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david cook

Why Talk Is Important in Classrooms - 0 views

    • Roland O'Daniel
      Here is a sticky note
  • One student at a time is talking while the others listen or ignore the class. Second, the teacher is clearly using a lot of academic language, which is great
  • oral language plays in literacy development, defining it as "the ability to express oneself coherently and to communicate freely with others by word of mouth."
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • the ability to express oneself coherently and to communicate freely with others by word of mouth."
    • martha gajdik
      If you dissect the word and use the new word mapping strategy kids would have been able to guess the meaning of this word.
  • . Although Spanish is the most common second language in the United States, students in a given school district might speak more than 100 different languages. These languages differ in their pronunciation patterns, orthographic representations, and histories—and thus in the ease with which students can transfer their prior knowledge about language to English. Proficiency in the home language. Students who speak the same language and are in the same grade may have very different levels of academic language proficiency in their home language depending on such factors as age and prior education. The development of a formal first language facilitates learning in additional languages. Generation. There are recognized differences in language proficiency for students of different generations living in the United States. First and second generations of English language learners differ in significant ways, including the ability to use English at home. Because protracted English language learners born outside the United States attempt to straddle their old world and the new world in which they live, they experience greater difficulty in developing English proficiency. Number of languages spoken. Some students enroll in schools having mastered more than one language already and thus have gained a linguistic flexibility that can aid in learning additional languages. Others have spoken one language at home for years, and their exposure to English is a new learning experience. Motivation. Students differ in their motivation to learn English depending on their migration, immigration, or birthplace. Immigrant families leave their homelands for a variety of reasons—political and economic are perhaps the most common. Many of our students have left loved ones behind, along with a familiar and cherished way of life. Some even hope to return when a war is ended or when the family has enough money to better their life in their home country. These students may not feel a great need to become proficient in a language they don't intend to use for very long. Poverty. Living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity have a profound impact on learning in general and language learning in particular. Simply said, when students' basic needs are met, they are more likely to excel in school. Personality. Some students are naturally outgoing and verbal; others are shy or prefer more independent activities. Some are risk takers who are not afraid to make mistakes; others want their utterances to be perfect. These differences in personality can lead to differences in the rate at which students gain proficiency in listening and speaking or reading and writing.
    • sarah chaney
      This chart shoes the levels for the students.
  • It's how we process information and remember.
    • R. Sandberg
      Does this apply to both written and oral language?
    • sarah chaney
      My thought on this beginning part addresses how limit some students are in expressing their ideas.
  • There are recognized differences in language proficiency for students of different generations living in the United States. First and second generations of English language learners differ in significant ways, including the ability to use English at home
    • martha gajdik
      You also have to keep in mind the differences in the changing social culture. The slang of a generation also changes making the transition for anyone with language barriers to keep up.
  • We know that teachers themselves have to use academic discourse if their students are ever going to have a chance to learn. Third, the balance of talk in this classroom is heavily weighted toward the teacher. If we count the number of words used, minus the student names, the teacher used 190 words, whereas the students used 11. This means that 94 percent of the words used in the classroom during this five-minute segment were spoken by the teacher. In addition, if we analyze the types of words used, half of the words spoken by the students were not academic in nature. That's not so great. Students need more time to talk, and this structure of asking them to do so one at a time will not significantly change the balance of talk in the classroom.
    • Ashley Perkins
      Would be interesting to track this with ourselves. How many words do I use verses my students? What is the complexity of word choice?
    • R. Sandberg
      I found this to be true about my own teaching when I completed the Hallmark regarding the use of the CREDE standards last spring - I had to rethink my own use of dialogue when I "heard" how much of the talk in the room was "teacher talk"...
    • Denise Finley
      This could be part of a peer coaching session. It could be something teachers do for each other. I did this when I was in the classroom
  • But think about the self-talk (inner speaking) you use when you complete independent tasks. Some of this self-talk occurs in your mind, whereas some is vocalized. Again, thinking occurs as we use language, and this type of talk is an important aspect to learning.
  • We have all observed that young children listen and speak well before they can read or write
    • Denise Finley
      My observations with my grandbaby that has difficulty with speech is that she is becoming more and more interested in reading and writing. She has learned to write her name and her sisters. Penelope isn't an easy name. She now is constantly asking and writing everyones name.
  • Students were expected to memorize facts and be able to recite them. Remember that in most classrooms of the late 1800s, the age range was very diverse. In the same classroom, teachers might have students who were 5 or 6 years old and others who were 15 to 18. Talking by students was not the norm. In fact, students were punished for talking in class, even if the talk was academic!
    • lj harville
      practicing to see if i am doing this correct...
  • it seems reasonable to suggest that classrooms should be filled with talk, given that we want them filled with thinking!
    • Karen Muench
      This is one of my frustrations - too many teachers still want their classrooms silent. We need to help the teachers understand quiet classrooms don't necessarily mean learning is happening.
  • Our experience suggests that these students will fail to develop academic language and discourse simply because they aren't provided opportunities to use words
    • Jill Griebe
      Unfortunately, this is how many of us were taught to be teachers. Why did it take so many years before educators realized that students needed to talk to each other in order to show comprehension?
  • Language permits its users to pay attention to things, persons and events, even when the things and persons are absent and the events are not taking place. Language gives definition to our memories and, by translating experiences into symbols, converts the immediacy of craving or abhorrence, or hatred or love, into fixed principles of feeling and conduct. (
    • Dawn Redman
      John McWhorter, a linguist, makes this point to distinguish animals' "speech" from that of humans.
    • sarah chaney
      This approaches the idea of how teachers form their questions.
  • children learn that language is power and that they can use words to express their needs, wants, and desires.
  • The problem with applying this developmental approach to English language learners and language learning in the classroom is that our students don't have years to learn to speak before they need to write
  • Vygotsky
    • Dawn Redman
      "zone of proximal development" guy
  • English language learners need access to instruction that recognizes the symbiotic relationship among the four domains of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
    • Sherri Beshears-McNeely
      important info for so many of our teachers
  • We know that opportunities for students to talk in class also take time. So, given the little instructional time we have with them, how can we justify devoting a significant amount of that time to talk? We would argue, How can we not provide that time to talk? Telling students what you want them to know is certainly a faster way of addressing standards. But telling does not necessarily equate to learning. If indeed "reading and writing float on a sea of talk," then the time students spend engaged in academic conversations with their classmates is time well spent in developing not only oracy but precisely the high level of literacy that is our goal.
    • david cook
  • Classroom talk is frequently limited and is used to check comprehension rather than develop thinking.
    • sarah chaney
      We want to develop students' thinking.
  • Questioning is an important tool that teachers have, but students also need opportunities for dialogue if they are to learn
    • Gina Wright
      Students need opportunities for academic dialogue in all classrooms
    • Jill Griebe
      It seems that with the dialogue examples as well as what I do and see in classrooms is that we need better questioning skills in order to allow the students to show their thinking.
  • Our experience suggests that these students will fail to develop academic language and discourse simply because they aren't provided opportunities to use words.
    • Randy Casey
      How can students learn academic language when they aren't provided an opportunity to use the words in an academic setting?
  • , teachers talked for most of the instructional day while students were quiet and completed their assigned tasks.
  • We've divided the opportunities for talk into four major categories. These categories are consistent with a gradual release of responsibility model of instruction, which acknowledges that students must assume increasing responsibility if they are to learn (
  • our brains are wired for language.
    • Dawn Redman
      Chomskey's "universal grammar"
  • Teacher Modeling
  • questioning can be used during teacher modeling, but teachers can also activate their students' background knowledge during this time
  • After modeling, students can reflect on what they learned through both writing independently and talking with a partner.
  • Guided Instruction
  • teachers use talk to determine what students know and what they still need to know. This is an opportunity to use questions, prompts, and cues to help students complete tasks.
  • key is for students to talk with one another, in purposeful ways
    • R. Sandberg
      The purposeful ways can be the academic dialogue activities that we are sharing with our teachers - PVF, cafe conversations, etc...
  • Collaborative Tasks
  • Talk becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify their own understanding, and make their ideas comprehensible to their partners. It is during collaborative tasks that students must use academic language if they are to focus on the content. Here again, their understanding grows as they talk with their partners to reflect on their learning.
  • Put simply, talk, or oracy, is the foundation of literacy.
    • Catherine Rubin
      How does the evolve for children with hearing loss?
  • teachers of high-achieving students spent about 55 percent of the class time talking, compared with 80 percent for teachers of low-achieving students
    the power of the arts!
  • ...2 more comments...
    Amazing breakdown of teacher talk versus student. Something to pay attention to in class observation & in caoching conversations
    relationship between thinking and speech
    I have seen an academic dialogue activity of a modified socratic seminar that the teacher sent home questions for the students to be ready to discuss the night before and then the discussion was designed to be completely led by the students the following day. It was a wonderful way to see students engage in reading materials and have their own thoughts
    I still see this happening in isolated classrooms - in spite of all the training that has been provided...
Amber Ylisto

SRTrainingSummer09 / Chapter 6- Group 1 - 0 views

  • seen pages
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
  • kids need to read the whole book to understand the main ideas
    • Paul Rodrigues
      This is so not true. Targeted reading can provide students essential content and save time for other activities.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      I'm glad to know this is acknowledged and acceptable
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      Also, this is a must with semester long courses
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • Maybe we believe that kids need to read the whole book to understand the main ideas in our subject.
    • Jamie Poff
      I don't believe this at ALL. Quite possibly, I err on the opposite end fo the spectrum, where students don't know WHY they have a textbook. Perhaps, some of these new strategies can make in-class reading more productive and encourage more use of the book.
  • They need you, the teacher, to break the work into steps and stages, and to give them tools and activities and work habits that help.
    • Josh Yost
      Scaffolding, vocabulary strategies really work well with breaking up text into manageable chunks for students.
  • Like the social studies teachers at Stagg High School, you could try to identify the 12 or 16 absolutely key, “fencepost” concepts in every course you teach. You might agree in principle that kids would do better to understand a dozen key ideas deeply, that to hear 1,000 ideas mentioned in passing. But what are the right fenceposts for your subject, your course?
    • Josh Yost
      Finding these fencepost ideas is always difficult in a department where each person feels different topics require more coverage than others.
  • beyond the classroom
    • Paul Rodrigues
      definately a key to motivating readers. They need to know why it matters to them.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Jamie Poff
      Ah. The "selective abandonment" approach. Reminds me of my days teaching Arts & Humanities -- 25 pages of random facts in the Core Content about the progress of Western, non-Western, and other indigienous visual art, drama, dance, literature, music, religion, philosophy, from time immemorial to present...all in 18 weeks of block scheduling.
  • have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Hannah Cook
      what do you let slide and what to you cover? does each individual teacher decide this or is it done as a department?
  • Whatever our subject, we may believe that “the state requires us” to cover everything in the textbook, however thinly
  • This newer kind of test tries to determine not just whether students retain factual information, but whether, given an authentic problem, they can reason effectively.
    • Josh Yost
      This is the step some students seem to miss: application of knowledge.
  • In fact, the 50 states differ widely in the sort of high-stakes tests they actually administer.
    • Paul Rodrigues
      Do we have any framework for the new KY tests? Like...standards, core content...?
  • But what are the right fenceposts for your subject, your course?
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      good question
  • Sounds plausible, given the current fervor of politicians to supervise us, but we’d better be sure it is the reality
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      This book must have been written during the Bush admin.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      good point
  • Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks We can harness the social power of collaboration, having kids work in pairs, groups, and teams at all stages of reading to discuss, debate, and sort-out ideas in the book.
    • Josh Yost
      I find this works well in social studies, especially with topics that apply to events in the world today.
  • Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks
  • to remember ideas, learners must act upon them. Period. You can have students move their noses above any number of pages, left to right, top to bottom, but that is neither teaching nor learning.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      love this
  • What’s Really on the State Test?
    • Jamie Poff
      in response to selective abandonment, I found in the A & H Core Content that most of it was unnecessary to do well on the test. Most of my students were able to perform at the Proficient/Distinguished level without a text...and without covering every single thing on the suggested list. Highly discouraging for a new teacher...effort, in a sense, wasted.
  • roe of textbooks
    • Amber Ylisto
  • only a fraction (17% in mathematics for example) understand a field well enough to do higher-level operations or performances. (2000).
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      not surprised
  • Sure, we can make students read daily sections of the textbook as a matter of compliance and obedience.
    • Amber Ylisto
      Sounds really boring.
  • NAEP tells us
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      what is NAEP?
  • cussedness
  • the content of any subject field has different levels of importance. There are some anchor ideas we ant students to understand in a deep and enduring way, others that are important to know about, and finally, some aspects where a passing familiarity is sufficient.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      very true
  • 1.Does the idea, topic, or process represent a big idea having enduring value beyond the classroom? 2.Does the big idea, topic, or process reside at the heart of the discipline? 3.To what extent does the idea, topic or process require uncoverage? 4.To what extent does the idea, topic, or process have the potential for engaging students?
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      i like these questions?
  • the reform movements between1820-1850. There are four distinct strands which emerged during this period- religious renewal, abolitionism, the early women’s rights efforts, and workplace reform- each of which receives several pages of coverage in the textbook
  • making sure your kids can think like a scientist, a mathematician, a historian, or a writer.
  • Many books couldn’t be studied this way because information in earlier chapters is crucial for understanding later ones. But textbooks frequently can be easily subdivided.
    • Josh Yost
      Another way to subdivide the chapter is to have students divide in groups and present their information in a creative way to their classmates.
  • Have empathy. Remember, not only are you a grownup and a subject matter expert, you have also read this textbook five or 10 times before. The material may seem easy to you, but it may really be Greek to the kids.
  • Jigsawing
    • Paul Rodrigues
      You can also pair proficient and poor readers and do a parallel reading in a jigsam format for added differentiation and support for struggling readers.
  • giving students support before and during reading
  • Make more selective assignments
  • Greek to the kids
    • Jamie Poff
      Especially if you teach a course in Greek. LOL. ;)
  • Choose wisely. Make more selective assignments
    • Jamie Poff
      This is particularly important for honors/excel students. Accelerated does not mean "do more of the same."
  • more are using constructed responses, items that present some data (a chart, article, or problem) and then ask students to work with it. This newer kind of test tries to determine not just whether students retain factual information, but whether, given an authentic problem, they can reason effectively.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      these are the best kind!
  • With jigsawing activities, when kids sit down to find the links between movements like abolitionism and worker’s rights, they are coming pretty close to “doing history,” not just dutifully accepting what the textbook says.
    • Josh Yost
      This does require students to be trained in how to do effective jigsaw strategies.
  • assigning fewer pages
    • Jamie Poff
      Especially important for students in regular-pace and more slowly-paced groups. Do reading in class, alongside practice.
  • focus on making sure your kids can think like a scientist, a mathematician, a historian, or a writer.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      i like this statement
  • websites
    • Jamie Poff
      I finished a course last year by using my WJHS Wiki, a website with discussion forums you can build, ideas you can exchange, and digital copies of assignment lists, expectations, etc. it was pretty cool.
  • Have empathy.
  • The material may seem easy to you, but it may really be Greek to the kids.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      very true
  • similarities
  • laboring under tough requirements to “cover” material, having
  • ACCESS: Textbook Feature Analysis Directions: Use this activity to better understand the textbook in this class. Its purpose is to teach you how the textbook works by showing you what it is made of and how these elements are organized.
    • Amber Ylisto
      Likes this.
Roland O'Daniel

Technology Integration Matrix - 0 views

    The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) was developed to help guide the complex task of evaluating technology integration in the classroom. Basic technology skills and integration of technology into the curriculum go hand-in-hand to form teacher technology literacy. Encouraging the seamless use of technology in all curriculum areas and promoting technology literacy are both key NCLB:Title II-D/EETT program purposes. The Inventory for Teacher Technology Skills (ITTS) companion tool is designed to help districts evaluate teachers' current levels of proficiency with technology and is also used as a professional development planning and needs assessment resource. The TIM is envisioned as an EETT program resource which can help support the full integration of technology in Florida schools. What is in each cell? Each cell in the matrix will have a video (or several videos) which illustrate the integration of technology in classrooms where only a few computers are available and/or classrooms where every student has access to a laptop computer. Transformation The teacher creates a rich learning environment in which students regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible to achieve without technology. Active Indicator: Given ongoing access to online resources, students actively select and pursue topics beyond the limitations of even the best school library. Collaborative Indicator: Technology enables students to collaborate with peers and experts irrespective of time zone or physical distances. Constructive Indicator: Students use technology to construct, share, and publish knowledge to a worldwide audience. Authentic Indicator: By means of technology tools, students participate in outside-of-school projects and problem-solving activities that have meaning for the students and the community. Goal Directed Indicator: Students engage in ongoing metacognative activities at a level that would be unattainable without the support of technol
Roland O'Daniel

Illuminations: Counting the Trains - 0 views

    In this unit, students will investigate a relationship between recursive functions and exponential functions. Math Content By the end of this unit, students will: Represent data using tables, graphs and rules Investigate patterns and make conjectures Express sequences with recursive and exponential rules Describe and interpret exponential functions that fit the patterns Individual Lessons Lesson 1 - Trains, Fibonacci, and Recursive Patterns In this lesson, students will use Cuisenaire Rods to build trains of different lengths and investigate patterns. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive functions, and approximate exponential formulas to describe the patterns. Lesson 2 - More Trains In this lesson, students will use Cuisenaire Rods to build trains of different lengths and investigate patterns. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive functions, and approximate exponential formulas to describe the patterns. Lesson 3 - Recursive and Exponential Rules In this lesson make connections between exponential functions and recursive rules. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive rules and find exponential formulas.
Roland O'Daniel

hmelo.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 4 views

    Problem-based approaches to learning have a long history of advocating experience-based education. Psychological research and theory suggests that by having students learn through the experience of solving problems, they can learn both content and thinking strategies. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn through facilitated problem solving. In PBL, student learning centers on a complex problem that does not have a single correct answer. Students work in ollaborative groups to identify what they need to learn in order to solve a problem. They engage in self-directed learning (SDL) and then apply their new knowledge to the problem and reflect on what they learned and the effectiveness of the strategies employed. The teacher acts to facilitate the learning process rather than to provide knowledge. The goals of PBL include helping students develop 1) flexible knowledge, 2) effective problem-solving skills, 3) SDL skills, 4) effective collaboration skills, and 5) intrinsic motivation. This article discusses the nature of learning in PBL and examines the empirical evidence supporting it. There is considerable research on the first 3 goals of PBL but little on the last 2. Moreover, minimal research has been conducted outside medical and gifted education. Understanding how these goals are achieved with less skilled learners is an important part of a research agenda for PBL. The evidence suggests that PBL is an instructional approach that offers the potential to help students develop flexible understanding and lifelong learning skills.
Jackie Miller

SRTrainingSummer09 / Chapter 6- Group 2 - 0 views

  • This way, each kid reads every fifth chapter, all the way through the book.
    • stephanie stobaugh
      I a little scared about this so far...:( I tried something like this once with not so great results...but let's keep reading.
    • Jackie Miller
      I felt the same way b4 starting Lit Circles
  • the expert for each chapter recounted the key elements of the chapter to the rest of the kids, who hadn’t read it After this round of highlights from each chapter, the groups transitioned into general discussion about the five-chapter segment of the novel.
  • (recognizing that reading doesn’t necessarily guarantee remembering)
    • Abby Dobie
      OK Students need to engage with the text in order to remember.
  • ...30 more annotations...
    • Denise Hamilton
      ok confirms what I thought
  • Chapter 8 in MacDougal-Little’s The Americans covers the reform movements between1820-1850. There are four distinct strands which emerged during this period- religious renewal, abolitionism, the early women’s rights efforts, and workplace reform
  • she did want them to sample Dickens’ voice and pick up some cultural background from the era.
    • Abby Dobie
      T-S i have had this same issue
  • under tough requirements to “cover” material
    • Jon Edwards
      OK, students become bored quickly with large reading assignments.
  • Tom’s Cabin, that connects the movements of the period in a vivid, powerful way.
    • Denise Hamilton
      T-T connection =similar to something
    • Matthew Albertson
      Ms. Hamilton is right on!
  • Or for teachers who worry, sincerely, whether hearing an oral summary from other students is as good as reading an expert’s version in print.
  • Jigsawing
    • David Underwood-Sweet
      I have not heard this term before
  • leapfrogging” jigsaw groups
    • Jessica Slaton
      ?: I wonder if this is effective for the majority
  • having every student read every page in the textbook may not be the only alternative
    • Jessica Slaton
      OK: i agree...reading is not always comprehension
  • Are kids actually working, thinking, and engaged with the text we assign- or are they just imitating a sentient life form while remaining functionally unconscious?
  • But textbooks frequently can be easily subdivided
    • Jon Edwards
      OK, Often true for my text.
  • is covering material the same as understanding it?
    • Jessica Slaton
      !: very important question to ask when decided to go with this method
  • the language was just too hard for her kids to plow through.
    • Paul Webster
      I see this with R & J and Odyssey
    • stephanie stobaugh
      I think this would be really good with The Odyssey. Plus some art work.
  • But textbooks frequently can be easily subdivided.
    • Josh Corman
      OK - allows students to become teachers to other students, a role at which a lot of them excel.
  • Are kids actually working, thinking, and engaged with the text we assign- or are they just imitating a sentient life form while remaining functionally unconscious?
  • Or for teachers who worry, sincerely, whether hearing an oral summary from other students is as good as reading an expert’s version in print
    • David Underwood-Sweet
      Some students may have difficulty in summarizing or in conveying the key points.
  • Textbook Jigsaw Sheet
  • Textbook Jigsaw Sheet
  • whether hearing an oral summary from other students is as good as reading an expert’s version in print.
    • Jon Edwards
      !, learning from similar others has many advantages.
  • The Guide-O-Rama
    • Jessica Slaton
      New: Sounds like a useful tool for this process
  • it is much harder to “fake it”
    • Abby Dobie
      X I'm not sure I agree. Often with jigsaw when the "experts" get together students are more interested in "getting the answers" than truly engaging with that text (ie. asking questions, making inferences, etc) I suppose it depends on the follow-up activity and HOW they go about sharing their info.
  • imitating a sentient life form
  • The parents think the textbook is the subject,
    • Jessica Slaton
      :) interesting observation
  • activate their prior knowledge
    • Paul Webster
  • The Guide-O-Rama lets you informally coach, support, and chat with kids as you steer them along.
    • Jon Edwards
      ? I wonder if mixing in questions with the guide will help ensure that students follow the guide.
  • the author is there to answer questions and talk to the students.”
    • Jessica Slaton
      :) good point
  • when you have to read, write, talk, and listen, it is much harder to “fake it” than it is to slide through a textbook assignment without understanding.  
  • “What’s on the Prairie State exam.”
    • Jessica Slaton
      = teaching to the test
  • real-life examples
  • No Secrets Education
    • Jessica Slaton
      NEW: interesting
Roland O'Daniel

EPAA Vol. 10 No. 12 Wenglinsky: How schools matter: The link between teacher classroom ... - 0 views

shared by Roland O'Daniel on 28 Jul 08 - Cached
    Quantitative studies of school effects have generally supported the notion that the problems of U.S. education lie outside of the school. Yet such studies neglect the primary venue through which students learn, the classroom. The current study explores the link between classroom practices and student academic performance by applying multilevel modeling to the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress in mathematics. The study finds that the effects of classroom practices, when added to those of other teacher characteristics, are comparable in size to those of student background, suggesting that teachers can contribute as much to student learning as the students themselves.
Roland O'Daniel

Capstone for Parents - 1 views

  • The capstone represents a synthesis of the SLA mission and vision as students attempt to answer the questions: “How do we learn?” “What can we create?” and “What does it mean to lead” through a self-selected and designed independent project.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Provide framework for project, but let students self-select and design independent project. 
    Senior Capstone Project from SLA: "The Capstone Project at Science Leadership Academy is an opportunity for seniors to show the culmination of four years of intellectual growth towards an independent and self-directed learner who can contribute meaningfully to the community. It will enable students to focus their interests and curiosity into a coherent representation of how they think and what they believe as they leave high school. The capstone represents a synthesis of the SLA mission and vision as students attempt to answer the questions: "How do we learn?" "What can we create?" and "What does it mean to lead" through a self-selected and designed independent project. As with everything we do, it should embody the core values of inquiry, research, collaboration, presentation, and reflection. The final product will look different for each student, just as each student has a unique perspective and approach to learning."
Roland O'Daniel

ISTE | Navigate the Digital Rapids - 1 views

  • Sometimes participants slip into a social-network mode of communicating. They may use textspeak or even inappropriate language, or they might upload pictures that are not acceptable in all global classrooms. This is where teachers must monitor in an engaged manner.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      It is the responsibility of the teacher to set high expectations and enforce them while helping students understand the process.
  • Monitor and be engaged. Using an educational network to support learning in a classroom is not the same as using a social network to connect with friends and family. We stress to our students and to the participants in our Flat Classroom projects that an educational network is a professional group of people coming together for the purpose of sharing experiences in a focused and monitored environment (see "Flat Classroom Projects"). All students and teachers should conduct themselves in a professional and culturally sensitive manner. This includes the types of avatars they choose, the styles of language they use, and the quality of material they upload.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Great discussion of expectations, and responsibilities.
    Great article by Julie Lindsey and Vicki Davis about working with students in the digital environment, the opportunities it presents for customization, and the requirements it places on teachers to monitor, develop student understanding of the process, and support students in engaging with others. 
Roland O'Daniel

Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games - 2 views

    The website says: "THE Place For Educational Games!Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Click a button below to play our free multi-player and single-player games! In the future we'll add features enabling you to save records, tailor content for differentiated instruction, and pinpoint student problem areas." I think using the games in conjunction with a holistic approach to developing skills would make for a great way of getting students to practices some skills. Let students play, set goals, monitor those goals, reflect on their progress, and apply strategies/heuristics to specific problems they struggle with would create an environment in the classroom where learning was fun, self-monitored, and successful. 
Roland O'Daniel - Blogs for Teachers and Students - 2 views

  • is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student their own, unique blog. It's SAFE, simple, and free (at least at this time). You can set up your students without student email addresses!
Roland O'Daniel

Top News - Podcast trumps lecture in one college study - 0 views

    another example of looking at the transmission of data from teacher to student differently in the age of technology. Teachers must realize that it's not just saying the information, but allowing students opportunities to interact with the material, and in lecture situations, teachers must create opportunities for students to interact. In high school, especially, it is important that teachers understand the model that they are used to doesn't work and that they must prepare students to be able to take valuable notes that in which they make connections to.
Roland O'Daniel

Can I have your half-attention, please? : Macleans OnCampus - 0 views

    While some professors seek to exclude the devices from the classroom, others are creating multimedia-rich curricula in which students can draw on online resources and interact with each other. Banning laptops is just plain wrong, according to Don Krug, associate professor at UBC's department of curriculum studies. He says students are adults, and the best a professor can hope for is a "respectful learning environment," where students limit their own behaviour. "If they really want to learn the information, they will. They're paying a lot of money," he says. "We're better off teaching them how to be responsible learners." Shows two polar solutions to laptop problems: total ban & adapting curricula to include multi-media interaction. Also presents respectful learning environment as best course for students who are adults. - comment by Kent Gerber
Roland O'Daniel

Gajitz | Great Gadgets, Strange Science & Technology with a Twist - 3 views

    I just spent the day working with teachers at WCHS and we talked about adding the NASA podcast to a wiki for students to respond to during each quarter and I would add this kind of site as a useful resource that would let a student make connections between different topics/concepts they have been studying and "real life" science. I don't think you would ever know exactly what you would get here, which is why I like it. Let the students really work and explore on their own to make connections. As a teacher, let the students create a rubric with you, model an example for them and one with them, and then put the idea out there as a long term project that you touch base on on occasion. Thoughts/responses?
Roland O'Daniel

Every Photo Tells a Story/writing prompts/writers block - 6 views

    I love using digital images (or any images for that matter) to get students looking at content differently. This site takes a very simple concept (giving students a visual prompt and asking them to write) and provides great examples of pictures that people can use for this process. For me it is a natural next step to then have students creating pictures that represent a prompt or create pictures to use as prompts, and given the ease in which students can take and share images, it is simple to do in a classroom setting.
Roland O'Daniel

Free Technology for Teachers: 12 Ways for Students to Publish Slideshows Online - 2 views

    Creating slideshows can be an excellent way for students to summarize their learning, share their what they've learned, and to share their ideas. If you have students that create slideshows that you or they think should be shared with a wider audience than that of their immediate peers in the classroom, the web offers many ways to do that. The following are ten free ways for students to publish their slideshows to the web.
Roland O'Daniel

ELL to Go -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • they brainstormed a list of tasks that they'd like the ELL students to be able to do with the tool. The list included support for textbooks in audio format, access to English language movies and videos, and internet access both at school and off campus (whether at home or a local WiFi hotspot).
  • from a teacher's perspective, it was extremely important that the tool allow students to record their voice so that their fluency could be monitored," explains Jennifer Wivagg, Comal ISD's instructional media specialist. "We needed a device that would allow them to make recordings at home. We also needed the tool to include translators, dictionaries, and other language-based tools that are important for an ESL student, and to be small enough for the students to carry in their pocket, so they have constant access to these important resources."
    The typical student at the Newcomer Center, an alternative school in Township High School District 214 in Arlington Heights, IL, is a recent immigrant with little or no English skills. The school is a temporary stopover for these students--they stay at the center for about a year, building up their English-language skills, and are then transferred to an ESL program at their home school in the district.
Roland O'Daniel

MIT Students Explain How to Photograph Space for $150 - $150 Space Photo - Gizmodo - 0 views

    Follow-up to the BEAR-4 near space video from amateur radio enthusiasts from Edmonton, CA. These students (yes, MIT students) capture still photos from space for $150 worth of equipment. Again, it's all about letting students solve problems, using technology that is available to them, and sharing it! Talk about engaging!!!!!
Roland O'Daniel

Research on Student Note-taking - 2 views

    An article by DeZure, Kaplan, and Deerman about implications for instructors about student note-taking. An interesting look at what research tells us about how students take notes, what they are able to remember and write down, mistakes that are commonly made, and what instructors can do to make their students more successful.
Jill Griebe

NEA - Turning the Page - 1 views

shared by Jill Griebe on 17 Dec 09 - Cached
  • Getting students engaged in 400-year-old drama is usually a challenge, to put to mildly. But in Seale’s classroom, classic literature gets the Web 2.0 treatment. During Romeo and Juliet, for example, Seale used to create a class-only social media group called Verona Lifestyles, where her students, posing as characters in the play, created profiles and posted updates and discussion forums. “Posting in character got them more engaged,” explains Seale, “and gave them confidence to tackle the language. They even took a stab at writing couplets and shared them on Ning
  • “It’s about initiating higher levels of engagement,” says Seale, “and making the learning more self-directed and self-motivated.” “Let’s face it,” she adds, “being literate today means more than reading words on a printed page and writing an essay.”
  • Digital technology, however, still suffers from an image problem. To their more boisterous critics, blogs, video games, wikis, and other social media have stunted the attention span and diluted the concentration of an entire generation. What’s more, Web sites provide not knowledge, but the lesser currency of “information,” broken down into bytes to be skimmed over and hyperlinked.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Consequently, say the detractors, young people no longer have the time or inclination for books—not to mention proper grammar, smart writing, or reasoned thought.
  • In other words, Johnny can post, friend, update, and tweet, but he still can’t read.
  • Instead, her students take To Kill a Mockingbird to the blogosphere and discuss the novel with a ninth-grade English class in Illinois, led by a teacher Seale met via Twitter. She also plans to have her students use Flip video cameras to record each other acting out different parts of the novel as they explore character motivation and perspective.
  • The key for students today, says Hogue, is the “authenticity” of the audience—in other words, creating for and sharing with someone other than the teacher. “Students are reaching literally global audiences online,” she explains. “Why would they be motivated to write an essay for only one person, who is only reading it because it is his or her job?”
  • “Kids have the passion, the technical know-how, and the creativity,” says Hogue, “but they need educators to teach them how to use digital media constructively and responsibly. There’s a huge difference between blogging for a friend or posting an update on Facebook and writing for a prospective employer.”
  • a ninth-grade English teacher in Bryant, Arkansas, was confident that her students were enjoying the unit on Romeo and Juliet. But she didn’t realize the extent of their enthusiasm until the day she pulled out an audio CD of actors performing the Shakespearean classic.
    Literacy in the digital age.
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