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bernard tan

Tinypaste Pastebin - The easiest way to host your text - 1 views

    Just like TinyURL and other URL shortening services, TinyPaste produces a short address that you can enter into microblogging and IM services with caps on message lengths. But instead of directing users to a regular webpage, a TinyPaste's URL sends its clickers to a simple page displaying the poster's message.
    Want to share more than 140 characters of text on your Twitter at any moment of your time? Now You Can :)
Kartini Ishak

Twitter Reading List - 0 views

  • Twaining in Twitter, Terence Wing, Learning solutions magazine, 3 February 2011
  • Twitter in education, what next? presentation by Dave Hopkins, 11 September 2010
  • A framework for teaching with Twitter, Mark Sample, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 16 August 2010
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • 5 Examples of How Schools Are Using Social Media to Enhance Learning buzzmarketing daily, 5 March 2010
  • Social network tweets to classes, Liau Yun Qing, ZDNet Asia, 5 February 2010
  • In-Class Tweeting in a Large Lecture Class, Tiffany Gallicano, 30 January 2010
    • Kartini Ishak
      Those I've highlighted are the articles which I've read and find useful as resources as to how we could use such social media to engage our audience and interact simultaneously with them and learn at the same time. 
  • gust 2009 Twitter Style Guide, Sherry Main, Social Media Today, 16 August 2009
  • Twitter Scavenger Hunt Helps Students Learn More About Campus,19 Au
  • 25 Twitter projects for the college classroom,, 10 August 2009
  • Twittering in an educational setting, Elizabeth Hannan, Social Media Today, 17 May 2009
  • Twitter as a Learning Tool.  Really. Pat Galagan, ASTD, March 2009
    'How to use Twitter for Social Learning' is a great site to bookmark and explore. This site contains over 200 + articles and resources about using Twitter for Learning and is a great resource. 
Ashley Tan

Nuts and Bolts: Social Media for Learning by Jane Bozarth : Learning Solutions Magazine - 1 views

  • In the industry right now – as we see in the Social Media for Learning report research data – there is considerable use of social media tools in instruction delivery efforts. But there’s less evidence that people are using the tools to support social learning. Often, people use social media tools as another means of delivering content. For example: Publishing the training department newsletter on a blog uto-scheduling tweets about class assignments from a Twitter account that does not otherwise engage with the learners or ask them to engage with each other Hosting a software application development course, in tutorial format, on a wiki By contrast, using social media to support and extend social learning invites learners to contribute, engage, and participate with one another online. For instance, when: Setting up a wiki for those in a new-hire induction program to work together to edit a FAQs page for use by the next group coming to the program Having managers-in-training use a microblogging tool for a leadership book-club discussion Helping to support and participating in a community of the organization’s customer service reps, to give them a place to share war stories and strategies for dealing with challenges           So just using the online tools to deliver content doesn’t support “social learning;” that happens when you use the tools to invite interaction from and between the learners. It’s about social, not media, and it’s about shared learning, not just pushing content.
    New social media tools now enable social learning to happen on a much larger scale. But this doesn't mean that social learning is something we suddenly need to "do," as if it hadn't existed before or that we need to attempt to "implement." Rather, those involved in eLearning should work to ensure our designs home in on and support areas where social learning is already naturally occurring in the learner's workflow and leverage new tools where that makes sense. (Workflow questions: Where and when are workers asking for help from one another? Where do they need performance support?)
Ashley Tan

GroupTweet | Helping groups communicate privately via Twitter - Twitter Groups are here! - 1 views

  • GroupTweet turns a standard Twitter account into a group communication hub where members can post updates to everyone in the group using direct messages. When the group account receives a direct message from a group member, GroupTweet converts it into a tweet that all followers can see.
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