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iPad Curriculum - 0 views

    A blog that reviews apps and more importantly gives ideas for actual integration and implementation. On the right side bar, notice that you can search for blog posts based on Bloom's Taxonomy, device type, and subject. We can particularly use the Create, Apply, and Analyze sections of Bloom's for the "creation" and "exploration" pieces of our presentation.

Cell Phones in the Classroom - 0 views

    This site discusses Improved Technology-Increased Distraction, Instituting Rules to Combat Cell Phone Misuse , Cell Phones as Teaching Tools , Recent Developments
    SIG 1 Context: Digital Divide

iPads at Burley - 0 views

    Shared by Susan: Follow along as a public elementary school in Chicago integrates the iPad into its first through fifth grade classrooms. This blog has a master list of apps, App Reviews from teachers and students, and other intergrating tech in the classroom.
    SIG 1 Context: K-12 setting

12 Tech Tools That Will Transform The Way You Teach! | Catlin Tucker, Honors English Te... - 0 views

    This blog post has brief explanations, links to and pictures of the tools about technology integration
    SIG 1 Context: K-12 setting

Getting Past the 'Digital Divide' | Teaching Tolerance - 0 views

  • For kids to be given a fair shake in a modern economy, they are going to have to be computer literate,” Fowles adds. “Kids who aren’t will be at a terrible disadvantage, especially America’s poor children. And for many of them, school is the only place they’ll have the chance to learn it.”
    This article begins with an anecdote illustrating some creative IT solutions to digital divide problems. It goes on to examine the changing definition of the digital divide, examining some statistics about computers in schools and minority use of the internet and technology. The second-to-last section is specifically about mobile devices in classrooms. Interesting examples of these concepts at work. Sig 1 Context: Divide, byod, mobile

WIll Smart Phones Eliminate Digital Divide? - 0 views

    Interview with Elliot Soloway of UofM. He predicts that every K-12 student will be using a handheld device in five years. He's a big advocate of cell phones as the way to go, and pretty down on tablets (expensive, fragile, locked). The biggest hurdle right now: access speed and reliability. This article connects byod and divide issues nicely Sig 1 context: byod, divide

5 Opportunities to Get iPods & iPads Into Your Classroom | EdReach - 1 views

  • stop waiting for the district, and start taking your own steps to make the change in your classroom on your own.
    Advocates a bottom-up approach to getting devices, specifically ipads, into classrooms. Solutions include byod, donations, recycling/refurbishing, grant writing, and budget analysis. This article is a great resource for educators seeking innovative ways to get devices into their classrooms. Also includes links to donation and recycling sites, as well as testimonials from programs that worked. Sig 1 Context: funding, DD solutions

Stop Criticizing 1:1 Device Choices and BYOD! | EdReach - 0 views

  • When the primary motive in such a huge undertaking like 1:1  is to change the outdated, one-way instructional methodology that still dominates so many of our classrooms, we need to focus on the large number of possibilities that can and will happen.
    Short article commenting on 1:1 plans involving ipads and mobile devices. The basic gist is that educators need to stop arguing about the negatives and find a way to make these plans work. Sig 1 Context: BYOD

The future of Ed Tech is "Bring Your Own Device" … BYOD | EdReach - 0 views

  • While BYOD is far too radical for many school districts at this time, it is inevitable that this is the future.  The sooner districts embrace this future and begin to plan for it, the more effective this transition will be.
    This article argues that BYOD environments in schools are inevitable, and ridicules school policies of banning student devices. Good resource for educators considering, or struggling with, the idea of BYOD in their classrooms or schools. SIG 1 Context: BYOD

The "Bring Your Own Device" Debate - 0 views

    ISTE blog by Ed Madison on the BYOD debate. Addresses the digital divide questions of equity, and some solutions, including school-offered leasing programs and recycle/refurbish programs. Also addresses the (inappropriate) content issue, taking the view that digital citizenship is one of the things schools should be teaching. States that teacher acceptance can be one of the biggest barriers. SIG 1 Context: BYOD, Digital Divide

mobile learning and augmented reality - 0 views

    I am not sure I can access this article. It is about digital inclusion of elementary deaf students using augmented reality on portable devices. This will be a valuable resource down the road for teachers interested in using mobile devices for "digital inclusion" of students with diverse needs. SIG1 context: mobile devices, elementary, differentiated

Web Tools for Schools: QR Codes in the Classroom - 0 views

    This link is another possible way to use QR code in the classroom: Scanning the code will take you through to the URL which links with a student's wiki page dedicated to their adopted team providing all sorts of wonderful information about their adopted team and country.
    SIG 1 Context: QR Codes

6 Reasons Why Students Need 21st-Century Skills | - 0 views

  • 5. Facebook is a country. With over 500 million users as of July 2010, Facebook, were it a country, would be the 4th largest in the world. If you are an English-speaking American who has lived most of your life in one small town, how would you like to be dropped off on a street corner in China to find your way? You might want to learn the language and know a few of the local customs before you set out to do much of anything.
    There is a shift in how people get jobs, how companies advertise, how new ventures present themselves, how corporations gain business, how students learn, how everything works. More ways why students need 21st-century skills:
    SIG 1 Context: K-12 setting

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Make your own QR Code Scavenger Hunt! - 0 views

    This link shares one possible way to use QR code in the classroom: scavenger hunt. SIG 1 Context: QR Codes

Learning and Teaching with iPads: Creating iBooks or eBook Apps - 0 views

    The iPad is a great tool for students to create and publish their own books. There are now a number of Apps that can be used on the iPad to create your own iBook or eBook App.

Does BYOD Solve or Worsen K-12 Tech Woes? - 0 views

    This article first summarizes an argument by Gary Stager that byod is a bad idea because it makes teachers tailor instruction to the weakest device, highlights socioeconomic disparities in students, and "contributes to the growing narrative that education is not worthy of investment." The author goes on to acknowledge the problems Stager brings up, while describing the benefits of byod: driving schools to cloud computing rather than native apps, student ownershp of work and initiative to figure out solutions, etc. Thoughtful article that provides maybe raises more questions than it answers. Sig1 Context: byod, digital divide

Four gadgets more important than iPhone 4S - 0 views

    This article uses the release of the latest iphone to highlight global inequalities and present some truly affordable gadgets from around the world. Profiled gadgets include a $35 tablet and a $25 desktop, as well as a solar powered netbook and cheap smartphones. The author's point that the information devices access is more important than the devices themselves is important to keep in mind when addressing the digital divide. Sig 1 Context: Digital divide, Funding

Mobile learning not just laptops anymore - 0 views

    Pretty lengthy article on mobile learning, and you have to register (free) to read the whole thing. Touches on the inevitability of byod, the digital divide questions that brings up, the hidden cost of broadband access. This article is a great overview of the whole situation. Sig 1 Context: General info, byod, divide

Augmented Reality: K-12 learning - 0 views

    This is a specific link to a web site I have already bookmarked. It is specifically about augmented reality in the classroom with mobile devices. SIG1 Focus: mobile devices, apps for exploration

Augmented Reality - 0 views

    This is a Common Craft video about augmented reality. It shows how mobile devices have allowed for progress in augmented reality applications. As always this Common Craft, puts it in "plain English" making it understandable to anyone new to the concept. SIG1 context: augmented reality, mobile devices, AR,
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