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Fred Delventhal

Exhibit Transforms Your Spreadsheet into an Interactive Web Page | Smarterware - 0 views

    Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project. Exhibit takes data sets up to about 500 rows, plots locations on a Google Map, dates on an interactive timeline, and displays images and links in a tabular or thumbnail view. The viewer can sort, search, and filter data in any Exhibit view without reloading the page. You can make Exhibit do all this with a single HTML file and a spreadsheet-no hardcore programming required.
Sheryl A. McCoy

woork: Google Spreadsheets Tips: Gantt Chart (Microsoft Project-like) using Widget - 0 views

    effective tutorial for Google Spreadsheet; especially interested in the explanation of the Gantt Gadget; great for data visualization
    Google Spreadsheet tips, including the use of the Gantt Gadget
Dean Mantz

Interactive Excel Spreadsheets - 23 views

  • Excelets are interactive Excel spreadsheets or simulations of mathematical models.
  • It is assumed that users of this guide are experienced with the use of Excel
Lisa Winebrenner

How to Create a Mail Merge with Gmail and Google Docs - Video Tutorial - 17 views

    Step 1: Assuming that your already have a Gmail account, go to your Google Contacts and create a new Group (let's say "Media"). Add all the contacts to this group who you want to send a personalized email. Step 2: Create a copy of this spreadsheet into your own Google Docs account. Step 3: You'll see a new "Mail Merge" menu in Google Docs near "Help." Click "Import Gmail Contacts" and authorize Google Docs to access your Google Contacts. Step 4: Click Mail Merge -> Import Gmail Contacts again and type the name of the Gmail group ("Media") that you created in Step 1. Google Docs will now automatically import the relevant Gmail contacts into the spreadsheet.
Allison Kipta

Adobe - Tables - 0 views

  • Tables provides a new way to work with others on data and information - such as task lists, schedules, contacts, and sales numbers - that is typically created and shared in spreadsheets or simple databases. Your data tables are online so everyone has access to the latest information - no need for multiple versions or e-mail attachments. Built on the Adobe® Flash® Platform, Tables looks and behaves like a desktop application, but it operates inside a web browser. There's no installation required, so getting started is easy - and free.

Creating and editing pivot table reports - Google Docs Help - 12 views

    Google spreadsheet now has pivot table reports...
Lisa Winebrenner

Calling all bloggers! - Leadership Day 2010 | Dangerously Irrelevant - 4 views

  • Since the past three have been so successful,* I am putting out a call for people to participate in Leadership Day 2010. As I said three years ago: Many of our school leaders (principals, superintendents, central office administrators) need help when it comes to digital technologies. A lot of help, to be honest. As I’ve noted again and again on this blog, most school administrators don’t know
    Here are the ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT posts from the past three years Leadership Day 2007 - Summary Leadership Day 2008 - SummaryLeadership Day 2009 - Summary spreadsheet
Jeff Johnson

Rich Chart Live - Create enjoyable and captivating Flash Charts from your web browser f... - 0 views

    Create enjoyable and captivating Flash Charts from your web browser for Free. Rich Chart Live transforms your data into enjoyable and captivating communication. All you need is a web browser, no software to download, nothing to install. Import your data from a spreadsheet, export your chart as Flash or PowerPoint.
Jerry Swiatek

PDF to Excel - 100% Free! - 0 views

    Use PDF to Excel to quickly and easily create highly-editable XLS files, making it a cinch to re-use tables and spreadsheets from PDF files in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Google Docs, and WordPerfect Office. Best of all, it's entirely free!
Jeff Johnson

Technology Review: Putting the Web in a Spreadsheet - 19 views

    Vast quantities of data are freely available on the Web, and it can be a potential treasure trove for many businesses--providing they can figure out how to use it effectively. IBM hopes that a new tool, called BigSheets, will help users analyze Web data more easily. The company has developed a test version of the software for the British Library.
Allison Kipta

Timepedia Chronoscope as a Google Gadget - 7 views

    "Chronoscope is an interactive time series chart that can be used as an embedded widget, a Google Gadget, or with the Google visualization API. This page explains how to use Chronoscope as a Google gadget for line or bar charts in Google spreadsheets, in iGoogle, or in Open Social containers. "
Jerry Swiatek

Noteflight - Sign In - 2 views

    We built Noteflight because we looked at where software is today, and saw that applications for writing music were stuck in the past. We wanted to accomplish a few important goals: Make it easy to create and share written music online. People who make music -- amateurs and professionals, students and teachers -- want to share that music with others, sooner or later. But most software for working with notated music treats the Internet as an afterthought: it's geared to saving your music on your own computer's hard disk, not to sharing your music with other people. It's painful to share musical scores online today, and as software inventors, we knew how much better it could be. People expect to be able to do their creative work wherever they go, and a crop of new browser-based applications make it incredibly easy to create and publish word-processing documents or spreadsheets online. We feel musical documents should be just as accessible. Empower developers to build a new world of musical and educational applications. Applications today should be not only powerful tools, but building blocks that can be combined in ways that their creators have never foreseen. A truly powerful musical application should be extensible without having to open it up and change the code. Adding new instruments and symbols, or embedding in a page and building new kinds of connections with other content -- all of these things should be possible. A great tool lets creative people not only use its built-in capabilities, but extend them and freely reorganize them in new ways. As Bertrand Meyer, a pioneer of software thinking, once put it: "Real systems have no top". Encourage a vibrant community of users by keeping the basics free. Music notation software vendors continue to charge high prices for boxed software, CD and DVD distribution media, and printed manuals. Then once you buy something, you're basically stuck with it until the next major upgrade cycle comes around, at which point you pa
Lisa Winebrenner

Keyboard accelerators, mnemonics, and shortcuts - Google Docs Help - 3 views

    Keyboard accelerators, mnemonics, and shortcuts Keyboard accelerators let you open menus using special keyboard shortcuts. The table lists shortcuts for people using Chrome on Windows/Linux. If you're working in Internet Explorer or Firefox, replace Alt with Alt+Shift. If you're working on a Mac, replace Alt with Ctrl+Option.
David Wetzel

Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 15 views

    Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
Jeff Johnson

Office 2008 vs. iWork vs. NeoOffice vs. OpenOffice - 0 views

    One man's opinion: The more I use these, the more I really don't care for iWork. Sure, Keynote makes some darned pretty presentations, but NeoOffice (and OpenOffice for the matter) cuts the mustard quite handily. For real polish, you still can't beat Office 2007/2008, as much as I hate to admit it. What do you think? 3.0 looks to rock out loud too. Is iWork irrelevant, or is it just me? Reread the repost below and I'll give this some more thought next week when I'm back from vacation.
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