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Robert Steen

How social media is changing language | OxfordWords blog - 3 views

    • Ergan Xu
      Very true!
  • The words that surround us every day influence the words we use. Since so much of the written language we see is now on the screens of our computers, tablets, and smartphones, language now evolves partly through our interaction with technology. And because the language we use to communicate with each other tends to be more malleable than formal writing, the combination of informal, personal communication and the mass audience afforded by social media is a recipe for rapid change.
    • Robert Steen
      this is interesting. should we be teaching emoji as part of the language?
Robert Steen

The Best Ways to Build Student's Interpretive Listening Skills | Calico Spanish - 6 views

  • “Students should practice picking up key words and extrapolating main ideas using the context of what they hear.” @ChristeyHughes responded, “En français, we often refer to ‘la tolérance de l’ambiguité’ to be able to work through, perhaps not getting each word.”
  • “…Make sure that you select an appropriate length for novices–small doses of ‘anything.’”
  • “Multiple choice requires no production of any kind. Really, it’s only good for finding out what they don’t know.” @LauraJaneBarber said, “I like to do listening as input for a writing or speaking task. Can show true comprehension better than multiple choice.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Multiple choice helps lower the affective filter–the interpretation in itself is a higher order skill.” She went on to say, “Multiple choice shouldn’t be end goal, though.” @AMor3liana said, “I think multiple choice is an ok option at the beginning of the school year. It gives some students that extra boost of confidence in the target language.”
    I was searching for your highlight, as I am still very rusty in this Diigo skill. Could not find how to see it.

Embedded Reading | Simplify, Scaffold, Succeed!! - 6 views

    Helping students read successfully in their 2nd language.
    I like this website, it's simple and it provides great ideas on helping students with reading!
    I have been waiting to find more information on Scaffolding since I first heard this term at the ACTFL conference in 2018. My biggest criticism is that most of the German textbooks do NOT provide reading text with scaffolding. I rewrote many articles myself. I love the SSS.

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Creating engagement through interactive infographics - 4 views

  • The potentials for dropping in html objects such as quizzes that enable interaction can make static data much more dynamic. The ability to drop in multimedia and particularly video can lend more significance and impact to the information in the graphic.
    • speabodymn
      I have not tried this tool, but it sounds like a great combination of things--embedded videos, plus the ability to add quizzes. I am imagining being able to create something like a google-docs quiz or EdPuzzle, and embed within the context of a larger discussion of a topic. This might help to show how one activities fits into a broader unit.

About Google Scholar - 0 views

  • Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.
    • anonymous
      We often tell our students to avoid doing research online and to go to the library. However, we should be encouraging both. The issue with online is credibility of source. Students need to practice determining which are scholarly sources, worth of paper citation, and which are not.
  • Search all scholarly literature from one convenient place Explore related works, citations, authors, and publications Locate the complete document through your library or on the web Keep up with recent developments in any area of research
    • anonymous
      All of these actions need to become second nature for our students
Anne Dixon

Sample WL VoiceThreads - Encouraging Student Voices with VoiceThread - 3 views

  • is a way to include specific content.
    Activities for WL classroom using VoiceThread
Anne Dixon

Diigo - Sample WL VoiceThreads - Encouraging Student Voices with VoiceThread - 2 views

    • Anne Dixon
      Instead of constantly reinventing the wheel, I love to see what other World Language teachers are doing in their classrooms. This article has some good activities that can easily be converted to any language.
    • Anne Dixon
      I really like this VoiceThread "did u know?" about cows.  Any topic can be used to encourage students to present information about the photos.
Marlene Johnshoy

Texting to New Perspectives (essay) | Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    In their study of 10 multilingual undergraduate students, they say they expected texting to be a regular practice, but "what we had not anticipated was the range of valuable uses and substantive gains afforded by texting."
Marlene Johnshoy

SmartBrief honors education bloggers | SmartBrief - 1 views

    The Award recognizes content written by educators, for educators, that inspires readers to engage, innovate, and discuss.

10 Social Media Tips for Reaching World Language Learners | Edutopia - 4 views

  • Micro-blogging via Twitter is another way to link students outside of class. Let's be honest -- there are not many young people out there who do not already tweet. You can use Twitter in class in a similar fashion to blogging. If you do, I strongly suggest that you use TweetDeck to efficiently manage your students' tweets. I also love having students tweet a story. You start by tweeting the first line of the story based on the unit you are studying.
  • 6. Google Drive
    Some more ideas on how to integrate social media.
    This article from Edutopia provides ten simple suggestions for using various SM tools. The author's description of twitter won my heart: micro-blogging. Just that idea alone makes twitter seem much more manageable and useful.

Criticism of blipfoto - 2 views


VoiceThread Troubleshooting | Instructional Technology - 1 views

    This is a helpful article for users of VoiceThread
    I'm sure that I"ll be referring to this if/when I have problems with VoiceThread.

5 Strategies for Using Flipgrid in the Language Learning Classroom | Michael J Shehane ... - 5 views

  • 3) Different Context, Different Identity
    Great suggestions in this article for using Flipgrid. I really like the idea of keeping track of completed assignments (in my school that would be considered a Habit of Work as we do not grade homework anyhow) and perhaps using Flipgrid as part of a summative assessment at the end of the semester...lots of no stress practice and, by the time the assessment comes, they are all familiar with the technology.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I enjoyed reading Connie's story, and I think we all have "Connie" in our classes. Flipgrid can be a great opportunity for students show the side that others don't see in class.
    Thanks for sharing this article! I liked the idea of different context and different identity :-) Sometimes students express themselves more comfortable at the beginning through the use of alternate identities. Specially if they have to video record themselves when they are learning the language.
    My only concern is that how much the material they use in video can be authentic.

Library - Diigo - 1 views

shared by murasimo on 03 Aug 17 - No Cached
  • VoiceThread is a ridiculously simple online program that allows students to comment on authentic materials, whether they be pictures, documents, web pages, or video. Students can provide written feedback to the material presented along with oral feedback via their computer mics, web cams, or cellular phones.
    • murasimo
      Voice Thread is very simple and fun to use it and students can work with authentic material. It is very good to practice listening comprehension and speaking.
    I have always looked at and wondered about using VoiceThread but have never actually done it until I took this class. I'm happy that I finally used it and I'm thrilled to see all of the suggestions for World Language activities that people have shared.
    Same as Anne! I only new about VoiceThread when I started Carla17 online course. Thanks for sharing this information. We can continue learning about all the advantages of it: free, facilitates learning through authentic materials, different modalities of response: oral, written, video, doodle.
    I agree with you that Voice Thread is simple and can be used very effectively in class.
Ergan Xu

Voicethread 4 Education - home - 2 views

  • With VoiceThread, group conversations are collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world.
    Thanks! Now we have more examples on what we can do with VoiceThread in our classes ;-)
    We have many creative ways to apply in class.
    Cool to see a Wiki in action. Thanks, Ergan! The problem with Wikis is that sometimes the writing isn't so great - I noticed that with the college tab here. I suppose since it's open, I could edit it!

VoiceThread Extends the Classroom with Interactive Multimedia Albums | Edutopia - 1 views

  • VoiceThreads might best be described as interactive media albums
  • The technology is particularly accessible because viewers can comment using just about any technology -- including a good old landline. "We've tried to make it fairly universal in access," says Ben Papell. "If you don't have a microphone
    • vivianfranco
      This is why I like Voice Thread the most because it is accessible to everybody even teachers and students that are new to the world of technology.
  • when he discovered he could engage his kids online in a collaborative, multimedia slide show called a VoiceThread, he decided to see if he could use it to, as he puts it, "steal some of their online minutes."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Teachers can keep VoiceThreads private or publish them, either on the VoiceThread site or embedded on their own sites. Participants can post from anywhere, at any time, making it easy to involve groups in disparate time zones, or even different countries, in a single conversation.
    • vivianfranco
      I also like it because it also allows for interactivity and facilitate learning through communities.
  • "Take it slow -- don't upload 600 images and try to get fifty people to comment on each and every one," he says. "One of the great things is that it will take off on its own."
    • speabodymn
      I see this benefit--giving voice to students who might normally not speak because of shyness or because of a few dominant personalities in the class--as one of the main benefits of online video/comment tools like VoiceThread.
    It is good to have a free tools, because when we ask school to buy it for us it takes a long time and sometimes we do not get approved, if you know more app that are useful for class luse ike the VoiceThread, I hope you can share it with me.

Education World: Five Ways to Use Padlet in Class - 3 views

  • Padlet is a free, online "virtual wall" tool where users can express thoughts on topics of their choice. It's like a piece of paper, but on the Web. 
    • vivianfranco
      I like Padlet because it seems it is a simple tool to get our students participate inside/outside the classroom. Sometimes students feel frustrated when they struggle with technology and then they have to figure out how to develop the task. So presenting the students easy ways to learn through technology can lower this cognitive overload.
  • Uses for Padlet in your classroom
  • Book Reviews: 
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Topic Summary:
  • Greeting Cards or "Thank You" Wall:
  • Questions Board: 
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