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Tracy Watanabe

The 2012 Lesson Challenge Is Here - Enter Your Best Lessons Now « Virtual Sch... - 0 views

  • Show us your best! We know you’ve created some amazing content with SoftChalk this year because each day we see lessons that WOW us on CONNECT. SoftChalk’s annual Lesson Challenge is our way to recognize your innovative teaching, lesson design skills and hard work! If you have lessons or eCourses that you’re proud of—submit them to the 2012 SoftChalk Lesson Challenge now! A $500 cash award will be awarded to each lesson challenge winner.
    I think our CCs should enter your lesson improvements/pbls to this contest. You might even win $500 cash.
Tracy Watanabe

Lesson Plans - Search Education - Google - 1 views

  • With more and more of the world's content online, it is critical that students understand how to effectively use web search to find quality sources appropriate to their task. We've created a series of lessons to help you guide your students to use search meaningfully in their schoolwork and beyond. On this page, you'll find Search Literacy lessons and A Google A Day classroom challenges. Our search literacy lessons help you meet the new Common Core State Standards and are broken down based on level of expertise in search: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. A Google A Day challenges help your students put their search skills to the test, and to get your classroom engaged and excited about using technology to discover the world around them.
    There are challenges for internet searching that has culture, geography, history, or science as the theme.
Tracy Watanabe

Grading and Reporting Philosophy and Purposes - 2 views

    Guideline 1:! Relate grades to the achievement of the district's course/grade level standards. Guideline 2:! Use agreed-on performance standards as the reference points when determining grades. Guideline 3:! Separate achievement from all other dispositions and behaviors. Guideline 4:! Sample student performance. ! Don't score everything & don't include all scores in grades. Guideline 5:! Grade in pencil and maintain records so they can be easily updated. Guideline 6:! To determine grades at the end of the grading period, use professional judgment when considering the body of evidence. Grading must involve more than just crunching numbers. Guideline 7:! Use quality assessments and properly record evidence of achievement. Guideline 8:! Involve students in the assessment and grading processes throughout the learning cycle. No zeros for missing or incomplete work At Middle school: "Student work in the Lesson Practice & Progress Checks portion will be recorded as Missing (M) in the grade book if a student does not turn in an assignment. Middle school students will have until the end of the quarter to complete these practice activities or the Missing (M) will remain. The Missing (M) will factor into the overall average as a zero. However, leaving the Missing (M) in the grade book will communicate that the work has not been turned in. And, because the Lesson Practice & Progress Checks portion of the grade book is weighted just 20% of the overall grade, the Missing (M) for the practice work will not have significant impact on the student's grade." At High School: "A score of zero will not be entered in the grade book. Instead, M or I will be entered to indicate that work is not yet complete. In grades 9-12, students will have five days beyond the assignment due date to complete Lesson Practice and Progress Checks, unless there are extenuating circumstances. An M (Missing) will be entered in the grade book until the work is turned in or until the end of the nine-w
Tracy Watanabe

Tips For Teaching Hard Vocabulary Words - 2 views

    "Lesson Objective Learn key vocabulary related to copyright and fair use" Common Core vocab lesson on Creative Commons as a vocab lesson
Shauna Hamman

Elementary Coaching Chronicles - 9 views

    Technology is in the forefront of everything we do as collaborators in the classroom. Teachers incorporating the use of technology while lesson planning increases engagement and rigor. Lessons are enhanced and students are focused. Many of the projects we were involved in incorporated technology and we collaborated with others at the school site and across the district. Valuable relationships were formed among the students and the teachers. Teachers not involved with the collaboration process also benefited from this through observing what was taking place in our classrooms. These teachers then requested to be involved in the program. Relationships were built, the use of technology was increased, and a 21st Century classroom was created.
  • ...6 more comments...
    Your video was outstanding. It was encouraging to see so many students engaged with so many different types of technology. These activities would not have been happening if it weren't for the coaching that took place to support the teachers in implementing the technology. I wonder how you feel about your accomplishments?
    It was great to watch this video and see so many different instructors using so many different types of technology, at multiple locations! Since my son is one of the people that has benefited because of the changes that have been made I want to thank you not only as a member of your community but as a parent! Thanks for doing what is best for kids!
    This is an awesome video. It does a great job of depicting how far we have come as a district in using technology to create a 21st Century learning environment. I am wondering how we can still reach the hesitant few that haven't yet embraced technology.
    Another great presentation. Wow, AJUSD really uses technology to help students learn! It was really interesting seeing the students use technology in different ways! Great day.
    I am in awe over what you have achieved with your students. It was encouraging to know that the students that are heading up to the high school will already have so many of the basic skills necessary to be ready for year thirteen. I love vimeo, too, and am going to incorporate it into my lessons next year. Thanks for sharing!
    This really does a wonderful job of showcasing how effective collaboration coaching has been for not only those coaches directly involved, but how much the students have benefited as well. Excellent job in presenting the experiences of your year.
    Those students are going to be coming up to the junior and senior high so prepared. Thank you! Knowing that they are coming up to the higher grades with the ability to work with technology and work with each other at the same time is reassuring. Excellent work, guys!
    I love how your video focuses on how becoming a 21st C classroom is a process that we (teachers & students) are somewhere along the spectrum.
Tracy Watanabe

TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing - 3 views

    The flip this classroom button makes it easy to turn TED videos into lessons for class...
Tracy Watanabe

TED-Ed | Subjects - 1 views

    Awesome lessons/videos for every subject to relate learning to real world
Shauna Hamman

Peace Corps Lesson Plans - 1 views

    Lots of possibilities for PBL lessons. There is a place you can sign up to connect with a Peace Corps volunteer in another country so they would have an authentic audience.
Tawnya Woronec

Lesson Improvement Template - 2 views

    Lesson Plan focusing on character traits for grade level 3-4
Krystal Holyoak

GEO Shape Project Lesson Plan- 5th Grade - 3 views

    A lesson plan that incorporates all the Topic 8 geometric terms from enVisions Math using project based learning. The end product is a children's book with real life/world illustrations.
    Nicely done! I appreciate how you're having them look for math in the real world. I'm wondering if you've seen Mrs. Yollis' blog post about polygons: I'm also wondering if we can connect with an architect or artist as an expert.
Jason Davis

Lesson Improvement - Monster Mayhem - 0 views

shared by Jason Davis on 28 Oct 11 - No Cached
    A lesson for Lynne Cook's freshman English class improved during sessions four and five.
    Nicely put together. I love how you are reflecting on how it went this year and added in more ways to integrate tech to enhance the lesson. I wonder if when they vote for the best ones, if you'll have them create the criteria for what makes it "the best"?
Tracy Watanabe

Siemens We Can Change The World Challenge - 1 views

    "WIN BIG  Teams compete for more than $300K in prizes such as scholarships, adventure trips, assemblies with Discovery Channel talent and more! GET STARTED  Register online today to get your team started and access free resources like lesson plans, step-by-step guides, sample projects, and virtual labs that will help you support your students."
Sheryl Anderson

Walch Teachable Moments - 1 views

    Lesson plans for social studies
Shauna Hamman

Code Year-Learn to Code - 1 views

    This free resource teaches the basics of computer programming in weekly lessons. Easy, interactive and self-paced. For students who want to learn how to create websites, apps, etc.
Tracy Watanabe

How Can I Participate? | CSEd Week 2013 - 0 views

    Classroom Challenge -- (PS If the entire school signs up and does it, then they might get prizes) -- The tutorials for learning how to do computer coding are also awesome math and critical thinking lessons! "Even if you aren't a student, you can take the Hour of Code yourself during Dec. 9-15. And you can help us recruit others to join the movement - at school, in your workplace, in the community. If you are an educator, host the Hour of Code as an activity in your classroom. If you're an organizer or employer, host an Hour of Code event as a team-building exercise, after-school activity in a club, or elsewhere in your community. Click the appropriate tab, and start planning your Hour of Code!"
Tracy Watanabe

sigms - upcoming - 0 views

  • SIGMS Monthly Webinar
  • Topic: Catapult into the 21st Century and Beyond
  • 5pm PT
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Date: Monday, May 16, 2011 a
  • Presenters: Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano, Langwitches Blog
  • Description: Are you still teaching in isolation or at best parallel to your students’ other teachers? How do you take your lesson plans, connect them to 21st century skills, infuse new litercies and get students motivated and engaged for their present and future? Join us for a conversation about upgrading lessons and units that extend your classroom to connect to and collaborate with other subject areas, grade levels, peers and experts from around the world. Join the Webinar here:
Tracy Watanabe

ASSET - Eight AZ PBS Educational Outreach - 0 views

    Just a quick heads up that ASSET is still here for you and ready to help in filling the Discovery Streaming void. PBS is launching Learning Media, a digital repository of over 14,000 resources, including video, audio, images, interactives and lesson plans. By the end of the year, there will be 30,000 assets. This basic service is totally free to teachers. You can see more at and then click on Learning Media.
    This is ASSET's answer to helping with Discovery Streaming deciding to charge for their services. If you think it's worth investigating, would you let Jon know? Thanks!
Elizabeth Francois

Coaching Chronicles Video - 7 views

    Being a visual learner, this was perfect. I was imagining my year's experience as I listened to your presentation. Yep, so many of us were all locked up at the beginning of the year and have since allowed ourselves to be unlocked to what technology has to offer. I know I'm somewhat unlocked. My lock is still rusty and the inside mechanisms don't move smoothly, but then there's next year for that! Thank you.
  • ...5 more comments...
    This was a terrific video. Not only was a sense of humor used, but it was right on as far as how we felt as coaches at the beginning and how the teachers were feeling when we started. Now it truly is a collaboration process for all teachers, students, and the school as a whole. If I was not a Collaboration Coach, I would want to be one now! I am excited to be apart of this program again next year!
    Collaboration Coaching at AJHS has allowed us to better use our instructional time and resources to effectively engage and inspire students. Through training sessions and frequent interactions, we have been able to share ideas, receive encouragement, and seek guidance on lesson plans. In looking forward we anticipate creating a stronger support system, increasing student achievement and accountability, and discovering resources to better teach 21st Century skills.
    You hit a major point when you discuss the isolation that teachers feel. We used to be alone--but with coaching it brings us out of our "dungeons" and gets us together. The coaching and the technology have been the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us! Great video! Very nicely done.
    I love the visuals! The symbolism of being isolated on an island is something we can call relate to. Your video made the collaboration process seem positive and exciting. You chose a great narrator, too!
    Love the analogy! It's great to see the different ways an "assignment" can be interpreted. Your video did a perfect job of describing how it can come together, and we can all (students and teachers) share success from collaboration. Thank you for sharing.
    Loved the video. It does a great job of showing the journey and how the excitement spreads when collaboration is involved. I'm wondering how we can "free" those still locked in the dungeon.
    Superb summary of your/our experiences for this year.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teaching Tools - 0 views

    A list of links that might prove to be helpful in your planning a 21st Century lesson/unit.
shana myers

Curriki - 1 views

shared by shana myers on 03 May 12 - Cached
    Curriki, the online education community, is building the first website to offer free, open-source instructional materials for K-12. We have thousands of free worksheets, lesson plans, exams, project ideas and activities for English language arts, math, science, social studies, technology integration and other subjects.
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