Good To Great Advice for Growth Mindsets - 16 views
Causes of the Early Industrial Revolution - 0 views
The Early Industrial revolution began primarily in the Great Britain during the 1760s until 1851 and was marked by drastic major changes in agricultural, manufacturing, and transportation sectors, which had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions in Britain (initially) and the rest of Continental Europe and eventually the US and the world.
Developing and Maintaining a Growth Mindset - The Learner's Way - 14 views
For educators, parents and learners Carol Dweck's research on the benefits of a Growth Mindset is naturally appealing. Those who have a growth mindset achieve better results than those who don't, are more resilient and accept challenge willingly. After two years of incorporating a growth mindset philosophy we are finding that the reality of shifting a student's disposition away from a fixed mindset and then maintaining a growth mindset is significantly more complex than at first imagined.
Raising Mindset Awareness is a Challenging Endeavour - The Learner's Way - 4 views
Growth Mindsets in the Great Outdoors - The Learner's Way - 6 views
chool camps are a wonderful opportunity to observe how our students handle the challenge of a different learning setting. Away from the norms and familiar settings of the classroom, we see students in a different light. For the students, camps are an exciting and for some frightening challenge. For teachers, they are an outstanding assessment tool that should inform our practices long after camp is over.
The Language of Praise & Feedback - The Learner's Way - 9 views
9 Ways to Give Up Bad Habits - 0 views
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