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Meaghan Davis

E Pals - 1 views

    "The mission of ePALS Classroom Exchange is to offer safe, innovative ways for learners to make contact with other cultures. They currently connect over 4.5 million users from 191 countries, speaking 136 languages, by providing built-in Webmail language translation and safety features such as monitored e-mail and profanity filters. All of the tools and resources on the site are free to anyone with a computer, anywhere in the world. The site also offers collaborative projects that students can join, as well as tools for creating projects and contacting students in remote locations."
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    This is the site that I found our Kenya buddies project.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! It looks like a great way to connect with other students and classes around the world. It had projects you can collaborate on with other classrooms. I noticed many of these topics were about content we worked on this year in second grade.
    ePals is the social network optimized for K-12 learning. Over half a million classrooms in 200 countries and territories have joined the ePals Global Community to connect, collaborate and exchange ideas. ePals now translates in 35 languages! The benefits of the site are that the students can connect with other students and classrooms around the globe. You connect with them by the projects that you are working on in the classroom. This gives the common ground to talk about back and forth. The possible pitfalls are if you get a classroom that is not as involved as yours. It could be a let down and you may have to find another classroom that you could connect with.
    This site is free and connects you with other educators seeking to connect classrooms for global projects. It has great safety features and has a variety of projects for all content areas and grade levels. You can form e-mail pen pal connections with classrooms around the world. Very cool!
Tracy Watanabe

50 Must-See Teacher Blogs Chosen By You | Edudemic - 1 views

  • In a world of social media and connectivity, what role does a blog play for teachers? Is it worth having one?
  • . It’s a place for authors to craft their thoughts in long-form statements that wouldn’t be possible or appropriate for social networks. It’s also become quite apparent that some of the best articles I’ve read all year were on teacher blogs.
Tracy Watanabe

Educators' Guide to RSS and Google Reader Replacements | The Edublogger - 0 views

  • For me, the most annoying part of Google Reader shutting down on July 1 is ensuring that we all continue to appreciate that understanding how to harness the power of RSS is an important skill for educators and students
  • Feedly is currently the most popular Google Reader replacement being chosen by educators.
  • Feedly works as an add-on in Chrome, Safari, FireFox and has a mobile apps for iOS, Android and Kindle.  It doesn’t support Internet Explorer so isn’t an option if you’re restricted to Internet Explorer at school.
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  • Flipboard was originally designed as a social network aggregation, magazine-format app for iPad in 2010.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teaching Tools - 0 views

    A list of links that might prove to be helpful in your planning a 21st Century lesson/unit.
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