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Don Norman's / Designing the Infrastructure - 1 views

  • The infrastructure of our computer technology can be overwhelming. My computer's infrastructure gets more complex each year, and all this complexity requires attention. Upgrades and security modifications. The need to change passwords for many accounts, and the need to keep my list of passwords up to date, synchronized across all my computers. The need to reboot, defragment, do continual scans for viruses and malcontent software, the need to renew batteries and accounts. Backup files. It seems that every day I spend considerable time on the infrastructure. Because the ability to maintain infrastructure is seldom designed with care, each simple activity can become daunting. Each new device purchased requires installation, complete with registration, agreeing to unread but undoubtedly onerous legal conditions, and finding space and sockets for all the communication and power cable. Did I mention that these invariably require stopping all work, saving everything, and rebooting, after typing in a long, complex registration number? I should have.
  • Infrastructure is taken for granted. It is time it is given as much attention as the primary applications, else maintaining the infrastructure will itself become our primary activity.
  • It is time to work on infrastructure. It threatens to dominate our lives with ugliness, frustration, and work. We need to spend more time on the designs for infrastructure. We need to make it more attractive, more accessible, and easier to maintain. Infrastructure is intended to be hidden, to provide the foundation for everyday life. If we do not respond, it will dominate our lives, preventing us attending to our priory concerns and interests and instead, just keeping ahead of the maintenance demands.
    When I think about "infrastructure", I normally think about roads, wires, sewerage and so on. But how about educational technology and instructional design? From reading Don Norman's musings about infrastructure, I realized that if we want our technological implementations to be successfully adopted, very often it's essential to also consider the infrastructure needed to support our tech designs and implementations. Personally, I think infrastructure for education and instructional design need not always be physical things. They could be intangibles such as having to update a database, notify the relevant people in charge, call this person or that to come unlock the computer lab, etc. My mum's been a teacher for 40+ years. She's great. But she really hates the computer. Not because of the learning needed to use Microsoft Word. She's quite fine with it. But it's all the non-Microsoft Word things that she has to do - reboot, turn the computer on, manage the files, etc... - that makes her scream.  "It is time to work on infrastructure. It threatens to dominate our lives with ugliness, frustration, and work. We need to spend more time on the designs for infrastructure. We need to make it more attractive, more accessible, and easier to maintain. Infrastructure is intended to be hidden, to provide the foundation for everyday life. If we do not respond, it will dominate our lives, preventing us attending to our priory concerns and interests and instead, just keeping ahead of the maintenance demands." - Don Norman Food for thought: What are some underlying "infrastructure" (tangible and intangible) that I may encounter in an educational technology project? Are there existing infrastructure that I can take advantage of to minimize time and $? How can we minimize the amount of infrastructure maintenance needed?

Kill Your Meeting Room - The Future's in Walking and Talking | Wired Opinion | - 1 views

  • Sending information in advance has obvious benefits, including more time for: research, formulating ideas, and asking other people about their points of view to inform a better discussion. Perhaps more significantly it allows those who are naturally quiet or introspective to contribute more meaningfully.
  • I’m not arguing that we should ditch technology in the workplace, or for our meetings. Technology has its place in work; of course it does. But as with all things, technology should be there to support human connection — not get in the way of it.
    How to match the right technology to the right goal for a given meeting

Using SMSs to Engage Students in Language Learning - 0 views

    A research paper on how low-tech SMS can be highly effective for certain learning tasks such as teaching social English. And now, there's Whatsapp and other social-messaging platforms that can be an intermediate level between simple text messages that work on any basic phone, to sophisticated native apps that must be programmed for a specific operating system. "As SMS is technologically and functionally very simple, it can be considered to be a relatively primitive  technology. However, viewing it from another angle, we see that SMS ranks very highly in terms of user  convenience. Successful uptake of mobile learning strategy is more likely in the situation when "learning activities can integrate into our lives in an unobtrusive fashion". SMS can deliver information in this unobtrusive fashion more readily than other strategies. SMS, thus, can be regarded as a practical and realistic mLearning technology for use in natural settings at present."
Eveleen Er

Technology Integration Matrix - 2 views

  • The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students
  • The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments.
  • Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells.
    Perhaps we can use this matrix for our workshops as well.
    Nice find! I particularly like the concept items on the x-axis and they could be used for evaluating e-learning. The vertical concepts are a bit dated.
Kartini Ishak

What Students And Parents Think About Mobile Technology - Edudemic - 0 views

  • Over 1/2 of children under 12 who use iPads use them for educational purposes. 10% of children under 1 use mobile technology, 39% of kids age 2-4, and by age 5-8, 54% of kids are using mobile technology. The majority of parents now agree that technology can be used for educational purposes, and they’re no longer as opposed to its use as they once were! While 46% of apps that are used by kids 12 and under, a whopping 42% of apps used are for learning math skills!
Rachel Tan

Teacher Training on Technology-Enhanced Instruction - A Holistic Approach - 1 views

    Tan, Hu, Wong, Wettasinghe (2003) on Information Technology and Singapore Education, Instructional Framework, Instructional Strategies (Direct Instruction, SDL, Group Work, Computer-Mediated Communication, Constructivist Learning, Learning through Experience) Computer As an Administrative Tool - Blackboard ! Computer As a Presentation Tool - from PPT to Prezi? Computer As a Tutor - engage the learners in higher order thinking Computer As a Cognitive Tool - mindtools Conclusion: To successfully integrate IT into teaching and learning in schools is a challenging task that hinges on a lot of factors, including effective teacher training. Darling-Hammond (1994) describes the new paradigm of teacher learning as a place in which opportunities are provided for "learning by teaching, learning by doing and learning by collaborating." In our attempt to avoid reducing such training into teaching of discrete IT skills, or merely talking about it through lectures, we presented an approach that modeled various pedagogies, including direct instruction, self-directed learning, group work, computer-mediated communication, and constructivist learning. We also provided a holistic technology-enhanced environment, for the trainees to experience the use of the computer as an administrative tool, as a presentation tool, as a tutor, and as a cognitive tool. These strategies are built upon theories and studies of learning, as well as the use of IT in education. The results of the trainees' evaluation of the module indicated a generally positive reaction to the module and the perception that the instructional objectives have been achieved. These are encouraging indicators of the effectiveness of our instructional strategies, which we will build upon for further improvement in the subsequent delivery of the module.

IASC: The Hedgehog Review - Volume 14, No. 1 (Spring 2012) - Why Google Isn't... - 0 views

    A very interesting journal essay that points out how info overload is not a new problem, but one that has existed ever since the first books. The writer examines how people in the previous centuries used the then-new technology of printing to help them handle the "plague of books" that was overwhelming their libraries. He then reminds us, that at the core of it all, it is not the technology itself that enables and empowers learning, but an ecology of human-tech interaction that helps us learn more effectively in today's Toffler-esque world. A fascinating read indeed. A more readable PDF version:
bernard tan

Xbox SmartGlass links Microsoft's console to tablets - 1 views

    Emerging tablet technology where one of the capabilities of microsoft's SmartGlass technology links tablets to their game console features in E3 event. You can view the demo video here if reading the article is not your choice.
Niko chen

Woopid Video Tutorials for teachers and students - 3 views

    Woopid is site that lets users watch video tutorials about all things technology. It is an easy to navigate site with hundreds of videos on using software and hardware products on all major computer platforms. A great site for technology trainers, teachers introducing basic computing functions to students, or just anyone who wants to learn something new.
    Nice find! ETs, keep this in mind as we look for free or more open resources.
Rachel Tan

Interview with Dr Ashley on Web 2.0 technology and its relevance to teaching - 0 views

    My instructor from Penn State U shared his thought on the podcast. "I was very intrigued by his reference to Alan Kay when he talked about how the tools shape us via our interactions with them. Kay was (and is) most definitely one of the most visionary and original thinkers when it comes to technology and its applications. To be sure, this point about how the tools shape us is a very good one to emphasize. Tools are not innocuous things and metacognitive awareness can help both teachers and learners think about how their perceptions of ideas, concepts, etc are influenced by the tools they use to express their understandings of these things that they encounter." P/S Apologies for the poor editing by Rachel (first time using Audacity)
bernard tan

Adobe Introduces Premium Features for Gaming with Flash Player 11.2; Announces Collabor... - 0 views

    For the game team. Today we're announcing premium features for gaming with Flash Player 11.2. These will allow game developers to publish advanced games with console quality experiences to Flash Player. We're also excited to announce that we are collaborating with Unity Technologies to enable Unity customers to publish web-based 3D games, like Madfinger's Shadowgun, to Flash Player using the premium features from directly within Unity's tools.
bernard tan

3G powers Singapore school's 21st century classroom - 1 views

    NIE is mentioned in this article talking about mobile technology in schools. And the platform chosen was Windows.... The National Institute of Education of Singapore is assisting teachers with the development of customized curriculum in English, Science and Chinese that leverages the benefits of mobile, Internet-connected, learning devices and provides students with new learning opportunities that are not possible with paper and pencil. We co-design technology enabled lessons with the teachers and provide professional development to teachers that enable them to enact lessons using smartphones. It is critical to empower teachers to orchestrate the transformed classroom to support students' personalized learning," says Professor Looi Chee Kit of the National Institute of Education. All smartphones are equipped with MyDesk, a next-generation mobile learning platform tailored to leverage the capabilities of Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system. MyDesk enables each student to access his or her assignments, relevant websites that contain podcasts, textual material and video clips and educational applications, such as concept mapping, drawing and animating, to practice both self-directed and collaborative learning.
Kartini Ishak

Promoting the use Social Media in my classes for developing 21st century skills | Starr... - 0 views

    As we move forward in education and the world continues to grow technologically it is incumbent upon the institutions that educate our children to make social media and technology available and a part of their learning every day.
bernard tan

Swedish hotel replaces room keys with mobile phone -  Tech & Gadget - MSN CA - 1 views

  • STOCKHOLM - Visitors to a Stockholm hotel will be able to use mobile phones instead of keys to unlock the doors to their rooms.
  • Repeat visitors during a four-month trial will be able to check in through their phones before arrival and have their phones activated as "keys." They will then be able to skip the registration desk and unlock the door by holding the phone next to it.The short-range radio technology, known as Near Field Communication, is expected to be built into smart phones in the coming years. It is also envisioned for ticketing and card payments. Assa Abloy says it wanted to test the system before expanding it to other hotels, commercial buildings and homes.
  • But once people have the technology in their own phones, he said, it will save them time at check-in and improve security because the access credentials in a lost phone can be revoked remotely.
    interesting on how mobile technology is bringing us :)
Kartini Ishak

What is mobile augmented reality for? | Technology | - 1 views

  • Philipp Schloter, chief executive of developer Abukai, said that looking for individual killer apps is the wrong way to approach augmented reality."This is really more of an enabler that sits across many different areas," he said. He was backed up by Peter Meier, founder of Metaio, the company which makes the Junaio AR browser app. "I always see augmented reality as a new user interface technology, and less as something for which there's the killer app out there," said Meier."For me, this is about accessing and understanding information more easily, and enjoying information that is somehow related to the real world ... I don't think there's a killer app. This is more like the next touchscreen for mobile phones – more like the next user interface revolution."
Ashley Tan

Apple Study Trip: Day 2 ~ ICT For Educators - 5 views

  •  When students were given their own iPad, they were given full autonomy of their device and had to set it up from scratch. They set up all of their own accounts and installed their own apps, from a combination of required apps to those which they chose themselves. Each student was given a $40 iTunes gift card to use for their purchases. Experience showed that true success relied on moving away from the school being the "boss" of the machine to one where it was student driven and student managed. 
  • It was found that the Ipads are very different from laptops in that students can really relate to them and, when used, they do not become the focus of the learning. Instead they become one device which can be used with all learning tools that students have access to. The iPad became the "red pen" where much of the work got done in other ways and the iPad was used when needed. Laptop computers control thinking and control the desk. When used, they become the focus of the learning. iPads are a technology which has really changed the way students work with computers in the classroom. The real challenge for staff is to embrace this and to understand that you can't expect to have iPads in the classroom and teach the same way that you did when you didn't have them. It changes the way students work and they way teachers teach. 
    Like your comment about how the iPads don't become the focus of the learning. That's a thought that's been on my mind recently - the importance of the perception of "seamlessness" in tech usage. That's probably one of the most important reasons a technology gets adapted - no matter how cumbersome it seems at first (e.g. learning how to drive a car) - because the normal usage of the technology doesn't hinder the intended task at hand. (That's why once you learn to ride a bike, you don't think so much about the bicycle itself as you think about moving faster.) Think Donald Norman in "The Design of Everyday Things" has a term for this: affordability. So I guess, my thought on the usage of the iPad (and any new tech at hand): The learning of the new tech need not be intuitive. But the everyday usage has to seamlessly flow with the given task at hand - so that the tool and the user become "one" with the task. (Just like how a user fumbles with a pair of chopsticks at first, but once he masters it, his chopsticks "become" part of his fingers.) Then such seamless technologies get seamlessly adopted as "cognitive-multipliers".
Ashley Tan

ingentaconnect Table Of Contents: British Journal of Educational Technology - 1 views

    Some research in the British Journal of Educational Technology that is relevant to some of our initiatives.
Rachel Tan

Reimagining Learning: Richard Culatta at TEDxBeaconStreet - 0 views

    A more serious digital divide is when people think that digitizing content makes it elearning. Richard explains the right way to reimagine learning so that learning is powered by technology
Sally Loan

A must Have Educational Technology Cheat Sheet - 1 views

    Great resource page for IDs and ETs.
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