"For over 60 years the most appropriate oxygen level for preterm babies remains unknown. To answer this, we will combine data from over 5300 babies to be sure the expected benefits of lower oxygen for babies' eyes and lungs does not come at the expense of increasing death or major disability in these children. Planning to do this before the results of any of the trials are known is called a prospective meta-analysis. This is the first time this technique has been used in neonatal medicine.
The purpose of this Winthrop-University Hospital, NY study was to evaluate whether computerized analysis of fetal heart rate variation may improve fetal surveillance in post term pregnancy. The study concluded that a computerized numeric analysis of fetal heart rate variation may improve fetal surveillance in post term pregnancy.
Information on ongoing study being sponsored by Shriners Hospitals for Children. Study is currently recruiting participants to develop an analysis method for the use of Wavelet Analysis of Electromyography (EMG) in Cerebral Palsy to evaluate motor function in children with cerebral palsy
Journal of Child Neurology - Amplitude-Integrated EEG is useful in predicition of Neurodevelopmental Outsome in Full-Term Infants with Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Meta-Analysis
Patients with epilepsy undergoing deep brain stimulation (DBS) have electroencephalograms (EEGs) recorded before and during their stimulation treatment. Subsequently we will be using computer-assisted analysis of the digitally-recorded EEG signals to assess the effects of DBS on the brain-wave frequency content and any abnormal seizure-like patterns that may be present.
PubMed Abstract: Use of uterine artery Doppler ultrasonography to predict pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction: a systematic review and bivariable meta-analysis. Department of General Practice, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
obgyn.net - Article - Cord blood gases to determine umbilical artery acid-base analysis - Charts and values available on this site outlining Normal fetal cord blood pH and gas values and abnormal fetal cord pH and gas values.
NIH PubMed Abstract of Belgium study to assess the intra- and interobserver reliability and reproducibility of goniometry and visual estimation of ankle joint range of motion measurements in children with spastic cerebral palsy.
Statistical analysis showed a high reliability for intra- and interobserver measurements (r>0.75), between visual estimation and goniometry (correlation coefficient, r>0.967; concordance coefficient, r>0.957). Both visual estimation and goniometry ankle range-of-motion measurements are reliable and reproducible in spastic cerebral palsy children if a strict but simple protocol is applied.
NIH PubMed Abstract - Testing range of motion in cerebral palsy. Objective of study was to To propose a standardized test of joint range of motion in paediatric patients with cerebral palsy, based on the opinion of a cerebral palsy specialist group (physicians, physiotherapists and surgeons) and literature review. Study concluded that a standardized testing of lower-limb-joint range of motion will allow for better communication between clinicians and will facilitate the development of a database. Care should be taken in the interpretation of the joint range-of-motion test results and realized only after reliability analysis of the test, especially interobserver reliability. A further step would be to develop an outpatient booklet for cerebral palsy that shows growth and weight curves, joint range-of-motion curves and curves of the principal radiographic measurements during growth.
Idiopathic juvenile thoracic scoliosis is a tridimensional deformation of the spine
which may impact on the intrathoracic organs. Bracing is one of the oldest treatments of spinal deformities. It relies on the indirect manipulation of spinal curvatures in order to prevent curve progression, which may affect respiratory function.The acoustic reflection method is based on the analysis of the reflection of a single transient planar wave giving the longitudinal cross-sectional area profile of the examined cavity. It is noninvasive and harmless.The EOS™ device allows a double incidence, full body, and low-dose X-ray acquisition with thoracic 3D reconstruction.The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of bracing on the upper airways patency (by means of the acoustic method), on the breathing pattern (noninvasive respiratory muscles assessment), and on the thoracic penetration index (by means of the EOS™)
PubMed Study Abstract - A retrospective analysis of 8,839 singleton deliveries was undertaken to determine the relationships of maternal age, maternal hemoglobin concentrations, and past obstetric performance to the incidence of low-birth-weight (LBC) deliveryct: Patients at high risk for low-birth-weight delivery.
National Library of Medicine - National Institute of Health - PubMed Article Abstract: Floppy infant syndrome - Review - On long-term follow up, cerebral palsy and mental retardation turn out to be the 2 most common causes of FIS. This review focuses on neuromuscular causes of FIS. With the advent of molecular diagnosis, a few conditions can be diagnosed by DNA analysis of the peripheral lymphocytes (myotonic dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy); however, for the most part, electrodiagnostic studies and muscle biopsy remain as essential diagnostic tools for FIS.
2010 Ongoing study being conducted by NICHD - STAN Fetal Heart Monitor trial at clinicaltrials.gov - Research to test a new instrument, called a fetal STAN monitor, that may be used during labor to monitor the electrical activity of the baby's heart. This new instrument is designed to help the doctor determine how well the baby is doing during labor. It will be used along with the existing electronic fetal monitor used to measure the baby's heart rate and the mother's contractions during birth. The specific purpose of this research study is to see if this new instrument (fetal STAN monitor) will have an impact on newborn health.
Reseach Mission is to advance neuromuscular functional assessment using objective measurements of muscle tone, strength, and gait. Goal: To apply innovative techniques to facilitate improved treatment strategies and research evaluation.Our work includes measurement of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal function and dysfunction, with emphasis on quantification of the interrelationships of muscle tone, strength, and gait related to medical diagnosis such as: *Cerebral Palsy*Parkinson's Disease*Spinal Cord Injury *Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis*Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus*Obesity*Normal aging *Stroke*Transverse Myelitis*Traumatic Brain Injury
Ongoing study sponsored by the University of Utah to determine the percentage of patients presenting with dysphagia who are found to have eosinophilic esophagitis
(EoE) and to establish which presenting factors warrant esophageal biopsies.