With the introduction of Friendster the user can now create a digital persona without having any programming knowledge.
First was MySpace, which gave users access to their profiles HTML and CSS.
This feature to the SNS provided the user the ability to personalize their digital persona, and allowed them to express their individuality.
The next step in user control was given by Facebook, when the site allowed users develop and incorporate widgets into their profiles. The SNS Ning goes one step further by combining both the ideas of MySpace and Facebook, Ashlock says, “Giving users the power to construct an authentic identity while providing access to a rich array of Web 2.0 content.”
It is my conclusion that it is this focus on fluidly intertwining the Internet with the daily lives of its users that will progress Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Just take a look at the latest advancements in mobile technology and you will see that the user’s ability to be connected has progressed away from the desktop computer.
Master of Our Online Universe: Progression to Web 3.0
It is my conclusion that it is this focus on fluidly intertwining the Internet with the daily lives of its users that will progress Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Just take a look at the latest advancements in mobile technology and you will see that the user's ability to be connected has progressed away from the desktop computer.
In the Automating stage, new tools are used to reinforce existing practices and processes. We see this stamped all over the educational space. Smartboard use that reinforces existing frontal teaching methods. Digital content replacing paper distribution. Technology that speeds the efficiency of existing standardized testing. The essence and character of traditional educational practices however hasn't changed. It's still "business as usual" in most American schools.
"Informating" as Professor Zuboff calls it - involves the re-imagination of processes using the new technologies. Instead of focusing on making existing processes more efficient, we start to look at entirely new methods and goals. We are in the infancy of that stage in education. In the Informating phase, educators reevaluate goals, visions and processes:
Professional development becomes far more valuable when it searches beyond the simple nuts and bolts of technical use and instead encourages teachers to disrupt the traditional flow of education - to dabble, experiment and re-imagine how that technology can be used to create new educational horizons.
A skilled teacher knows that technology implementations won't have any impact as long as you try and retrofit them on to outdated teaching methods. That teacher will instead try to utilize the technology to forge creative new educational paths for his/her students.
You hear it repeatedly. You can't throw technology into schools without training and support for teachers. If you purchased a truckload of iPads for your school then you better have a plan for developing teachers that are skilled in using them ... but what does it really mean to be "skilled .. What constitutes effective professional development