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Krystal Holyoak

Journey North - 0 views

    This website is an amazing collection of global wildlife migration for several different species within different animal kingdoms. I really like how many resources there are for each area of study. Teacher resources are provided to integrate with reading and writing as well as the social science areas. I became particularly interested in the Gray Whales Migration because it has many terms 4th graders need to know. It also dicusses the migration of whales in their science book. I think it would be neat to share what we learn with others as we move through the project and monitor the migration of the whales. Places that are along the coast may actual get to see and report a sighting. We can share through our class blog and perhaps find other classes to skype with. One pitfall I see is the amount of time that could potential go into this project. But, it would be worth it.

ePals Digital Story Telling Classroom Project - 3 views

Students will learn and practice story telling using 21st century tools. Connected to common core standards.

21stCentury pbl

started by anonymous on 03 May 12 no follow-up yet
Tawnya Woronec

Journey North Mystery Class: A study of sunlight and the seasons - 0 views

    The Mystery Class investigation is an eleven week hunt in which students try to find ten secret "Mystery Classes" hiding around the globe. The changing amount of sunlight at each site is the central clue. Students take an inspiring journey from knowing only sunrise and sunset times to discovering exact locations of the ten sites. Benefit: This sounds like problem-based learning at its best!
    Wow T.O., This project sounds great! I think it is a great way to get our students to become problem solvers.
Laurie Gateb

CIESE - Wonderful World of Weather Project - Home - 1 views

    This standards-based Real Time Data Module has been created for use by students in the elementary grades to allow them to investigate weather phenomena both locally as well as in other places around the world. By using hands-on activities and real-time data investigations, the students will develop a basic understanding of how weather can be described in measurable quantities, such as temperature, wind and precipitation.
Karen Bliss

Journey North Citizen Science: A Global Study of Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change - 0 views

    Journey North is a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. Journey North is an online science education project in which students track spring's journey across the northern hemisphere.
Colleen Tucker

The Square of Life Project - 2 views

    Square of Life: Studies in Local and Global Environments is an Internet-based collaborative project in which students will investigate their local environment and share that information with other students from around the country and the world. Participants will: Identify living and non-living things in their school yards. Revisit this site in mid-August for information about the Fall 2012 run of the project.
    Colleen, I love this project. I would totally do this with my 4th grade students. :) It would be fun to post our findings on our blog and try and get others involved too.
    This looks like neat project to do. I would be interested having a "Key Pal" through the project to really engage students and introduce them to who will be their audience.
Tracy Watanabe - 0 views

    science, technology, research, engineering, arts, and math Can search by grade level: K-5; 6-8; 9-12 Can search by topic: biomedical tributary; engineering tributary; logistics, manufacturing and construction; architecture, digital media arts and tech; 3nergy, emerging sciences and math; agriculture, plant and animal science
Shauna Hamman

Journey North Mystery Class: How to Participate - 1 views

    Mystery Class starts January 30! This is a fun 11-week project that engages students science, technology and global collaboration.
Shauna Hamman

Smore - Design beautiful online flyers and publish instantly - 1 views

    Publish online "flyers"-easy and fun way to share work with an authentic audience.
Tawnya Woronec

School & Classroom Program - 1 views

    Early registration is now open!
Tracy Watanabe

Project Overview: Square of Life -- Studies in Local and Global Environments - 2 views

    This global collaborative project at -- Registration closes SEPT 30 Driving questions: Why HERE and not THERE? Presents students with a world map and two animals/insects from different areas (EG Monarch butterfly and Australian stick insect specimens). Pose a challenging question: Why here and not there? Why there and not here? How can we find out? Register class on Square of Life, an Internet-based collaborative project that has students investigate their local environment and share information with students from around the world. Students examine a square yard of local ground and organize what they find into categories they define themselves: living and nonliving, plants and animals. Through close examination, they organize small creatures into groups by shared characteristics, and learn to discriminate between classes of animals, including insects and isopods. Theorize about the role of habitat and niche in insect distribution. Share their findings with Australian students (or students from around the glove) and report their conclusions about Why here and not there? Why there and not here?
Tracy Watanabe

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: 10+ ways to engage with the Flat Classroom pedagogy and people - 2 views

    See this list of collaborations to join. They are fabulous and for K-12
Tracy Watanabe

Projects: A better way to work in classroom groups - 0 views

    This is a great step-by-step guide to using wikis for collaboration.
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