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Roland O'Daniel

Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED - St. Louis Fed - 0 views

    Want to let students explore with real data then welcome to FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data), a database of 25,176 U.S. economic time series. With FRED® you can download data in Microsoft Excel and text formats and view charts of data series. Students can explore data, create models & hypothesis, and test their models as the year progresses. If their models aren't working they can go back to their original data set and make changes based on what they've learned and see how those predictions work on new data. The best part is the variety of data that is available.  We plan to continually improve FRED® and encourage you to send feedback through our contact form.
Roland O'Daniel

Harvard Education Letter - 2 views

    Discussion of the idea of the flipped classroom. Doesn't just introduce one approach but a variety of well thought out options, and how some schools are scaling the model. Musallam is worth reading.  I do have concerns that Hooper's videos are 25-30 minutes long in his model. I think he's missing the point as far as chunking information in smaller components and letting students interact with the content.  Not a perfect model but it is an innovation, and both teachers do a much better job of using key vocabulary well, introducing multiple representations intentionally and connected, and providing guides for students. Much better than I think Khan does in his videos. 
Roland O'Daniel

Report: 6 Blended Learning Models Emerge -- THE Journal - 0 views

    Even as it "disruptively" transforms American education, blended learning is itself being slowly reshaped into new and distinctive forms. A report released this week identified six emerging models for blended learning in K-12, ranging from guided online instruction in the classroom to "self-blended" models where students take courses a la carte.
R. Sandberg

Creating Connections Promoting Algebraic Thinking.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Creating Connections: Promoting Algebraic Thinking with Concrete Models
    Creating Connections: Promoting Algebraic Thinking with Concrete Models - the article elaborates on the use of concrete models to teach polynomial topics.
    Please note that I did not intentionally violate the terms of copyright for NCTM when I shared this page... I have tried to delete the page and am not able to do so at this time.
Roland O'Daniel

Conceptua™ Math - 2 views

    Nice set of applets that let students explore fraction understanding from multiple perspectives and models. I love that they use a variety of models for fractional development, including bars (multiple versions), sets, and linear. From the site:  "Why Fractions? Fractions are one of the earliest stumbling blocks for students in math. Our goal is building conceptual understanding in fractions as a basis for comprehension in all later topics."
Roland O'Daniel

Illuminations: Using Graphs, Equations, and Tables to Investigate the Elimination of Me... - 0 views

    Great set of lessons for modeling, recursive functions, real-life application from NCTM Illuminations. The lessons include not only context, but applets that help students visualize the situation and  mathematical model. 
Roland O'Daniel

Inderscience Publishers - Article - 1 views

  • The purpose of this study is to identify the benefits that mobile technology can provide in education. From a review of the literature and interviews with individuals in the field of education, we developed an activitybased model to associate the uses of mobile technology with their benefits. The model first identifies the general uses of mobile technology in education and the specific activities that they encompass. Then, the benefits from their uses are identified with overarching themes emerging as follows: greater efficiencies and effectiveness in learning, increased individual support and opportunities for personal development, better methods of collaborating and communicating and greater exposure to technology.
david cook

Why Talk Is Important in Classrooms - 0 views

    • Roland O'Daniel
      Here is a sticky note
  • One student at a time is talking while the others listen or ignore the class. Second, the teacher is clearly using a lot of academic language, which is great
  • oral language plays in literacy development, defining it as "the ability to express oneself coherently and to communicate freely with others by word of mouth."
  • ...37 more annotations...
  • the ability to express oneself coherently and to communicate freely with others by word of mouth."
    • martha gajdik
      If you dissect the word and use the new word mapping strategy kids would have been able to guess the meaning of this word.
  • . Although Spanish is the most common second language in the United States, students in a given school district might speak more than 100 different languages. These languages differ in their pronunciation patterns, orthographic representations, and histories—and thus in the ease with which students can transfer their prior knowledge about language to English. Proficiency in the home language. Students who speak the same language and are in the same grade may have very different levels of academic language proficiency in their home language depending on such factors as age and prior education. The development of a formal first language facilitates learning in additional languages. Generation. There are recognized differences in language proficiency for students of different generations living in the United States. First and second generations of English language learners differ in significant ways, including the ability to use English at home. Because protracted English language learners born outside the United States attempt to straddle their old world and the new world in which they live, they experience greater difficulty in developing English proficiency. Number of languages spoken. Some students enroll in schools having mastered more than one language already and thus have gained a linguistic flexibility that can aid in learning additional languages. Others have spoken one language at home for years, and their exposure to English is a new learning experience. Motivation. Students differ in their motivation to learn English depending on their migration, immigration, or birthplace. Immigrant families leave their homelands for a variety of reasons—political and economic are perhaps the most common. Many of our students have left loved ones behind, along with a familiar and cherished way of life. Some even hope to return when a war is ended or when the family has enough money to better their life in their home country. These students may not feel a great need to become proficient in a language they don't intend to use for very long. Poverty. Living in poverty and experiencing food insecurity have a profound impact on learning in general and language learning in particular. Simply said, when students' basic needs are met, they are more likely to excel in school. Personality. Some students are naturally outgoing and verbal; others are shy or prefer more independent activities. Some are risk takers who are not afraid to make mistakes; others want their utterances to be perfect. These differences in personality can lead to differences in the rate at which students gain proficiency in listening and speaking or reading and writing.
    • sarah chaney
      This chart shoes the levels for the students.
  • It's how we process information and remember.
    • R. Sandberg
      Does this apply to both written and oral language?
    • sarah chaney
      My thought on this beginning part addresses how limit some students are in expressing their ideas.
  • There are recognized differences in language proficiency for students of different generations living in the United States. First and second generations of English language learners differ in significant ways, including the ability to use English at home
    • martha gajdik
      You also have to keep in mind the differences in the changing social culture. The slang of a generation also changes making the transition for anyone with language barriers to keep up.
  • We know that teachers themselves have to use academic discourse if their students are ever going to have a chance to learn. Third, the balance of talk in this classroom is heavily weighted toward the teacher. If we count the number of words used, minus the student names, the teacher used 190 words, whereas the students used 11. This means that 94 percent of the words used in the classroom during this five-minute segment were spoken by the teacher. In addition, if we analyze the types of words used, half of the words spoken by the students were not academic in nature. That's not so great. Students need more time to talk, and this structure of asking them to do so one at a time will not significantly change the balance of talk in the classroom.
    • Ashley Perkins
      Would be interesting to track this with ourselves. How many words do I use verses my students? What is the complexity of word choice?
    • R. Sandberg
      I found this to be true about my own teaching when I completed the Hallmark regarding the use of the CREDE standards last spring - I had to rethink my own use of dialogue when I "heard" how much of the talk in the room was "teacher talk"...
    • Denise Finley
      This could be part of a peer coaching session. It could be something teachers do for each other. I did this when I was in the classroom
  • But think about the self-talk (inner speaking) you use when you complete independent tasks. Some of this self-talk occurs in your mind, whereas some is vocalized. Again, thinking occurs as we use language, and this type of talk is an important aspect to learning.
  • We have all observed that young children listen and speak well before they can read or write
    • Denise Finley
      My observations with my grandbaby that has difficulty with speech is that she is becoming more and more interested in reading and writing. She has learned to write her name and her sisters. Penelope isn't an easy name. She now is constantly asking and writing everyones name.
  • Students were expected to memorize facts and be able to recite them. Remember that in most classrooms of the late 1800s, the age range was very diverse. In the same classroom, teachers might have students who were 5 or 6 years old and others who were 15 to 18. Talking by students was not the norm. In fact, students were punished for talking in class, even if the talk was academic!
    • lj harville
      practicing to see if i am doing this correct...
  • it seems reasonable to suggest that classrooms should be filled with talk, given that we want them filled with thinking!
    • Karen Muench
      This is one of my frustrations - too many teachers still want their classrooms silent. We need to help the teachers understand quiet classrooms don't necessarily mean learning is happening.
  • Our experience suggests that these students will fail to develop academic language and discourse simply because they aren't provided opportunities to use words
    • Jill Griebe
      Unfortunately, this is how many of us were taught to be teachers. Why did it take so many years before educators realized that students needed to talk to each other in order to show comprehension?
  • Language permits its users to pay attention to things, persons and events, even when the things and persons are absent and the events are not taking place. Language gives definition to our memories and, by translating experiences into symbols, converts the immediacy of craving or abhorrence, or hatred or love, into fixed principles of feeling and conduct. (
    • Dawn Redman
      John McWhorter, a linguist, makes this point to distinguish animals' "speech" from that of humans.
    • sarah chaney
      This approaches the idea of how teachers form their questions.
  • children learn that language is power and that they can use words to express their needs, wants, and desires.
  • The problem with applying this developmental approach to English language learners and language learning in the classroom is that our students don't have years to learn to speak before they need to write
  • Vygotsky
    • Dawn Redman
      "zone of proximal development" guy
  • English language learners need access to instruction that recognizes the symbiotic relationship among the four domains of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing
    • Sherri Beshears-McNeely
      important info for so many of our teachers
  • We know that opportunities for students to talk in class also take time. So, given the little instructional time we have with them, how can we justify devoting a significant amount of that time to talk? We would argue, How can we not provide that time to talk? Telling students what you want them to know is certainly a faster way of addressing standards. But telling does not necessarily equate to learning. If indeed "reading and writing float on a sea of talk," then the time students spend engaged in academic conversations with their classmates is time well spent in developing not only oracy but precisely the high level of literacy that is our goal.
    • david cook
  • Classroom talk is frequently limited and is used to check comprehension rather than develop thinking.
    • sarah chaney
      We want to develop students' thinking.
  • Questioning is an important tool that teachers have, but students also need opportunities for dialogue if they are to learn
    • Gina Wright
      Students need opportunities for academic dialogue in all classrooms
    • Jill Griebe
      It seems that with the dialogue examples as well as what I do and see in classrooms is that we need better questioning skills in order to allow the students to show their thinking.
  • Our experience suggests that these students will fail to develop academic language and discourse simply because they aren't provided opportunities to use words.
    • Randy Casey
      How can students learn academic language when they aren't provided an opportunity to use the words in an academic setting?
  • , teachers talked for most of the instructional day while students were quiet and completed their assigned tasks.
  • We've divided the opportunities for talk into four major categories. These categories are consistent with a gradual release of responsibility model of instruction, which acknowledges that students must assume increasing responsibility if they are to learn (
  • our brains are wired for language.
    • Dawn Redman
      Chomskey's "universal grammar"
  • Teacher Modeling
  • questioning can be used during teacher modeling, but teachers can also activate their students' background knowledge during this time
  • After modeling, students can reflect on what they learned through both writing independently and talking with a partner.
  • Guided Instruction
  • teachers use talk to determine what students know and what they still need to know. This is an opportunity to use questions, prompts, and cues to help students complete tasks.
  • key is for students to talk with one another, in purposeful ways
    • R. Sandberg
      The purposeful ways can be the academic dialogue activities that we are sharing with our teachers - PVF, cafe conversations, etc...
  • Collaborative Tasks
  • Talk becomes critical when students discuss tasks or ideas and question one another, negotiate meaning, clarify their own understanding, and make their ideas comprehensible to their partners. It is during collaborative tasks that students must use academic language if they are to focus on the content. Here again, their understanding grows as they talk with their partners to reflect on their learning.
  • Put simply, talk, or oracy, is the foundation of literacy.
    • Catherine Rubin
      How does the evolve for children with hearing loss?
  • teachers of high-achieving students spent about 55 percent of the class time talking, compared with 80 percent for teachers of low-achieving students
    the power of the arts!
  • ...2 more comments...
    Amazing breakdown of teacher talk versus student. Something to pay attention to in class observation & in caoching conversations
    relationship between thinking and speech
    I have seen an academic dialogue activity of a modified socratic seminar that the teacher sent home questions for the students to be ready to discuss the night before and then the discussion was designed to be completely led by the students the following day. It was a wonderful way to see students engage in reading materials and have their own thoughts
    I still see this happening in isolated classrooms - in spite of all the training that has been provided...
Roland O'Daniel

The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart - 0 views

    Movie box office data that is current and very comprehensive. Several different trends are easy to track including exponential, and log functions. Great for using with students to create regression models, making predictions based on the models, checking the results and re-analyzing. Also, when a movie doesn't follow the predictions there are often easy to understand reasons for why the movies behave differently (a holiday weekend may cause the movie to gross more on a given weekend than predicted, etc.)
Roland O'Daniel

Center for Technology and Teacher Education || Macromedia Flash Activities - 2 views

    Some great applets for use with math classes. From basic arithmetic modeling to modeling of integrals. From the University of Virginia these flash based apps will work on almost any platform except the iPod system (currently).
Roland O'Daniel

Online and Blended Courses | techieMusings - 2 views

  • The AP Computer Science course is running as an online/blended course
  • the first our school has offered. I have no training in teaching an online class, but I’m doing the best I can with what I have.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Better to teach the course than wait for the perfect package to come along. These students are lucky to have this opportunity and a teacher willing to try something new in this era of "high stakes accountability" approach to instruction (test is most important, not learning). 
  • I MISS seeing my students on a daily basis.
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  • So I think the AP Computer class could be set up better (if I could set the schedule, it might be: meet 2 times per week during the school day and an optional after school meeting with 1 group Skype) to make it more enjoyable for me to teach.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Great honest response to this situation. Many of us became teachers because of the kids and the "light going on" moments. It's refreshing to hear a teacher say that and to acknowledge that this might be working, but I would like a model that provides more opportunity for me to share in that experience with my students!  I'm sure there are students who would like that opportunity as well, which is why I believe blended classrooms have a very bright future. 
    Nice description of one way of developing an online/blended course model. I applaud Stacey's choice to do it, tweak later, rather than postpone doing it because it's "not 100% ready". 
Roland O'Daniel

Sign in - Diipo LLC - 1 views

    Interesting classroom management software that is using the social networking model to make classroom commnications stronger. It is in Beta, so I encourage teachers to check it out to see if it adds anything to your classroom environment. 
Roland O'Daniel

The LoTi Connection - 1 views

    An adoption model/framework for integrating new learning into instruction/practice. Similar to CBAM. 
Roland O'Daniel

Microsoft WorldWide Telescope Web Client - 0 views

    Directly from Time Magazine: "Like Google Earth for the heavens, WWT aggregates terabytes of astronomical data from the world's biggest telescopes to create a single virtual scope that anyone can look through. WWT is not a model of the known universe, but rather a centralized repository for just about everything known about the universe. The idea is to democratize the science of astronomy with a single tool that can be used by students and scientists. Who knows, when everyone has access to the same data, maybe the next big discovery in astronomy will be made by an amateur? There are hundreds of terabytes of digitized sky - enough data for everyone. "
Roland O'Daniel

Home - 2 views

    Perhaps the easiest Wiki I've ever scene. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can now create a wiki for use with their students or to share information with colleagues. I wonder what their business model is and how long they will be able to sustain this approach, but until then I plan on using with teachers as a great entry point tool. 
Roland O'Daniel

Math and Algebra Help - Videos from - 1 views

    Math videos to help explain skills/concepts. Tends to be very skill based, but offers multiple takes on the same skill so if a students doesn't get it from one person the next might be a better fit, short videos makes it plausible that a student might use, GREAT integration of vocabulary. Well worth incorporating into classroom practice to help students understand how to use formulas or manipulate equations. Also they are GREAT models if you want kids to create their own.
Roland O'Daniel

Technology Resource Teachers - 2 views

    Great resource site from the Frederick County School System. This is a model that more systems need to adopt!
Roland O'Daniel

Sketchfu - 2 views

    New tool for drawing. The drawing can be 'replayed' allowing students/teachers to tell a story or to make connections between parts of the drawing. Great visual imagery tool! Great for modeling multiple representations in mathematics.
Roland O'Daniel

Curriculum 21 - Home - 1 views

    Dedicated to creating a model classroom that integrates technology and uses better practices as central components of instruction. 
Roland O'Daniel

Top News - Podcast trumps lecture in one college study - 0 views

    another example of looking at the transmission of data from teacher to student differently in the age of technology. Teachers must realize that it's not just saying the information, but allowing students opportunities to interact with the material, and in lecture situations, teachers must create opportunities for students to interact. In high school, especially, it is important that teachers understand the model that they are used to doesn't work and that they must prepare students to be able to take valuable notes that in which they make connections to.
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