"Community governance" refers to the processes for making all the decisions and plans that affect life in the community, whether made by public or private organizations or by citizens. For community governance to be effective, it must be about more than process, it also must be about getting things done in the community. And what gets done must make a difference. So, it is crucial to measure results. But what should be done, and what results should be measured? There is no standard answer. The most important results vary from one community to another, and different people within a community have different perceptions about what the community should try to improve and how success should be measured. So, it is vital to engage citizens in deciding what to do and to engage them in deciding what results to measure or what performance goals or targets to measure against. Then, when targeted results are achieved, they will be results that matter to the people of the community.
Stephen Kearney (CEO) and Nick Gardham (Projects Director) introduce RSLM as an educative process for systematic neighbourhood change
RSLM™ or Root Solution - Listening Matters™, is the process for democratic engagement and civic renewal developed by Action to Regenerate Community Trust (reg. charity no. 1078551) over the past 25 years.
It is a community engagement framework, strategy and process which is at the heart of the effective animating and organising of communities, groups and organisations. It has been proven to:
develops trust, respect and relationships
engages local people in conversations that lead to networks and action
supports established and independent organisations and service providers to collaborate with communities in meeting their needs and aspirations.
demonstrates a model of practice that may be utilised by existing and new project partners and communities.
RSLM techniques allow trained Community Animators and Organisers to listen and to explore things that people love about their area that they can build on, things that concern them most - their motivations and their ideas for action , whilst focusing on and drawing out solutions.
Under Community Organizers The Company of Community Organisers is the national body established to support the training and development of community organising in England. Through our work on the ground by our members and with partners at a local, regional and national level we are actively building alliances and relationships that will help us to fulfil our objectives
Citizen Network is a global non-profit cooperative movement, formed to create a world where everyone matters - where everyone can be an equal citizen.
We work together - locally and globally - to create welcoming communities for everyone and to form a powerful movement for change all around the world.
"Full exploitation of a technology can take far longer than that. Innovation and technology, though talked of almost interchangeably, are not the same thing. Innovation is what people newly know how to do. Technology is what they are actually doing; and that is what matters to the economy. Steel boxes and diesel engines have been around since the 1900s, and their use together in containerised shipping goes back to the 1950s. But their great impact as the backbone of global trade did not come for decades after that."
In this webinar Simon Robinson, co-author of Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter, will discuss with Fritjof the importance to global brands of developing their own systems view of life, and what guidance and inspiration change agents working with brands can learn.
Voter Participation. By keeping voters informed throughout the year on issues that matter most to them, more people will see how legislation affects those issues, and recognize the importance of voting and engaging with their representative year-round. Voters will have a more informed view their representatives during election season.
"In a new report, I reinforce what the goal of economic development should be, as summarized by decades of academic literature: to put a region on a path to higher growth by improving the productivity of firms and people in ways that leads to better incomes and living standards for all."
There is, however, one small problem with this. Governments cannot create community, no matter how hard they try, and they cannot build social capital. At best they can create policy environments which assist individuals and institutions in civil society to do these things, or at least, do not stifle their efforts or make their task more difficult. To acknowledge this is not to suggest that governments should simply sit back and hope social capital will grow before them. On the contrary, it is to advocate a radical re-invention of government and a wholesale move away from the old service delivery paradigm in the human services so as to remove some of the key governmental obstacles to civic engagement, responsibility and reciprocity at grass-roots levels of our society.
We work with leading organizations across the private, public and social sectors. Our scale, scope, and knowledge allow us to address problems that no one else can. We have deep functional and industry expertise as well as breadth of geographical reach. We are passionate about taking on immense challenges that matter to our clients and, often, to the world.
We're very inspired by Ezio Manzini, the Italian design strategist and founder of DESIS network, who says:
When we design, we search for problems to solve. If you take the capability approach, you search for capabilities to support.
He continues, "You don't ask what you can do to make people behave differently. You ask what you can do to recognize people's capabilities and help people use those to solve the problems they face."
In the social sector, problems and unmet needs are almost too easy to find. Rather, we look for assets-the people, resources, behaviors, relationships, and systems-that are already working well. Our designs leverage those assets to create more and better life.
A structured process
We believe strongly that design is a process, and we've often found the design process to be transformative for both students and clients. Ours can be represented by a "double diamond," a two-part sequence of broadening and narrowing.
Fiscal policy can be a matter of life and death
David Stuckler and Sanjay Basu
"Then the president of Iceland took a radical step: asking the people what they wanted to do.
In March 2010, 93% of the Icelandic people voted against financing a bailout for foreign savers of Icesave Bank through draconian budget cuts. Instead, Iceland stabilized healthcare spending.
Thanks to this boost to the nation's universal healthcare system, no one lost access to healthcare even as the cost of imported medicines rose as an effect of the devaluation of the Icelandic Krona.
There was no significant rise in suicides or depression. Nor were there any significant infectious disease outbreaks. Indeed, last year GDP growth was 2.7%, and unemployment rates have fallen below 5%.
Having seen the results, the IMF turned tail, praising Iceland's successful approach."
Kumu is a visual data platform that allows you to map your relationships. Get started today by visiting kumu.io.
Relationships matter to everyone - whether you're mapping your competitive landscape, developing networks of people, or creating system maps to change the world.
Store your most important relationship information in Kumu and create maps that bring the big picture to life.
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
Analytics,data and commercial real estate.Is there one without the other? For most, the answer is a definitive NO. I have been in this business for a kajillion years and have never seen or heard of a deal that did not involve the numbers. No matter what your level of commercial real estate expertise you have got to do the number crunching. Below I have featured a few sites(with some observations) that provide various pieces of the analytics and data puzzle.
Hosting conversations that matter.General Information Using seven design principles and a simple method, the World Café is a powerful social technology for engaging people in conversations that matter, offering an effective antidote to the fast-paced fragmentation and lack of connection in today's world.
Welcome to the World Cafe Community of Practice! This is a place where World Cafe practitioners and supporters can share their experiences and learn from each other, a place for those new to the World Cafe to ask questions, and a place for us all to experience deep and meaningful conversations about those things that really matter to us. Pull up a chair at the World Cafe Community table that calls to you.
The Art Genome Project is the classification system and technological framework that powers Artsy. It maps the characteristics (we call them "genes") that connect artists, artworks, architecture, and design objects across history. There are currently over 1,000 characteristics in The Art Genome Project, including art historical movements, subject matter, and formal qualities.