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bernard tan

Web App - Scrolling long lists - 1 views

  • Scrolling Long Lists Another big problem with iPhone web apps is presenting very long lists efficiently. Digg has this problem with their stories and comments and they work around it by breaking stories into pages of ten and omitting all but the top five comments. Apple solves this problem nicely in their Mail app by loading 25 messages at a time and putting a link to get more at the end. Clicking it loads those messages and appends them to the end of the list, allowing you to use the joyous flick gesture to scroll the complete list at once. In my view, this is nicer than breaking the list up into separate pages. iUI makes it easy for you to use this convention in your own web apps. Simply create a link with target="_replace" and iUI will load the URL it and replace the <a> with the contents of the URL. Again, the URL should not point to a complete HTML document, but only the fragment you want to replace the "Get More" link with. For an example of incrementally loaded lists, look at the Digg demo again. Scroll to the bottom of the stories list and click on the "Get 10 More Stories..." link.
    One of the issue/feature for the billboard on finLit hub project which i was discussing with Sham about earlier on. Here's a nice solution which i think we can take into consideration. Do check out the digg demo link that I highlighted.
    Excellent find! I also think that "get more" is a more elegant solution. Where any information exceeds a single screen in any apps CeL develops, this should be the way to go.
Eveleen Er

I Education Apps Review - I Education Apps Review - 0 views

  • App Review: Animoto
  • Animoto’s functionality is in the ability to take photos and video that the user specifies, add a music soundtrack ,which can be from their open source music library or music uploaded by the user, to create a movie complete with transitions.
  • it is a great way to have students in an online class introduce themselves. Students are able to choose the images they would like to share as well as select their music. This provides a window to the students when they get to choose how to express themselves
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • a colleague of mine has used Animoto for students to develop presentations. Using images and text they are able to convey ideas and their knowledge.
Eveleen Er

Prompterous iPad App - 0 views

shared by Eveleen Er on 14 Jan 11 - No Cached
  • Prompterous is the premier application to turn your iPad into a powerful teleprompter
  • Prompterous will guide you during presentations, lectures, broadcasts, interviews, sermons, reviews, podcasting, selling, acting or pitching. Import any type of document for both online or offline reading. Prompterous is the only application of its kind to support 24 formats including popular DOC, TXT, PDF, EPUB.
rahim azhar

Google adds a weather widget to iPhone and Android search - 0 views

  • Google launched a new weather search feature for iOS and Android browsers. When you navigate to and search for "weather", you will be presented with a widget-like interface that shows your current conditions and immediate forecast.
Kartini Ishak

Twitter Reading List - 0 views

  • Twaining in Twitter, Terence Wing, Learning solutions magazine, 3 February 2011
  • Twitter in education, what next? presentation by Dave Hopkins, 11 September 2010
  • A framework for teaching with Twitter, Mark Sample, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 August 2010
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 5 Examples of How Schools Are Using Social Media to Enhance Learning buzzmarketing daily, 5 March 2010
  • Social network tweets to classes, Liau Yun Qing, ZDNet Asia, 5 February 2010
  • In-Class Tweeting in a Large Lecture Class, Tiffany Gallicano, 30 January 2010
    • Kartini Ishak
      Those I've highlighted are the articles which I've read and find useful as resources as to how we could use such social media to engage our audience and interact simultaneously with them and learn at the same time. 
  • gust 2009 Twitter Style Guide, Sherry Main, Social Media Today, 16 August 2009
  • Twitter Scavenger Hunt Helps Students Learn More About Campus,19 Au
  • 25 Twitter projects for the college classroom,, 10 August 2009
  • Twittering in an educational setting, Elizabeth Hannan, Social Media Today, 17 May 2009
  • Twitter as a Learning Tool.  Really. Pat Galagan, ASTD, March 2009
    'How to use Twitter for Social Learning' is a great site to bookmark and explore. This site contains over 200 + articles and resources about using Twitter for Learning and is a great resource. 
Ashley Tan

ingentaconnect Enhancing learnerlearner interaction using video communications i... - 1 views

  • This paper presents a model which distinguishes between planned learner-content interaction and learner-learner interaction and suggests that a blend of planned and non-planned learner-learner interaction is worthwhile. It concentrates on technology enhanced learning using video communications which provide opportunities for more authentic online collaborative learning, formally and informally.
Sally Loan

Prezi Desktop - 1 views

shared by Sally Loan on 30 Jan 11 - Cached
rahim azhar

Google and Twitter launch service letting Egyptians tweet by phone | Technology | - 1 views

  • Google and Twitter have launched a service to allow people in Egypt to send Twitter messages by leaving a voicemail on a specific number after the last internet service provider in the country saw its access cut off late on Monday
    Two thumbs up and two toe thumbs for Google and Twitter for presenting a brilliant idea during such predicament.
Eveleen Er

cooltoolsforschools - Video Tools - 2 views

  • Video Editing and Presentation Tools
Eveleen Er

Collection of Educational Tools for Second Life - 2 views

  • The book is presently under a last quality control review prior to public release and it should be available by the end of March 2010. The book will be downloadable with no cost from, and it will be also available for printing on demand as a paperback in colour and in B&W, from Lulu.
    Nice find!
Eveleen Er

E-TeachUK: Moodle 2.0 for Teachers:-An Illustrated Guide - 0 views

    Cool way of presenting a guide apart from the main content.
Ashley Tan

ingentaconnect Video recording lectures: Student and professor perspectives - 6 views

  • This paper investigated the use of special eyeglasses designed with a built-in video camera and microphone for the purpose of recording classroom activities from the point of view of both the professor and the student. The aim is to eliminate the need for dedicated video recording in the classroom. This paper reviewed the various techniques used to record a lecture and highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each. It also presented 10 activities from the point of view of the student and the professor, which may play a role in improving students' understanding of the lecture. The videos produced by the professor and student cameras were reviewed in terms of their effectiveness and usefulness with regard to the 10 activities. The results were analysed and conclusions were drawn based upon the findings of this study.
    For the video team to read.
    Looking at the abstract, it's indeed powerful if this kind of special eyeglasses is available in the mass market. Then again, due to my limited capability, access to the review for this research is not possible, as such, thus wouldn't know the actual effectiveness & usefulness of this study. Hopefully, details of similar studies done elsewhere may be available over internet in future.
Ashley Tan

Smart: Prototypes for Mac lets you use images to prototype iPhone interfaces - 1 views

  • Prototypes allows you to turn those designs into prototypes that you can interact with through the mouse on your Mac or by tapping on your iPhone. You simply draw and link hotspots and set animations, share your interface with other stakeholders, and get testing. To get a feel for the output Prototypes creates before spending the cash, head over to on your iPhone, follow the instructions presented to you for installation, and enter the PIN 1234 5678. You’ll be able to try out a Prototypes-generated interface yourself.
Ashley Tan

Office Tabs for Microsoft Office 2010, 2007 and 2003 - 2 views

  • Office Tabs is a powerful office addin to view, edit and manage documents, workbooks or presentations etc via a Tabbed View in Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010. Microsoft Office has not supported tabbed view by itself yet. Office Tabs solves this issue. With Office Tabs, you can manage multiple documents within a single window easily and quickly.
Eveleen Er

40 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom - 5 views

shared by Eveleen Er on 08 Aug 11 - No Cached
    some good tips, worth viewing.
    Neat! This resource will be very useful when I conduct my workshop on QR codes next month.

Dekko is an instant Wikipedia page for everything you see - 0 views

  • Merging reality with technology, we think. The startup is still in super stealth mode, but from this presentation we found, Dekko wants to give users instant information about any place they take a picture of (see photo).
Kartini Ishak

Evernote for Students: The Ultimate Research Tool - Education Series « Evernote Blogcast - 3 views

  • Organizing in Evernote
  • Access Information Anywhere, No Thumb Drive Necessary As a student, you’re all over the place: in class on your mobile device, at the gym, in your dorm room, at the library, etc. With Evernote, files, notes and documents are available to you everywhere – on your phone, your desktop, and anywhere you have an internet connection. That means that if you’re working in a computer lab, all your research is there. If you lost your thumb drive before your presentation, you can pull up your PowerPoint from a friend’s laptop. Having everywhere access to your Evernote account also means you can make great use of the in-between time we all tend to have. Whether you’re waiting for the bus, or for class to start, you can make quick edits to anything you’re working on. Evernote puts everything in one place, and makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, no matter where you are. If you’re doing research, alone or in a group, Evernote saves time and helps keep you organized.
    Tips on using Evernote - getting organized
    Thanks Tini! I can use some info for my training next week ;)
Ashley Tan

Here Come the iPads - Now What? iPad Deployment « Moving at the Speed of Creativity - 2 views

  • App considerations - What store? - we have chosen to live within the spirit of agreements rather than line item agreements - on issue is: “The iTunes Service is available to you only in the United States, its territories, and possessions. You agree not to use or attempt to use the iTunes Service from outside these locations. Apple may use technologies to verify your compliance.” We have made peace with using the U.S. store and dealing with it, the Chinese store has far fewer apps and isn’t nearly as good a fit for our student population We created iTunes accounts with gift cards, purchased in the USA - no one used a credit card for apps Volume Purchasing Plan (VPP) is the answer to many of these questions - lets a site administrator have control over iPads and iOS devices in the school ecosystem - this is only available as of today in the United States (not in China) - is coming to other countries, the legal issues are being worked out
  • Suggested management solution from 1 of the vendors present at this session: - create a separate iTunes account for each iPad you have - then have 1 account to hold the money: that account then “gifts” money to individual iTunes account (gift certificates) So now as things exist, we buy large ($100) cards for our main, master iTunes account - we also purchase smaller cards ($10) for innovator teachers to try different apps
    For team leads and Choo: Some solutions to the apps for iPads issue that was raised at lunch.
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