The Answer Sheet - Best education blogs for 2010 - 68 views
Cool Hub IMSA - 13 views
Moving a district to engage in Web 2.0 teaching and learning | ISTE's NECC09 ... - 0 views
This guest blog post by New York School Superintendent Neil Rochelle provides insight about his district's journey to integrate Web 2.0 tools with teaching and learning. Neil is the superintendent of Iroquois Central School District. His personal blog is titled "Changing High Schools" and he also blogs on LeaderTalk.
FAQ Information Literacy Online Classes - 0 views
How many hours a week will this take? Courses take about 5 hours per week. (You can certainly spend more time if you wish.) Will I be working alone or with a group? You'll be working with an online teacher who monitors the course on a daily basis. Our classes are fully moderated. That means you're working with a facilitator and other members of the class to learn together. You'll be able to get help, ask questions, and learn from both the facilitator and other participants.
Can I preview the courses? Yes, follow the link below to our Moodle online learning system . When prompted, login as a guest. This allows you to see an outline version of the courses without enrolling.
Do you have free materials? Yes, almost all of our materials are free online at You'll find many years of research based curriculum materials on our site. We support our research project by offering online classes, conference presentations, and custom online programming for educational and corporate clients.
CR2.0 Event / Diigo Webinar: Introducing the Diigo Educator Account - 1 views
Maggie Tsai, co-founder of Diigo and her special guest, Jennifer Dorman, will demo and discuss the first phase of "Diigo Educator Account:" a suite of features that makes it easy for teachers to get their entire class of students or their peers started on collaborative research using Diigo's web annotation and social bookmarking technology. For reference: Peggy Steffens - "Diigo ~ 21st Century Tool for Research, Reading, and Collaboration" Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:00 PM Pacific / 8:00 PM Eastern / 1:00 AM GMT (on Friday)
Comment to my Class on Your experience request.. - 70 views
Good Morning! I'm including the link to the VoiceThread recap I created for my Class: The Topics cover: Voicethread Digital Storyboarding Photostory 3 Intruc...
All Change the Web Conversation Transcripts - Facebook, Mozilla, Convio Open, iPhone, T... - 0 views
As part of Social Actions' Change the Web Challenge we were excited to host the "Change the Web Conversation Series," open online chats to discuss how to use specific technology platforms for good. We invited a number of 'rock star' featured guests & moderators and our amazing community to ask questions, share examples & ideas, and in general rock the the discussions! Most all the chats occurred in the chat client Meebo (except for the Twitter chat - which was held on Twitter!) - and you can find the transcripts below!
Teaching with Technology - MrKent.Net - 0 views
MrKent.Net is designed to help teachers effectively add technology into their classrooms. Lucas Kent is a grade 6 teacher and e-learning consultant who has incorporated technology into his teaching. His goal is to pass on these experiences to other teachers. Lucas authored 6 Steps to Success in Teaching with Technology, a teacher's guide to incorporating technology into a classroom. Look Inside!, read the latest reviews, recommendations and order your copy today.
The Answer Sheet - Educator: 'Race to the Top's' 10 false assumptions - 35 views
Benettonplay! Flipbook! - Maker - 26 views
Course: e-safety and safeguarding (Version2) - 24 views
Show the virtual reality game of university administration as process outline modification effects.... for the creative commons iPhone flowchart flashcard application bluetooth projector by wall mural (flowmotion book style) process outline overlay GTD flowchart plus middle school conflict resolution, auto mechanic, restaurant dishwasher / salad or fry and prep, kid's homework flowchart to clean their room GTD podcast, college dorm lifestyle and roommates like kitchen / bath / laundry / living room house rules troubleshooting flowchart which at restaurant stations switches mural posters not like the poster sales places but on a leftright slide shuffle... and the following of the twitter, ning, facebook, blogs, professional journals, real time information (dissertation and thesis context realtimeline maps the duration of your college experience non-tenure) as research assistant for ecology students + sociology or anthropology + political science + nursing students... their curriculum is so technically dense that they have no time to correlate real time media to their studies... then the newsletter goes to friends and other students each week or month for 25 cents to one dollar... price decreases until the best green bloggers take over the task and perform the service for free off the ad revenue without india greenwashing. FLASH. Access free software personal development audio library (+ reverse peer review is quantification by the accreditation of the materials used by students where the quality of the paper produced by the student dictates the price of the material highlighting the reference correlations of the new paper from the scientific journal) {this means that if you write crap and students try to use it for reference and the student can only make a crap paper from your professional writing (including books) you will be heavily TAXED on your profits to reinvest into research which makes the actual intellectual collaboration advancements whic
Home - LRE - 0 views
Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For? - 31 views
it may well be the granular level of privacy afforded by Google+ that is the key to making this a successful tool for schools
many schools and teachers have still been reluctant to "friend" students
that "always public" element of Twitter that makes many nervous
- ...4 more annotations...
How technology has changed education? - Education, career, job guest blog. Write for us - 0 views
Get Best Services of Party Catering, Photographers & Bar Staff in Melbourne - 0 views
It is our goal to make sure that every event that we are catering in Melbourne is done perfectly. Our friendly team serves delicious snacks and beverages, while allowing the guests to concentrate on their job, having fun! We have years of experience, and our team consists of well-trained servers, chefs, and bar staff.
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