My essential idea after many rounds of brainstorming was that students would self-select their station work after analyzing their individual data and creating their own personalized weekly learning plan.
10 ways to collaborate digitally + visually in class | Ditch That Textbook - 2 views
Start With Students: One Teacher's Design-Thinking Journey | Education Innovation D.C. - 5 views
We use iPads for games and other online learning apps on a regular basis. Students have tracked their progress on apps only as far as getting so far = stickers/rewards. Goal setting wasn't involved, nor were specific goals related to skills students needed to learn. This could be a simple addition to our stations to make classroom learning with iPad apps more effective.
How to incorporate technology into station learning.
Hi Diane: I am wondering, does your school support iPads for students in your class? or, is it required that they purchase their own. Is this an online class or a face-face class?
We have a classroom set of iPads that are available. Students don't purchase them, the school got them through a grant.
Edistorm - 0 views
Let Google Voice Rock the Classroom! | - 2 views
So, you've got the scoop on Google Voice, and you see how it can enhance communication in your life. What about your classroom? Why not use it with your learners? Let's start brainstorming how you can use the features of Google Voice as an educational tool.
this is so true! I hope to use google voice in the classroom this fall as well :)
25 Strategies to Engage Students on Your Next Zoom Meeting | Hooked On Innovation - 15 views
A fun non-tech game to play is “Who’s who?”. In this game, students privately message the teacher some facts about themselves and then the teacher reveals the clues. Students then write down their guesses as to who the person is based on the clues.
Using the BINGO tool,
Taking breaks throughout a lengthy lesson are important whether it be for a reflective pause or just an opportunity to stretch.
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So many great ideas in this article. I hope I will get to use more this coming semester - Padlet, for instance.
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So many ways to engage students in virtual classes. Great ideas!
I attended a webinar and the presenter emphasized taking breaks. I must remember that one as well as putting these ideas in my toolbox.
Padlet | The Digital Teacher | Cambridge English - 2 views
Padlet allows for synchronous or asynchronous collaboration. Learners can share ideas, materials, audio and video. They can then comment on these.
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