conditions d'utilisation Les documents publiés dans le portail sont accessibles gratuitement pour un usage privé, ou encore à des fins de recherche et d'enseignement. Toute exploitation commerciale est interdite. Des données ou des tirages isolés peuvent être diffusés, accompagnés des présentes conditions d'utilisation, et sous réserve de leur observation. Le stockage de ces documents sur un autre serveur est soumis à une autorisation écrite de la direction du projet Creative Commons License Les documents numériques sont publiés sous la licence Creative-Commons suivante: Le format d'affichage est généré à partir d'images de haute résolution (en principe 300 dpi) au format Tiff. Ces images (masters) sont gérées et archivées par les bibliothèques qui conservent les documents originaux. Leur achat et leur utilisation sont soumis aux règlements tarifaires des bibliothèques concernées. "
Claude Almansi

Choose a License | Englsh - no date - 0 views

    "With a Creative Commons license, you keep your copyright but allow people to copy and distribute your work provided they give you credit - and only on the conditions you specify here. For those new to Creative Commons licensing, we've prepared a list of things to think about. If you want to offer your work with no conditions or you want to certify a work as public domain, choose one of our public domain tools." (you can change language at the bottom of the form)
Claude Almansi

YouTube - Creative Commons Licensing Offline Work Walkthrough - mpaskevicius 2009-10-20 - 0 views

    "Screencast which demonstrates how to add a Creative Commons license to offline works created in September 2009 for the University of Cape Town."
Claude Almansi

Creative Commons Licensing Offline Work Walkthrough - 4 Translation(s) | dotSUB - 0 views

    "License. . Screencast which demonstrates how to add a Creative Commons license to offline works created in September 2009 for the University of Cape Town."
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