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American Annals of the Deaf - 0 views

    In this Journal that I follow, they have many different authors discuss topics ranging from technologies use for, by Deaf people, education for deaf children, parent-child relationships, to language development.
Marlene Johnshoy

50 Alternatives to the Book Report - 2 views

    Some different ways of reading and checking on what students have read!
    These are great ideas! I think some are very adaptable for different types of activities, too.

20 things you should know about Blipfoto | Digital | The Drum - 6 views

    I really like how it is ad-free- that's a huge plus and makes me want to use this site over others.

Storybird: write, publish, journal, read. It's awesome! - Ed Tech for ESL - 4 views

  • Much of the work is written for or by elementary school kids so the sentences and vocabulary aren’t too complex
    I started using Storybird last year, and I love it. It is great to teach fantasy writing and to reinforce the elements of fiction. Using the sample stories for ESL students sounds like a great idea!

Introducing a New Teaching Model:Flipped Classroom--《Journal of Distance Educ... - 0 views

    A flipped classroom is a classroom that swaps the arrangement of knowledge imparting and knowledge internalization comparing to traditional classroom.In the flipped classroom,the roles of teachers and students have been changed and the class time should have a new plan.Information technology and activity learning construct an individuation and cooperative learning environment for learners to create new learning culture.Based on the analysis of literature of flipped classroom and some typical cases,we summarize a flipped classroom teaching model.We also describe the challenges in the implementation of the flipped classroom teaching.The paper provides an innovative way to reform teaching in Chinese schools.
    This article is on the subject of the flipped classroom applied to Chinese language.
Marlene Johnshoy

Systematic Review of Two Decades (1995 to 2014) of Research on Synchronous Online Learn... - 1 views

    "Systematic reviews of literature are studies that strategically search for published research on a specific topic in order to synthesize what is known about the topic. This systematic review describes 157 articles on synchronous online learning (SOL) from thirty-four different countries on instructional setting, content areas, participant demographics, research designs, independent and dependent variables, SOL technologies, and data-collection tools. "
Marlene Johnshoy

Report Assesses ELA Programs In-Depth -- THE Journal - 0 views

    I have not heard of any of the 9 programs chosen to review - so if they're free, I'll be checking these out "for improving reading and writing in the classroom." They were English Language Arts (ELA) teachers, but could have use for second/world language instruction as well.
Isolde Mueller

LLT Journal: Discourse Functions and Syntactic Complexity in Synchronous and Asynchrono... - 0 views

shared by Isolde Mueller on 12 Aug 12 - No Cached
    DISCOURSE FUNCTIONS AND SYNTACTIC COMPLEXITY IN SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION The present study investigates discourse functions and syntactic complexity in English-as-a-second-language (ESL) learner output obtained via two different modes of computer-mediated communication (CMC): asynchronous and synchronous discussions. Two instructors and twenty-five students from two advanced ESL writing classes participated in this study.
Andy Wiesinger

Teaching the World in Minnesota - 2 views

  • Teaching the World in Minnesota
    • Andy Wiesinger
      I don't know if everyone knows how diverse Minnesota really is. Not just hotdish and lutefisk!
    As many as 145 languages are spoken in Minnesota public schools. This fall, students with the University of Minnesota's School of Journalism and Mass Communication are working with MPRNews to explore that classroom diversity -- and sharing a bit of what they find as they go.
    Incredible. I knew Minnesota is diverse.. you just need to go outside and see it. But, data shown in this page is amazing. I also have read some of the other posts. I think that this could be a good resource for high school or college because it shows facts, and authentic stories.
Jessica Rojas

Recast and prompts in second language classrooms - 4 views

    Hi Jessica, thanks for this article. Actually, I have been reading a lot about error correction lately, so it caught my eye right away. Any special reason why you chose it?
    Hi Violeta, When teaching languages I think we need to read a lot about how to correct our students errors, and how to have them self correct. I have used some techniques, but since last week I realized that there is more outside to research. Check this one.. is good! Tarone, E. and Swierzbin, B. (2009). Exploring learner language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hi Jessica, This article makes us think how best we can give students feedback.Thanks for posting it.
Marcie Pratt

Online synchronous communication in the second-language classroom | Murphy | Canadian J... - 2 views

    • Marcie Pratt
      Have not thought of using synchronous tools before in my language classes until I took this CARLA class. This paragraph helps explain why they are useful.
  • "low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear"
  • White (2003) highlighted the benefits of using web-based, real-time (synchronous) interaction and communication as follows: it is spontaneous; it motivates learners who develop a sense of community and gain energy from the group; it offers opportunities for peer feedback; and it supports the development of interactive competence.
Marlene Johnshoy

Taylor & Francis Online :: From the Student Perspective: Experiences of Middle and High... - 1 views

    Sorry, you may have to go to your own library access to see this, but it was interesting for a number of things: 80% took all classes online, 74% indicated interaction with peers was not or only a little important, among other questions in a survey given to middle and high school students.

Second-Language Acquisition and the Information Age: How Social Software has Created a ... - 3 views

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Alyssa Ruesch

The English Teacher Blog » Blog Archive » Blogging in the Classroom - 0 views

    How to use blogs in the classroom? Free-writing or with corrections?
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