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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sheri Edwards

Sheri Edwards

Chalkdust: Teacher 2.0 - 0 views

  • "We need teachers that are performance-driven."
  • we were looking for the teacher that transcended the bureaucracy that often plagues the public school system, the myriad forms of student malaise, and really got into the faces of students intellectually.
  • teachers that thrived on chaos, that were reflective in times of high levels of uncertainty, and that were always, regardless of popular opinion, willing to reinvent themselves for the sake of learning.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Teaching will be different, and this will happen very soon. Teaching will require that we are risk-takers, savvy, and cavalier. Teaching will be different, or it will be irrelevant.
    It's been two years since this blog--- how are things different?
    It's been two years since this blog--- how are things different?
Sheri Edwards

FREE -- Teaching Resources and Lesson Plans from the Federal Government - 0 views

    FED FREE ed resoures search the categories. Follow on twitter. primary docs, animations, photos, videos from many agencies gathered here. Amazing
    FED FREE ed resoures search the categories. Follow on twitter. primary docs, animations, photos, videos from many agencies gathered here. Amazing
Sheri Edwards

2¢ Worth » The Next Killer App? - 0 views

  • there seems to be something in the way, preventing us from what we want to do right now. 
  • That tile is how we assess the quality of education for the sake of accountability — namely the high-stakes government issued tests.
  • eportfolio platform. 
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • work platform
  • inventiveness, collaboration, quality of communication, compellingness, value to an authentic audience.
  • user-friendly, regardless of the location of the learning.
  • Assessment will be based on content, quality & compellingness of the communication, and value
  • element of reflection by its producer.
  • talk of the town.
Sheri Edwards

brainstormer.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) - 0 views

    idea generator high school +
Sheri Edwards

Kids Create -- and Critique on -- Social Networks | Edutopia - 0 views

  • "With Web 2.0, there's a strong impetus to make connections," says University of Minnesota researcher Christine Greenhow, who studies how people learn and teach with social networking. "It's not just creating content. It's creating content to share."
  • And once they share their creations, kids can access one of the richest parts of this learning cycle: the exchange that follows. "While the ability to publish and to share is powerful in and of itself, most of the learning occurs in the connections and conversation that occur after we publish," argues education blogger Will Richardson (a member of The George Lucas Educational Foundation's National Advisory Council).
  • In this online exchange, students can learn from their peers and simultaneously practice important soft skills -- namely, how to accept feedback and to usefully critique others" work.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "I learn how to take in constructive criticism," says thirteen-year-old Tiranne
  • image quality, audio, editing, and content
  • Using tools such as the social-network-creation site Ning, teachers can easily develop their own networks, Mosea says. "It is better to create your own," he argues. "If a teacher creates his or her own network, students will post as if their teacher is watching them, and they'll tend to be more safe. "You can build social networks around the curriculum," Mosea adds, "so you can use them as a teaching resource or another tool." An online social network is another tool -- but it's a tool with an advantage: It wasn't just imposed by teachers; the students have chosen it.
    Self-Directed Learning "When students are motivated to create work that they share online, it ignites an independent learning cycle driven by their ideas and energized by responses from peers."
    "Self-Directed Learning When students are motivated to create work that they share online, it ignites an independent learning cycle driven by their ideas and energized by responses from peers."
Sheri Edwards

These Stories from These Pictures - 1 views

    Online guide to telling stories with pictures.
Sheri Edwards

Education Week: Ending the Battles Over Teaching - 0 views

  • Researchers and policy wonks need to end the bickering and listen carefully to these young professionals eager to make change. If we don’t listen, many of them will leave teaching for other careers where they will have greater potential to grow, contribute, collaborate, and lead.
    listen carefully to these young professionals eager to make change. If we don't listen, many of them will leave teaching for other careers where they will have greater potential to grow, contribute, collaborate, and lead.
    The future of education led by young professionals
Sheri Edwards

Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask - 6 views

    evaluate web pages student
Sheri Edwards

Classroom Web Tools - 0 views

    Classroom Web Tools
Sheri Edwards

Dangerously Irrelevant: Model 21st century schools - Update 1 - 0 views

    add your school to the wiki after reading the blog
Sheri Edwards

earthbridges » Earth Day 2009 - 0 views

    earthday earthcast earthbridges environment wiki
Sheri Edwards

VoiceThread - Group conversations around images, documents, and videos - 0 views

    earthday earthcast
    Add your ideas about what you are doing to help the environment
Sheri Edwards

Jamglue - Remixing for the Masses - 0 views

    music audio remix web2.0 mp3 mashup sharing community
Sheri Edwards

aMap - 0 views

    online debate mapping
    create arguments
Sheri Edwards

AFISN : Channel - 0 views

    Challenges and Howto video from AFI
    video film howto AFI "American Film Institute Education Center"

Cell phones in education - 53 views

technology teaching cell phones
started by anonymous on 10 Mar 09 no follow-up yet
Sheri Edwards

Project Based Learning Checklists - 0 views

Sheri Edwards

Five Frontrunners of "e-learning 2.0" | Startup Reviews|Tech news|Tech events|Tech tips... - 0 views

  • They are all e-learning 2.0 websites,which means they are open(unlike closed,transaction based systems),community fueled(unlike tutor sourced) and employ Web 2.0 technologies to execute their mission(and that’s actually a special and unique thing about this list).
    elearning open
    They are all e-learning 2.0 websites,which means they are open(unlike closed,transaction based systems),community fueled(unlike tutor sourced) and employ Web 2.0 technologies to execute their mission(and that's actually a special and unique thing about this list).
Sheri Edwards

A Place at the Table - 0 views

  • We talk about what teaching and learning ought to look like, without ever really being clear about what we want an education to do. Pictures have different purposes. Their intent may be to record an event, evoke an emotion, preserve a memory, provide documentation, honor an individual, or just please the eye. A great work of art might do all of those things, but it is unrealistic to expect all art to accomplish all of them. Knowing more about the subject of the work, the mind of the artists, the goals of the person who commissioned the work, and cultural setting in which the work was produced my help us understand more about how to view a work of art. So what exactly is it that we are looking for in public education? Do we value symmetry over emphasis? Are we looking for accuracy or imagination? Should education inspire or indoctrinate? Do we want an education that gives us answers or asks us questions? There are a lot of people critiquing the “art” of educating our children. Is the picture of public education all wrong? Or is it that we don’t always know how to look, or where to stand, or what to look for once we’ve got to where we need to be? I don’t know the answers, but it seems to me that the questions are worth asking.
    What's the vision? What's the purpose?
Sheri Edwards

Print: These Lectures Are Gone in 60 Seconds - - 0 views

  • HOW TO CREATE A ONE-MINUTE LECTURE Professors spend a lot of time crafting hourlong lectures. The prospect of boiling them down to 60 seconds — or even five minutes — may seem daunting. David Penrose, a course designer for SunGard Higher Education who developed San Juan College's microlectures, suggests that it can be done in five steps: 1. List the key concepts you are trying to convey in the 60-minute lecture. That series of phrases will form the core of your microlecture. 2. Write a 15 to 30-second introduction and conclusion. They will provide context for your key concepts. 3. Record these three elements using a microphone and Web camera. (The college information-technology department can provide advice and facilities.) If you want to produce an audio-only lecture, no Webcam is necessary. The finished product should be 60 seconds to three minutes long. 4. Design an assignment to follow the lecture that will direct students to readings or activities that allow them to explore the key concepts. Combined with a written assignment, that should allow students to learn the material. 5. Upload the video and assignment to your course-management software. Section: Information Technology Volume 55, Issue 26, Page A13
    transform traditional lectures for today's student expectations; thanks to twitterer jonathanmoss
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