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Lee Vander Loop

National Assistive Technology Technical Assistance Partnership (NATTAP) - 0 views

    Project of The Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA). Operates the Technical Assistance Project under a new grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration, U.S. Department of Education.
Lee Vander Loop

Assistive Technology News - 0 views

    New web site featuring articles written by award winning columnist John Williams. Mr. Williams has been writing about disability issues since 1978 and coined the phrase "Assistive Technology". Also featured are articles written by guest columnists and introductions to new technologies that provide readers with additional insight into the field of Assistive Technology."
Lee Vander Loop

North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology : News/Events - 0 views

    Increases access to assistive technology in North Dakota by engaging in activities that raise awareness, disseminate information, provide training and dssessments, work with policy makers, loan equipment for trial-use, and demonstrate assistive technology (AT) devices to individuals of all ages with disabilities and those experiencing the effects of aging throughout the state. IPAT increases AT acquisition by making available a used equipment bulletin board and an alternative financial loan program specific to the purchase of AT devices and services. Delivers servics to people with disabiilities can get the assistive technology they need for work, school and home.
Lee Vander Loop

Assistive Technology News - 0 views

    Assistive Technology News - Book Reviews - Editorials & Opinions - Product Info - News and Analysis
Lee Vander Loop

AccessTech News - 0 views

    Assessibililty issues, advocacy, assistive technology and general technology news for people with disabilities
Lee Vander Loop

Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers - News Headlines - 0 views

    Indiana University - University Information Techology servies - Adaptive Technology and Accessibility Centers. Hedlines and excerpts of the latest news in accessibility, adaptive technology and assistive devices
Lee Vander Loop

Special Education News -- Internet and Assistive Technology - 0 views

    Special Education News answers a need in education for in-depth, timely news related to educating students with disabilities. The Web site and newsletter are journalistic publications centered on the news of the special education field. The Web site is also designed to offer unique resources to special education professionals in one convenient place. These include places for educators and others to exchange their views, find links to important information at other sites on the Web and keep track of news and events across the country.
Lee Vander Loop

Technology helps horror-movie buff with cerebral palsy use Netflix | News for Dallas, T... - 0 views

    Technology helps horror movie buff with cererbral palsy use Netflix.
Lee Vander Loop

Optelec, US Inc. - - Assistive Technology News Website - 0 views

    Supplier in the field of electronic equipment for the blind and visually impaired
Lee Vander Loop

AFB AccessWorld: Technology and People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired - 1 views

    AFB AccessWorld - News, publications, reviews. Technology for People who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Lee Vander Loop - 0 views

    Magazine containing information and stories dedicated to issues impacting people with disabilities.
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