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intermixed intermixed

longchamp pas cher occasion Selon - 0 views

MULTI : et si l'ascenseur du futur ressemblait à celui de Willy Wonka ? Imaginé par la firme allemande ThyssenKrupp, MULTI est un ascenseur magnétique capable de se diriger aussi bien sur le plan v...

longchamp pas cher noir occasion paris

started by intermixed intermixed on 04 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Ehsan Ullah

Apple's Magic Mouse, Have You Seen It Before? - 0 views

    Apple's magic mouse is the world's first Multi-Touch mouse and it has a wireless capability and it connects to your Mac through your Bluetooth.
Maggie Verster

Digital interactive book - 55 views

    Our Choice will change the way we read books. And quite possibly change the world. In this interactive app, Al Gore surveys the causes of global warming and presents groundbreaking insights and solutions already under study and underway that can help stop the unfolding disaster of global warming. Our Choice melds the vice president's narrative with photography, interactive graphics, animations, and more than an hour of engrossing documentary footage. A new, groundbreaking multi-touch interface allows you to experience that content seamlessly. Pick up and explore anything you see in the book; zoom out to the visual table of contents and quickly browse though the chapters; reach in and explore data-rich interactive graphics.

YouTube - Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote - 0 views

    Use your Wii remote and infrared light pens to create low cost interactive whiteboards.
dmncedm dmncedm

CNC Die Sinker EDM Machine For Sale - 0 views

    CNC Die Sinker EDM Machine For Sale As a professional CNC Die Sinker EDM Machine manufacturer, we aim at providing you erosion machines with high quality. EDM die sinker product for sale is waiting for your contact with a warm welcome. We are available if you have any questions about spark erosion machine for sale. What is CNC Die Sinker EDM Machine? CNC die sinking EDM machine refers to a machine that can realize the discharge machining or the multi-axis dynamic discharge machining. The mechanical structure of the sinker EDM machine is firm and strong with a practical function. Sinker EDM machine is perfect machining applied in the tooling industry for the EDM die sinker can produce molds with high precision and smoothness. EDM die sinking machine is wildly used in any industry which requires a precision finish. Due to the hard property of metal, the spark erosion machine only comes out with the electrical sparks rather than touches the metal directly. DMNC has various types of sinker EDM machines for you to choose.
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