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J Black

Randy Haddock - (bowlingalleylawyer: figuremeout: loveishere:... - 0 views

    Spectrum of online friendship - chart
Steve Ransom

Creative Commons : Spectrum of Rights - 28 views

    This is a very clear and well done presentation on Creative Commons.
Joseph Alvarado

Computer Service for Children with Autism | TeachTown, Inc. Engage. Learn. Co... - 1 views

    TeachTown: Basics is a research based solution for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other special needs. The service brings together parents, clinicians, teachers and students in one comprehensive package. Subscription includes on-computer lessons, off-computer generalization activities, data tracking and communications tools that keep the whole team connected.

Cultivating Commitment in the Classroom - 0 views

    I find that most things in this world fall somewhere on a spectrum, from tangibles - such as how tall a person is, to intangibles - such as how tenacious a person is. Depending on what were talking about, a variety of factors can impact exactly here on a spectrum a person may fall. Genetics, nutrition, sleep, sickness, medication, upbringing, peer influence - just a handful that comes to mind.

fdhgfdfgdhfdh - 0 views


started by shahbazahmeed on 20 May 21 no follow-up yet
assignment helper

Assignment Help Online - 0 views

    We are ready to provide quality assignment help online assistance as we've a tremendous mixture of expertise among our writer field. We compile people from our team, who together represent the complete spectrum of educational achievement, from undergraduate to doctoral degrees, and from the foremost specialized ethnic studies major to a broad degree in business administration. But what makes him a specialist is quite getting a degree for himself. they're experts because they're also talented writers and researchers. they are doing quite "do my job". When you, our potential customers, get serious about contacting us, because you recognize that our people are experienced in research papers and essays. You know it because we tell you ways we hire people. We make sure that applicants submit a resume with significant experience in online writing. We also become cautious when it involves reviewing their writing patterns. These samples tell us whether the applicant knows his or her baggage, and whether or not they skills to conduct research, formulate a singular and intriguing hypothesis, and supply assistance with assignments up to the very best standards. We also turn each author candidates to talk with them face to face , and determine how they react struggling , and the way they lead in communication. this is often to make sure that our clients are helped to write down the absolute best assignments. Mail on
Jany Fernandez

Scopeprice | LG Watch Sport vs. LG Watch Style - 0 views

    Lots of people are getting excited about the Android Wear 2.0 release, and that means answering the next inevitable question: do I want the LG Watch Sport, or the LG Watch Style? Though both watches run the new software and launched at the same time, they are on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of size, hardware and capabilities.
    For those who are trying to get acquainted with the two new watches from LG, we have all of the information you need....Read More...
Dennis OConnor

Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone - - 0 views

  • Right about now, Apple probably wishes it had never rejected Google Voice and related apps from the iPhone. Or maybe it was AT&T who rejected the apps. Nobody really knows. But the FCC launched an investigation last night to find out, sending letters to all three companies (Apple, AT&T, and Google) asking them to explain exactly what happened.
  • The FCC investigation is not just about the arbitrary rejection of a single app. It is the FCC's way of putting a stake in the ground for making the wireless networks controlled by cell phone carriers as open as the Internet.
  • On the wired Internet, we can connect any type of PC or other computing device and use any applications we want on those devices. On the wireless Internet controlled by cellular carriers like AT&T, we can only use the phones they allow on their networks and can only use the applications they approve.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Google must secretly be pleased as punch. It was only two years ago, prior to the 700MHz wireless spectrum auctions, that it was pleading with the FCC to adopt principles guaranteeing open access for applications, devices, services, and other networks. Now two years later, in a different context and under a different administration, the FCC is pushing for the same principles.
  • FCC cites "pending FCC proceedings regarding wireless open access (RM-11361) and handset exclusivity (RM-11497). That first proceeding on open access dates back to 2007 when Skype requested that cell phone carriers open up their networks to all applications (see Skype's petition here). Like Google Voice, Skype helps consumers bypass the carriers. The carriers don't like that because that's their erodes their core business and turns them into dumb pipes. But dumb pipes are what we need. They are good for consumers and good for competition because they allow any application and any device, within reason, to flower on the wireless Internet.
  • The FCC also wants Apple to explain the arbitrariness of its app approval process: 4. Please explain any differences between the Google Voice iPhone application and any Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications that Apple has approved for the iPhone. Are any of the approved VoIP applications allowed to operate on AT&T?s 3G network?5. What other applications have been rejected for use on the iPhone and for what reasons? Is there a list of prohibited applications or of categories of applications that is provided to potential vendors/developers? If so, is this posted on the iTunes website or otherwise disclosed to consumers?6. What are the standards for considering and approving iPhone applications? What is the approval process for such applications (timing, reasons for rejection, appeal process, etc.)? What is the percentage of applications that are rejected? What are the major reasons for rejecting an application?
  • Why does it take a formal request from a government agency to get Apple (and AT&T) to explain what the rules are to get on the wireless Internet?
    Opening the iPhone would make educational apps much easier to publish. Apple's monopoly means e-text-book readers and classroom use of hand held computers (which is what the iPhone and iPod reall are) have to pay a toll to Apple. Right now, Apple's approval system is cloaked in mystery. Developers have no way to market their products without 'official' approval. Opening up the iPhone and by extension opening up wireless networks around the country will drive down high prices and bring connectivity to more inexpensive computing devices. I hope this FCC investigation is the domino that kicks open the door to the clouds of connectivity that are already out there!
sophiya miller

A Comprehensive Guide to Top 10 Online Resources for Academic Success - 2 views

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, students often find themselves juggling multiple assignments, projects, and exams simultaneously. The digital era has not only transformed the way we ac...

takemyclasscourse college university education student

started by sophiya miller on 26 Dec 23 no follow-up yet

lentiviral packaging plasmids - 0 views

    Lentivirus vector is a gene therapy vector developed on the base of HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus type 1). Lentivirus vector is a powerful tool for introduction of exogenous genes, with the advantages of wide infection spectrum, effective infection and long-term stable expression of exogenous genes. Now the lentivirus system has been widely used in various cell lines for gene overexpression, RNA interference, microRNA research, as well as in vivo experiments.
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