New Community Paradigms [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Cities for People - 1 views
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11In a "cold" economic climate better to make cities better cities than to build icons.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copenhagen and Melbourne are among cities seen as being highly livable. Most of the work was done in cold economic times. Creating Public spaces can be the least expensive, quickest, the most visible with the greatest impact for the greatest number of people that a city can do. Lyon did this in an economic downturn.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copenhagen had economic issues in 70's and still put money into streets to lift spirits of the community.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11"In this City everything will be done to invite people to walk and bicycle as much as possible in the course of their daily doings." Keyword inviting.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 115 times more people can move per hour on a bicycle track compared to a lane for cars.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copenhagen credits bicyclists with saving 90,000 tons of CO2 every year.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11'Bicyclists live longer" "Danes who bicycle to work every day reduce the risk of serious diseases 50%"
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Cities become destination in their own right now merely someplace to do other things like shopping.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copenhagen Streets: Sidewalks, 2 proper bicycle lands, street trees, 2 lanes for 2 way traffic and a substantial median to facilitate crossing the street. "We do not have to think and act as 1960's traffic engineers for ever - times are changing and traffic engineers are by now much smarter"
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Sidewalks and bicycle lanes are taken across sidestreets making the city more comfortable and people friendly!
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copehagen in its 2009 New Public Life Policy strove to the "WORLD'S FINEST CITY FOR PEOPLE" among the goals having everyone to walk 20% more by 2015!!!
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Copenhagen is a city where bicycling has become incorporated as an efficient, citywide transportation system.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Bicycles are taken straight through the street crossings and the lanes are marked with blue. Bicycle signals turn green 6 seconds before car signals.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11In Copenhagen 27% drive a car to get to work, 33% use public transit, 5% walk and 37% ride a bicycle.
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11Between 1994 and 2004 Melbourne City Center saw increases in Pedestrian traffic on weekdays by over 40%, Pedestrian traffic in the evenings by over 100% and stationary activities by over 200 to 300%
Brian G. Dowling on 21 Oct 11"Compared to most other mindsets, Vancouver's thinking has been counterintuitive because we rank walking at the top of the list followed by bicycling, transit and goods movement. The auto is last.
Brian G. Dowling on 23 Oct 11People are looking for a Lively City, an Attractive City, a Safe City, a Sustainable City and a Healthy City.
The closing keynote at the Economist Conferences Event, "Creating tomorrow's liveable cities", presented byProfessor Jan Gehl, founding partner of Gehl Architects,Copenhagen. This video provides a good deal of information on the benefits bicycling and walking have on a livable community when integrated into the community landscape.