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Contents contributed and discussions participated by bernard tan

bernard tan

HTML5 video player comparison - 3 views

    Cant decide which HTML5 video-based player to choose for your web project? Look here now!!
bernard tan

Apple loosened its iOS terms of service to allow the usage of third-party development t... - 1 views

  • Apple loosened its iOS terms of service to allow the usage of third-party development tools. Though Flash content is still not supported within the iOS browser, the Packager for iPhone can now be used to create standalone apps. Adobe also confirmed that it will work hard to keep the product updated. This change of heart by Apple has brought joy to Flash developers everywhere as their Packager-created apps are now reportedly being approved by Apple
    We can now look to Adobe for mobile app development :)
bernard tan

Android apps worth paying for - 1 views

    Some recommendation of serious apps that can change your life for the better .
bernard tan

Protect your smartphone - 0 views

  • If you have ever entertained that seemingly laughable thought of installing anti-virus software on your mobile phone, you are not alone.
  • A few months ago, Kaspersky Labs discovered two Trojan-SMS malware that masqueraded as media player apps for Android devices. Once installed, the malware can send premium SMSes costing US$6 ($7.70) each without the user's knowledge.
  • the money is still on computers, and cyber criminals follow the trail of money. The increasing number of people using smartphones is a factor, but not a big one yet. There are some banking services on mobile platforms, but the majority of consumers still use computers to access banking services
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  • According to Kaspersky, closed platforms (iPhone, BlackBerry and the old Symbian) are more secure while open platforms (Android, Windows Mobile 6 Series and the new Symbian) are less so. This, Kaspersky explains, is because the level of security is inversely proportionate to the ease with which developers can build apps on it.
  • "The more secure a system is, the harder it is for development - both for the good guys and the bad guys," he said.
  • security and ease of app development are two sides of the same coin that have to be finely balanced in order for a mobile platform to succeed.
  • iPhone users face exactly the same problems, but unfortunately, Apple has a very strict regulation on the apps industry, and the SDK it gives to software companies doesn't let us develop what we need. (Thanks to Apple's efforts policing the platform) iPhone users face maybe fewer virus problems, but the threat with confidential data is still there - and it only takes one threat. Android may face more viruses, but at the same time, there will also be more solutions from us and our competitors
    Open source and Closed source mobile platform faces security issue. An open source platform may be more prone to malwares and viruses. Some factors we should consider in our context here in education to protecting confidential contents and issues while considering developing apps. for example we could risk all of our contacts information being stolen and end up being sold to some advertising spamming companies who spam you daily or watches your daily activities.
    I used to think open source platform was very good for development but now you can have different view if you think like a hacker. It will take at least a year or more before mobile security catch up.
bernard tan

Adobe Demos Flash-to-HTML5 Conversion Tool [VIDEO] - 1 views

  • At Adobe’s MAX conference the other night, that message was made manifest with a live demonstration of a Flash to HTML5 conversion tool, which is currently in the works. The tool is incredibly impressive in that it can convert full Flash animation into HTML5 on the fly
  • Watch the demonstration video to get an idea of how users will be able to take elements from within the newly converted HTML5 code to re-insert elsewhere on a web page
  • Those animations or interactions will now be viewable on all kinds of devices — including the iPhone () and iPad. This is where we think that this HTML5 conversion tool has real possibilities. It’s one thing to be able to convert a movie or animation
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  • Adobe might be serious about wanting to push Flash and Adobe Air () on mobile platforms like the BlackBerry PlayBook, HP’s webOS and Google’s () Android (), but that doesn’t mean that the company isn’t listening to its customers and providing cross-platform solutions that can work on the many different device types
    The evolution of flash. Flash's reponses to HTML 5
bernard tan

W3C: Hold off on HTML5 in websites - 0 views

  • HTML5, which updates the HTML specification to accommodate modern Web applications, has gained a lot of adherents in vendors like Microsoft, Google, and Apple. But the specification is plain not ready yet for deployment to websites, an official with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees HTML5, stressed this week
  • The problem we're facing right now is there is already a lot of excitement for HTML5, but it's a little too early to deploy it because we're running into interoperability issues," including differences between video on devices
  • HTML5 is viewed as a "game changer." Companies now can deploy HTML5 in their applications or in intranets where a rendering engine can be controlled, said Le Hegaret. But it is a different story on the "open Web," where interoperability is an issue
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  • HTML5 specification itself features support for video and Canvas 2D. But other technologies such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and MathML are considered part of the "open Web platform" along with HTML5
  • Apple has positioned HTML5 as a replacement for Adobe's Flash rich Internet technology. But Flash and similar technologies, such as Microsoft Silverlight, still have a place
  • We're not going to retire Flash anytime soon," Le Hegaret said. It will take years before all Web clients support HTML5, he said. He cited Microsoft's IE6 browser as an example of popular client not supporting the standard. "IE6 is still being used on the Web today, and it is 10 years old."
    HTML5 hype
bernard tan

IE9 tops Chrome, Firefox in HTML5 compatibility - 0 views

  • "Interoperability is important to Web designers," the W3C said in releasing the results. "Good test suites drive interoperability. They're a key part of making sure Web standards are implemented correctly and consistently
    • bernard tan
      True. I personally feel it is very important to cater to your desired audience and not risk our audience missing certain fuctions or informations in the website.
  • Internet Explorer 9 has topped all other browsers in conforming with the HTML5 specification, including Google Chrome and Firefox,
  • W3C pitted the just-released version of IE9's developer platform preview against Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari, evaluating the five browsers in dozens of tests across seven categories of features
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  • IE9 scored 100% in five of the seven categories, including audio, video and XHTML5. Chrome scored 100% in four categories, whereas Firefox and Opera scored 100% in three categories and Safari did so in only two
  • despite excitement over HTML5, the specification may not be ready for prime time. A W3C official recently said it's too early for Web sites to deploy HTML5 because of interoperability issues.  
bernard tan

Augmented Reality Cosmetic Mirror in Tokyo - 1 views

  • Digital Cosmetic Mirror by industry giant Shiseido can be used to test make-up and recommendations without even having to pick up a mascara brush
  • Using augmented reality to do sampling is a novel way to involve consumers, and can be a useful technology for saving on waste
  • The terminal then gives you tailored recommendations. Pressing a few buttons on the touch-screen paints make-up onto your image in realtime, allowing you to see the results instantly. You also try out make-up that is currently making waves, along with printing out before and after photos with product information for you to go make the purchase of whichever colors caught your eye the most.
    Another usage of Augmented Reality over a cosmetic counter in Tokyo. Video over at
bernard tan

Zugara's Augmented Reality Dressing Room Is Great If You Don't Care How Your Clothes Fit - 1 views

  • Augmented reality, or the blending of the real world with computer graphics on the fly, is one of the most exciting fields in tech right now
  • Zugara, an interactive marketing agency, has built something a bit more practical for the time being. It’s put together the Webcam Social Shopper, offering a way to help you try on clothes online from the comfort of your bedroom.
  • t lets you overlay a static image on top of your body and pretend you’re wearing it. Which is sort of a start.
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  • Zugara is also trying to weave a social element into the application, offering examples of sharing outfit choices over Facebook or allowing friends to help choose outfits in real time, which could turn out to be the app’s real strength.
    Developer Zugara showing online clothes store offering way to let you try clothes online with help of Augmented Reality. See Video @
bernard tan

Adobe unveils new publishing tools aimed at mobile and tablet devices - 0 views

  • Adobe unveils new publishing tools aimed at mobile and tablet devices
  • Digital Publishing Suite, which can be used by publishers to create, preview, publish and distribute digital content for mobile devices
  • The publishing industry is reinventing itself and a new era of editorial and advertising innovation is upon us as publishers target new mobile hardware platforms," David Wadhwani, senior vice president and general manager for Creative and Interactive Solutions at Adobe says in a release today.
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  • enable magazine publishers... to deliver groundbreaking experiences across tablets, smartphones and other devices
  • The technology enables publishers to create digital publications featuring interactive content, such as videos, which can then be distributed across different tablet and smartphone platforms and adapted for other devices in the mobile market
  • The suite, which was unveiled at the Adobe MAX conference today, is expected to be publicly available in the second quarter of 2011
    I see the future of interactive textbooks...
    for sneak preview of the Adobe Digital Publishing Platform >>
bernard tan

Social Media Conference | iStrategy Singapore - 2 views

  • iStrategy will arm you with the deep understanding of aligning social media and digital strategy according to your organization’s processes and operations to achieve the objectives you’re after. Join us to network, share ideas, and most importantly find out how to build your marketing strategy to its fullest potential.
    Social Media Conference IStrategy being held in Singapore Sentosa Resort World 1 - 2 Dec 2010
    I've came across banner ad which brought me here while reading. Social Media Conference IStrategy being held in Singapore. Maybe it can be useful for accommodating to our Education arena needs. Speakers come from Facebook, Amazon, AMD, Philips and more.
bernard tan

Get Started Developing for Android with Eclipse - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

  • Why Develop for Android?Android is an open-source platform based on the Linux kernel, and is installed on thousands of devices from a wide range of manufacturers. Android exposes your application to all sorts of hardware that you’ll find in modern mobile devices — digital compasses, video cameras, GPS, orientation sensors, and more.
  • Android is an open-source platform based on the Linux kernel, and is installed on thousands of devices from a wide range of manufacturers.
  • Android’s free development tools make it possible for you to start writing software at little or no cost.
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  • Publishing to Android Market incurs a one-off registration fee (US $25 at the time of writing) and, unlike Apple’s App Store which famously reviews each submission, makes your application available for customers to download and buy after a quick review process
  • Here are a few other advantages Android offers you as a developer:The Android SDK is available for Windows, Mac and Linux, so you don’t need to pay for new hardware to start writing applications.An SDK built on Java. If you’re familiar with the Java programming language, you’re already halfway there.By distributing your application on Android Market, it’s available to hundreds of thousands of users instantly. You’re not just limited to one store, because there are alternatives, too. For instance, you can release your application on your own blog. Amazon have recently been rumoured to be preparing their own Android app store also.As well as the technical SDK documentation, new resources are being published for Android developers as the platform gains popularity among both users and developers.
    Mobile Development for Android Apps
    This article also includes a step by step walkthrough development for android app using Android SDK. With so little offering courses on Android development currently, it could prove to be a good read. ;)
bernard tan

Singapore Education Minister joins the blogosphere - 0 views

  • Education Minister Ng Eng Hen officially entered the blogosphere on Oct 1, joining the likes of Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan and Foreign Minister George Yeo.
  • Dr Ng told MediaCorp via email that penning his thoughts in cyberspace is an avenue for him to engage the public in a more personal way. His foray online "is an additional platform for me to communicate with parents and the public",
  • Apart from blogging about events or trips he had attended, Dr Ng also shares pictures taken during his official functions and visits. Dr Ng has also written on issues facing the education system.
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  • Dr Ng added that the blog is "where I share my thoughts and observations about education matters or related topics of the day. "I find it a useful way to capture reflections that arise from events that I attend or current initiatives that we are working on in education".
    Our education minister Dr Eng Hen uses pens his thoughts in BLOGS to engage the public in a more personal way, sharing his thoughts and oberservations about educations matters. or related topics of the day.
bernard tan

TODAYonline | Tech | Mobile Apps | Meet your app makers - 3 views

    An article on TodayOnline regarding reviews on Mobile App Development tool. - App Inventor for Android - Ovi App Wizard for Nokia Devices - Appcelerator Titanium Mobile for iphones
    lesser hardcore programming is needed. less frustration and more hairs.
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