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30 creative ways to use Padlet for teachers and students - BookWidgets - 9 views

  • Let your students answer some important exit ticket questions like “what did you learn today?”, “What didn’t you understand?” or “What questions do you still have?”.It gets better…Here are some other exit ticket promts your students could answer: Write down three things you learned today. If you had to explain today’s lesson to a friend, what would you tell him/her? What question do you have about what we learned today? What part of the lesson did you find most difficult? What would you like me to go over again next lesson? Write down two questions you would put in a quiz about today’s lesson. What were the main points we covered today? Did the group activity contribute to your understanding of the topic? Why? Read this problem … What would be your first step in solving it? I used app X extensively today. Was it helpful? Why or why not?
  • Complete the storyCreate a story and ask students how it should continue. Students can post their ideas on the Padlet. Finally, take some of your students' ideas and complete the story. You’ll have some funny stories!
  • What is Padlet?
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Padlet can be used by students and by teachers. With padlet you can create an online post-it board that you can share with any student or teacher you want. Just give them the unique Padlet link. Padlet allows you to insert ideas anonymously or with your name. It’s easy to use and very handy.
  • Whoever has the Padlet board opened on his smartphone or computer, can see what’s on it and what everyone is writing. Students just have to take a device and start adding little sticky notes online. They can see all the ideas gathered on the teacher board immediately.
    • pamh6832
      Clear description of what Padlet is and how to use it.
  • Sharing a Padlet board is easy; choose for a QR code or a link.
  • Let your students insert the link in the browser or in the Padlet app. They can ‘continue as guest’ so they just have to scan the qr code with the Padlet app or type in the URL, without creating an account. Shortly after, they will be directed to your first Padlet board.
  • How to post things on Padlet? Well, there are a few ways to do this: double click anywhere on the board; drag files in; paste from clipboard; save as bookmark with Padlet mini; or just click the ‘+’ button in the lower right corner.
  • 2. Live question bank Let your students ask questions during the lesson. It’s very handy when students don’t understand something or need a better explanation. Stop your lesson 10 minutes early and go over the questions. This way students who are afraid to ask questions can still ask their questions anonymously. It gives a voice to every student in the room, even to the shy ones.
    • pamh6832
      A good way to help ensure student engagement and comprehension. Similar to the "Chat" feature on Zoom.
  • 14. Prior knowledge Try to figure out what students already know about the topic you’re about to teach. What prior knowledge do your students have about that particular topic and what don’t they know? Students just post their knowledge on Padlet, so you can see how to build your lesson.
    • pamh6832
      For reviewing previous year information. Always important, but perhaps even more so after Spring 2020 and distance learning.
  • 23. Geocaching For physical exercises, students have to go walking more. Let you students do some geocaching and let them post pictures of themselves and the treasure to the Padlet board. It will encourage the others to find the treasures as well.
  • Online student portfolio
    • cnming
      I am going to try this in my language classes.
  • Complete the story Create a story and ask students how it should continue. Students can post their ideas on the Padlet. Finally, take some of your students' ideas and complete the story. You’ll have some funny stories!
    • cnming
      Great idea!
    This posting provides MULTIPLE ways to use Padlet. I found those activities that allow live interaction to be very interesting.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I think this would be good to use for collecting research or as a place to post class questions
    I love the idea of using padlet for exit ticket questions!
    I really like padlet as a survey tool or an exit pass type of activity

HyperPadlets & Padlet Timelines - Jake Miller - 1 views

  • Format Flexibility! There are 8 different Padlet formats: Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelf, Backchannel, Map & Timeline. Screenshot from
    • nurlider
      These templates can be templates for a variety of projects.
  • Content Flexibility! Once you select a format, your posts on the Padlet can be pretty much anything!
  • Your students will not need an account to access your Padlets or post/comment on your Padlets.  They would, however, need an account in order to make their own.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Remake – Want to reuse a Padlet in multiple classes or across multiple years?
    • nurlider
      I can also use copy of student entries as a platform for in-class activities.
  • Customization – Padlet gives you lots of options in the settings area.  You can customize the appearance, change the URL to make it easier to access, turn comments on/off, turn reactions (stars, upvotes, likes, grades) on/off, require approval for posts, filter profanity. 
  • Real-time Collaboration – If you choose to allow collaboration, you and your collaborators (students! teachers! parents!) can collaborate in realtime. 
  • 2. Second, I didn’t know that Padlet had a Timeline option!After Matt’s tweet, I discovered that a Timeline option was added by Padlet in December 2019
    • nurlider
      I used the timeline option for one of Week 4 activities I designed. It was for a biography reading. It worked really well.

Cool Tools - Collaborating with Padlet | TESL Ontario Blog - 3 views

  • An unlimited number of users can contribute to a padlet at the same time, making collaborative work very easy.
    • lars3969
      I wonder what a good group size would be for most Padlet activities? If it's sort of a social media feed like the one I created for class, I suppose it could be everyone. If it's creating a digital poster, groups of three might work well.
  •   No account necessary to collaborate
    • lars3969
      This really does make things easier. My students had trouble remembering passwords to things this summer, so it's great when there is no login required.
  • adding example sentences to a shared class padlet
    • lars3969
      I don't quite understand this use of Padlet. Why not just use Google Docs? I think Padlet is useful because it allows students to include multimedia.
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    • lars3969
      I would add that another benefit is how sleek it can look. It's amazing how much design can make a difference in educational activities.
  • presentation tool
    • lars3969
      It seems that Padlet has a Power-Point/Prezi-like option for creating presentations. I'll have to look more into that.
  • I fill those padlets up with a variety of learning materials including photos, YouTube videos, quizzes, worksheets and step-by-step instructions.
    • heidikreutzer
      I love the idea of adding videos to Padlet. I haven't tried this yet. So many ideas!

Education World: Five Ways to Use Padlet in Class - 3 views

  • Padlet is a free, online "virtual wall" tool where users can express thoughts on topics of their choice. It's like a piece of paper, but on the Web. 
    • vivianfranco
      I like Padlet because it seems it is a simple tool to get our students participate inside/outside the classroom. Sometimes students feel frustrated when they struggle with technology and then they have to figure out how to develop the task. So presenting the students easy ways to learn through technology can lower this cognitive overload.
  • Uses for Padlet in your classroom
  • Book Reviews: 
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Topic Summary:
  • Greeting Cards or "Thank You" Wall:
  • Questions Board: 
  • Opinion/Forum: 

Creating Collaborative Spaces Using Padlet - 2 views

  • authentic
  • , user-friendly, and efficient while providing an “environment” that offers the security needed to ensure the privacy and safety of students.
  • Padlet is a digital wall where users can post content of their choice, including text, images, documents, and videos.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The opportunity for collaboration is enhanced by the fact that there is no limit to the number of people that can simultaneously edit a wall and changes are visible instantly.
  • Padlet is certainly a tool with a variety of potential uses for both teachers and students.
  • a free,
    • ljarboe
      It is free, not like other similar Apps.
  • For students, Padlet walls could be used to showcase digital work, as a digital notebook,
    • smuske
      This is an idea that I'd like to explore.
    The article describes why and how to use Padlet. It emphasized its intuitive design and described it as digital wall that participants in the classroom can use to express their ideas, comments, suggestions etc.
    Interesting article. I will have to try it out. See it used, never used it myself.

20 useful ways to use Padlet in class now | Ditch That Textbook - 10 views

  • Gather responses globally — Create a Padlet with a question and post it on Twitter, a blog or other social media. (A hashtag like #comments4kids could help more people see it and respond.) See where in the world responses come from!
    • heidikreutzer
      It would be great if the class/students could get feedback from all over the world - especially in the target language!
    For all of you Padlet fans - here's a ton of ideas for putting it to more use!
    More ways to use Padlet in class.

Padlet | The Digital Teacher | Cambridge English - 2 views

    • danigeary
      Very versatile. Good for recreating whiteboard assignments for an online environment.
    • danigeary
      This is huge! Students can see and comment, all on one page.
  • Padlet allows for synchronous or asynchronous collaboration. Learners can share ideas, materials, audio and video.  They can then comment on these.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • any level of learner. As learners add their own posts, what skill they develop depends on what task given is to them. Learners can develop writing skills (e.g. write a short description of a person you admire) or speaking skills (record yourself telling an anecdote). They can also brainstorm vocabulary related to a topic to activate existing knowledge before a reading or listening text. As learners all type their ideas at the same time, it’s an inclusive and efficient way of collecting ideas.
    • danigeary
      For big classes, the right padlet activities allow the instructor to "eyeball" the content for grading.
  • For the teacher, Padlet helps them to better assess the learning of everyone in the class, something that can be tricky even with medium-sized classes.

Know Your Why!: Collaboration with Padlet and Google Plus - 0 views

  • often think of Padlet as a virtual post-it note board. I think Padlet is best for a single topic or discussion stream
Waka S

Higher Ed Tech Tutorials Padlet for YouTube - YouTube - 0 views

    Tutorial Padlet for YouTube video
Adrienne Gonzales

Three Good Ways to Use Padlet In Your School - 1 views

    • Adrienne Gonzales
      This is new terminology for me:
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      It's a never ending learning path with all these acronyms :) I like the fact that Padlet allows for group and research projects.
    From "Free Technology for Teachers"
    Thanks for sharing. I had the same question about KWL. In Spanish would that be SQA? :)

The Official Padlet Blog - 5 views

    This is Padlet's official blog, full of ideas and tips. I didn't realize that Padlet had its own blog until now and thought I'd share it (rather than zeroing in on one specific post).

25 Strategies to Engage Students on Your Next Zoom Meeting | Hooked On Innovation - 15 views

  • A fun non-tech game to play is “Who’s who?”.  In this game, students privately message the teacher some facts about themselves and then the teacher reveals the clues. Students then write down their guesses as to who the person is based on the clues.
    • christasgould
      This could be a really fun way to build community during the first half of the semester on Zoom, if you are using it. It would be interesting to also do the Zoom poll option and give students a few options. They select the classmate that they think wrote the information.
  • Using the BINGO tool,
    • christasgould
      Has anyone tried
  • Taking breaks throughout a lengthy lesson are important whether it be for a reflective pause or just an opportunity to stretch.
    • christasgould
      With "Zoom fatigue," it seems that brain breaks might be more essential than ever! Any good ideas out there for break breaks students can do remotely?
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  • use a shared collaborative space like a Padlet
    • christasgould
      Great idea. In another class I'm currently taking synchronously, we did some brainstorming on Padlet during our Zoom session. Will definitely be replicating it in my classes this fall.
    So many great ideas in this article. I hope I will get to use more this coming semester - Padlet, for instance.
  • ...5 more comments...
    I love these ideas, and I agree that they are a great way to build community and have a little fun. I will particularly look forward to using the story progression idea, I think it would be a lot of fun with intermediate level students.
    I also love these ideas and think they are a great way to build community. From the more basic, such as "Use the whiteboard feature" and "Create breakout rooms for collaboration" (I was wondering how to do that!) to the more creative and fun like having students go on a scavenger hunt or any of the many games the author describes... there are lots of great ideas. Many could even be adapted for lower level students.
    Thanks for sharing this article with so many great ideas to create more opportunities for student interaction and community building. I will try to create theme based BINGO games (numbers, colors, vegetables, fruits etc)
    I really enjoyed this article - lots of great ideas to use in the ZOOM classes. The one was discussed in the FaceBook ASL Teachers Share - a scavenger hunt. I going to implement some of the ideas. I actualy had to copy and save this article in a file. Amazing ideas. Thanks for posting!
    It's the perfect time for these tips! I wanted to try the breakout rooms last spring but had some technical issues and couldn't do it. I love the "I spy" and "Scavenger Hunt" ideas and many others. Thanks for sharing!
    So many ways to engage students in virtual classes. Great ideas!
    I attended a webinar and the presenter emphasized taking breaks. I must remember that one as well as putting these ideas in my toolbox.
Kimberly Jaeger

How to Use Padlet in the Classroom: A Fantastic Teaching Tool - 6 views

    • Kimberly Jaeger
      I learned you can use Padlet like Twitter- great idea!
    That sounds great!
    This was interesting; thanks for sharing!
    This is a cool tool. I will definitely want to try it.
Isis Shawver

Free Technology for Teachers: Three Good Ways to Use Padlet In Your School - 1 views

    • Isis Shawver
      We can use the group research idea when we are discussing cultural differences between the U.S. and Hispanic countries.  

6 Top Tech Tools for World Language Classes | Edutopia - 4 views

  • 2. Incorporate listening and drawing activities with Pear Deck: Pear Deck is the perfect way to make your Google Slides interactive. Try using the Pear Deck Chrome extension for listening and drawing activities: Add a Pear Deck interactive “Drawing” slide and read a description aloud.For example, I will read the following description aloud (in Spanish) to my Spanish I classes: “The boy is tall, thin, and has black, curly hair and green eyes. The boy is feeling happy because it is warm and sunny outside. He likes to listen to music and read, but he does not like to study or play sports.”As I read off this description, students draw what they hear. Once their drawings are complete, I ask them to restate what they drew aloud. You can also ask them to write about what they drew. Students are enthused when I project all of their drawings on the board—each student’s drawing is different and has its own style, even though everyone heard the same description.
  • Host an online discussion via Padlet: Padlet allows students to view a prompt and respond on an online discussion board. If you want to engage students in a digital discussion rather than an oral one, you can have them respond with text, images, videos, or links.
  • view a music video and type out the lyrics according to what they hear
    See how to adapt popular apps to get students speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target language. If you're not familiar with Edutopia, you should take some time to browse around their site. This is the Technology Integration section, but there is much, much more - very innovative, creative group!
    Wow, that was quick! Yes, I like this group. I will definitely read more articles on their site.

10 Classroom Uses for Padlet - YouTube - 0 views

    For the busy teacher.....great ways to use padlet in the classroom.

How to Teach Remotely with Padlet - YouTube - 5 views

    • spangomez
      Great Step by Step instruction on how to use Padlet while teaching remotely

The Backchannel: Giving Every Student a Voice in the Blended Mobile Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

    • sarahlbassett
      A backchannel could be a really useful adaptation for SPED and EL students in mainstream classes who find themselves left behind in conversation
    • moramichal
      just used SLAck in my workshop - it was a great experiment
  • They create a blended environment where teachers and students engage in both physical and online conversations so that learning is no longer confined to a single means of communication or even an arbitrary class perio
    • sarahlbassett
      This solves the "I don't have enough time with my students during class" problem if students have access to conversations beyond the limits of a class period
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • A face-to-face conversation while simultaneously reading might have been a distraction. However, by typing their thoughts, all students contributed their ideas while each having the autonomy to work at his or her own pace.
    • sarahlbassett
      I especially like having an outlet for students to work at their own pace on something while still contributing to a conversation
  • conversations were never los
    • sarahlbassett
      "The conversations were never lost" - this is a great point!  Students could read and re-read past conversations.  With a traditional speaking/listening conversation, it isn't possible to read at all, let alone re-read.
  • Backchannel
  • Blended Mobile
  • Classroom
  • Charlie needed an alternative means to participate, and a backchannel would have provided him with that outlet.
  • a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activit
  • TodaysMeet would have let teachers create private chat rooms so that students could ask questions or leave comments during class. A Padlet wall might have fueled students to share their ideas as text, images, videos, and links posted to a digital bulletin board. The open response questions available in a student response system like Socrative or InfuseLearning could have become discussion prompts to give each student an opportunity to share his or her ideas before engaging in class discussion.
    • moramichal
      want to try it in my class - to give voice to student how afraid to talk in front of everybody
    • moramichal
      i was a fraid to write my thought on the board - imaybe a private channel ?
    Thanks for sharing this (and for the highlights). It's something I need to explore further.
    I love this idea.
Jessica Rojas

5 Fantastic Ways to Use Wallwisher in the Classroom - SimpleK12_ - 5 views

  • 5 fantastic ways to use Wallwisher in the classroom:
    • Marcie Pratt
      Below the highlighted area is a list of great ideas on how to use Wallwisher/Padlet in the classroom.
    • Krista Chambless
      Good article. I am planning to use this tool in my classes this Fall.
    • Amy Uribe
      Lots of great ideas!  I am going to use this to get students to introduce themselves during the first week of class.  
  • Sign up for free. Build a new wall. Write your topic question/statement/activity. Specify your Wallwisher URL. Share link with others. Collaborate!
    • Jessica Rojas
      Wallwisher Benefits
    Ready to try them. Thank you for sharing this article!
    I really like this tool. I will definitely use it this fall.
    Hi, O.K. this is Padlet. ;-)
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