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HyperPadlets & Padlet Timelines - Jake Miller - 1 views

  • Format Flexibility! There are 8 different Padlet formats: Wall, Canvas, Stream, Grid, Shelf, Backchannel, Map & Timeline. Screenshot from
    • nurlider
      These templates can be templates for a variety of projects.
  • Content Flexibility! Once you select a format, your posts on the Padlet can be pretty much anything!
  • Your students will not need an account to access your Padlets or post/comment on your Padlets.  They would, however, need an account in order to make their own.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Remake – Want to reuse a Padlet in multiple classes or across multiple years?
    • nurlider
      I can also use copy of student entries as a platform for in-class activities.
  • Customization – Padlet gives you lots of options in the settings area.  You can customize the appearance, change the URL to make it easier to access, turn comments on/off, turn reactions (stars, upvotes, likes, grades) on/off, require approval for posts, filter profanity. 
  • Real-time Collaboration – If you choose to allow collaboration, you and your collaborators (students! teachers! parents!) can collaborate in realtime. 
  • 2. Second, I didn’t know that Padlet had a Timeline option!After Matt’s tweet, I discovered that a Timeline option was added by Padlet in December 2019
    • nurlider
      I used the timeline option for one of Week 4 activities I designed. It was for a biography reading. It worked really well.
Marlene Johnshoy

Should We Ask Students to Tweet? Perceptions, Patterns, and Problems of Assigned Social... - 0 views

    Abstract - "Teacher educators have increasingly integrated social media into their education courses with aims including improving instruction and preparing students for a connected world. In this study, the authors sought to better understand the possibilities and challenges of scaffolding 60 pre- and in-service teachers across two universities into professional learning networks (PLNs) through a social media assignment. Participants analyzed educator practices, participated in, and envisioned future uses of teacher Twitter. Consistent with previous studies, education students were positive about the relational and relevant aspects of Twitter use. However, students' participation did not mimic the participatory cultures of affinity spaces often reported by connected educators in the literature. Instead, participants tweeted around deadlines and quit using their accounts for professional education purposes once the class ended. In contrast to recent literature, this article argues that social media integration for education students should focus on relational and relevant engagements and content, as opposed to attempting to build social media augmented PLNs for unknown futures."

Settings App Not Working in Windows 10? Here Are the Fixes - Techgill - 0 views

    When you see a message, asking if you want to merge the folders from your old account to your new one. You have to click Yes. That is all about, the fixes for Settings App Not Working in Windows 10. You must have known that the Settings app is very important in Windows.
Mark West

Stephen Krashen's blog - 3 views

    Language learning supreme guru. Also has a tweeter account: He's a serious and influential language researcher and theorist whom you may know.
    Thanks for sharing this one, Mark. I am a big Krashen fan and am now following him on twitter because of your reminder.
    I like Krashen, too. Thanks for sharing!
Isis Shawver

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Ways Students Can Create Audio Slideshows - 1 views

    • Isis Shawver
      There are some great resources in this article that I plan to explore!
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I will share these resources with my students for them to explore for their final presentation on work with Community.
  • Somewhere between a PowerPoint presentation and a full-fledged video is the audio slideshow.
  • To create an audio slideshow on Narrable start by uploading some pictures that you either want to talk about or have music played behind. After the pictures are uploaded you can record a narration for each picture through your computer's microphone or by calling into your Narrable's access phone number.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • UtellStory is a service for creating and sharing audio slideshows. To create and share your story through UtellStory you can upload pictures, add text captions, add audio narration to each slide, and upload a soundtrack to support your entire story.
  • a good tool for students to use to bridge the gap between slideshows and videos. Animoto makes it possible to quickly create a video using still images, music, and text. In the last year Animoto has added the option to include video clips in your videos too.
  • Hello Slide is a tool that you can use to add voice narration to slides that you display online.Hello Slide is different from services like Slideshare's Zipcast (which requires a paid subscription) because instead of recording your voice you type what you want the narrator to say.
  • is a handy service for recording video and or audio to accompany your slides.
  • Animoto's free service limits you to 30 second videos.
    I do audio slideshows as an end-of-semester project in my level 2 class, but I have only ever used PhotoStory. PhotoStory is loaded on our language lab computers so that students do not have to register or create any types of accounts. These resources seem to be just as easy, however
MariaEmicle Lopez

Free Technology for Teachers: 7 Ways to Create and Deliver Online Quizzes - 2 views

    • Isis Shawver
      I think my brain just went into overload.  This is incredible!
  • Many online quiz services allow you to create quizzes that give your students instant feedback.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I wanted to highlight a phrase but couldn't. I really enjoy the possibility to add a video clip, pretty neat!
  • Blubbr is a neat quiz creation service that you can use to create video-based quizzes. Using Blubbr you can create interactive quizzes that are based on YouTube clips.
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  • When you find a video that works for you, trim the clip to a length that you like then write out your question and answer choices.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      I could see the video and the options one could select for the quiz. Amazing!
  • Zoho Survey
  • This means that you can ask a short answer question and send respondents to a new question based upon their responses.
  • The best feature of Quizdini is that you can create explanations of the correct answer for your students to view immediately after trying each question in your quiz.
  • ImageQuiz is a free service that allows you to create quizzes based on any images that you own or find online. When people take your quizzes on ImageQuiz they answer your questions by clicking on the part of the picture that answers each question.
  • Socrative allows me to create single question and multiple question quizzes with multiple choice and or open-ended responses.
  • First, Infuse Learning allows you to create multiple rooms within your account. That means you can create a different Infuse Learning room for each of your classes rather than re-using the same room for all of your classes. Second, Infuse Learning allows you create questions that your students draw responses to.
  • Using Google Forms you can create multiple choice, true/false, and free response questions quizzes. The latest version of Google Forms allows you to include pictures in your quizzes.
    • MariaEmicle Lopez
      A whole new world to me! Had no idea of the amount of resources out there.
Maki Nakayama

Voicethread in ESL classrooms | eveline fortin - 4 views

    • Maki Nakayama
      I really like this sentence because it means online education can be used for any level of students depending on teachers's teaching ways.
    While virtual classes are more and more popular in universities, there have been many attempts to create new technological tools to be use in online classes. Some teachers have adopted a well made online audio software: Voicethread. Voicethread is a website to which one subscribes and create an account.
Amy Uribe

Revisiting Twitter as an Educational Tool « Teaching Effectiveness Program - 3 views

  • have used Twitter to facilitate class discussion and to gauge and deepen students’ interest and level of understanding.
  • raising awareness of personal branding. “I think it’s really important for students to think about the content of their accounts and the pictures they use,” which form part of a lasting “digital footprint,” she says. Faculty members often must remind students of the permanence of the Internet and its long-term effect on their professional image.
    • Edward Eiffler
      Many students do not understand the danger of just posting anything
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  • “Our students don’t really need to be taught how to connect to each other online, but teaching them to be aware of their online environments, their roles in those environments, and what their roles could be in those environments is part of encouraging their cultural awareness. I think that we do a disservice to our students when we try to keep the internet out of our classrooms, and that we should instead be encouraging them to engage as much as possible (and as critically as possible) with the endless resources that the internet places at their fingertips.”
    • Amy Uribe
      I still have colleagues who will not allow laptops or smartphones in the classroom.  I like the idea of teaching students how to act in different online environments.  It is a useful tool.
    Twitter, the popular microblogging site that allows users to post 140-character "tweets," both intrigues and irritates faculty, according to a Faculty Focus survey. Some embrace it as a clever way to teach concision and get students writing, thinking, and connecting with the course material and one another.
Maki Nakayama

Skype takes English teaching to the next level (Includes interview and first-hand account) - 4 views

  • Many teachers and organizations have tried to take the offline teaching model and simply put it online. This causes some problems. Firstly, the materials they use are not specifically designed for online teaching and they don’t use the technological capabilities of online teaching fully.
    • Maki Nakayama
      I learned that teachers should choose their teaching materials, either offline or online, based on the goals and process. If online materials work for their teaching, teachers should use them. If offline materials work effectively, then they should use offline materials.

Vocaroo: Voice Recording Made Easy - The FLTmag | The FLTmag - 0 views

    • anonymous
      Embedding a Vocaroo recording into a set of instructions--awesome!
  • ease-of-use
  • get a link to my recordings and then email it to students
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • smartphones, have Vocaroo generate a QR code and your students can unlock the message behind the code with any QR code reader
  • If your students are in need of extra practice with the past tense, have them email you a Vocaroo recording every Sunday night describing their weekend.
  • For homework, ask your students to collaboratively author a story in which they elaborate on the details of the previous recordings and then either post or email the recordings to their classmates
  • no account is needed to use this tool
  • embedding a Vocaroo recording into a set of instructions
Diane Nordin

How to teach a young introvert | - 4 views

    • Alyssa Ruesch
      Apps to participate through electronic devices: Socrative, Kahoot, NearPod, TodaysMeet
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Plickers might be interesting for quick multiple choice responses.
  • giving them opportunities to contribute to a class blog or something where their classmates will get to see their hearts and minds in this other forum. I think that really opens things up.
  • But Cain particularly feels for one group of introverts: the quiet kids in a classroom.
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  • Our most important institutions, like schools and workplaces, are designed for extroverts,
  • why is it that kids who prefer to go off by themselves or to work alone are seen as outliers?
  • How about the very definition of “class participation?”
  • how best to cultivate the talent of those students.
  • a student who has one or two or three friends, and prefers to go deep with their friendships instead of being one of a big gang, there’s nothing wrong with that at all, in terms of it being a predictor for adulthood.
  • If the kid is perfectly happy the way they are, they need to get the message that the way they are is cool.
  • make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read.
  • maximize choice.
  • less group work in general.
  • do more work in pairs, which is a way that both introverts and extroverts can thrive.
  • challenge teachers to rethink what they mean by class participation and start thinking of it as classroom engagement instead.
  • account the research of Anders Ericsson, who invented the concept of “deliberate practice.”
  • tools that allow students to participate through their electronic devices as opposed to raising their hand.
  • Apps that allow students to contribute to class discussions, sometimes anonymously and sometimes not.
    • Diane Nordin
      I agree this statement of "Number one would be to make sure to build quiet time into the school day, especially when kids are younger. Have 15 minutes set aside every day where the students just read." Question: As a classroom teacher, I am with my students 42 minutes per day, how can I take almost half of this time for reading? Shouldn't this issue be addressed as a whole school wide??
    • Alyssa Ruesch
      I agree with you Diane - that would be way too much time for reading in just your class. In some classes, I do a 5 - 10 minute "free-writing" exercise that is individual. It seems like you'd need to scale the time so that it's appropriate for your class. 
  • A lot of students who might be reticent at first will feel emboldened by having first discussed it with a partner.
    • Diane Nordin
  • Small-scale socializing. Socializing in pairs and small groups.
    • Diane Nordin
      My groups are mostly formed in 3 to 4 students, so it is easier to form a think-pair-share and compare best answer for their group.
  • e introverts of the world. In th
    Wow, just imagine how much calmer the world could be if classrooms were set up to allow for multiple temperaments as well as learning styles?! Also, the think-pair-share concept is fantastic; I've been using the "alone-paired-large group" sequence for language learners in groups since I got my CELTA certification and it's been hugely successful. Nobody wants to be wrong in public, and when learners have a chance to discuss it with a partner first, they are more likely to share their ideas.
Erika Sass

Thinkquest - (Facebook for elementary??) « The Techie Classroom - 4 views

    • Erika Sass
      Has anyone used Thinkquest? It looks like a great way to introduce elementary students to social networking in a safe way. I also posted a great site that does online safety and cyberbulling in 15 minutes lessons with Garfield cartoons for kids.
    • anonymous
      Yes, I have used it primarily with middle school students and I have found it quite useful. The last time I used it was several years ago to set up a list of websites to use with a webquest, a very simple and easy thing to do.
    "Facebook" option for elementary?
    This looks pretty promising. I also think the connections you made on this site are great - asking for resources and someone commented back with great resources on kids safety on the internet. Awesome!!
    I also liked the description. I will make an account to explore it and see if it is something we can use with older students as well.
Jon Perkins

Sharepocalypse Now: Why Social Media Overload Means New Opportunities for Startups - 0 views

    At this point I have so many accounts on so many sites that I feel like I need to do some spring cleaning. Even added Google+ a few weeks back to see what all the buzz was about.
Kim Fynboh

How Schools Can Use Facebook to Build an Online Community - 1 views

  • But “being safe” shouldn’t mean missing out on a key opportunity to engage the community.
  • Facebook is an excellent opportunity for a school to connect with families and share information rapidly. If a school is consistent in keeping the information updated and accurate, students and families will likely come to rely on the Facebook Page as a resource to find information about what’s going on at the school.
    • Kim Fynboh
      so true!
    For those that are interested in knowing a step-by-step process in setting up a facebook account for your school district. Article talks about all of the different things that one must think about when setting up a site.

Educators Test the Limits of Twitter - 2 views

    While this article is three years old, it still has some ideas that pertain to our group's discussion. The "Many Voices" story is worth looking at.
    Hi Jan, Good article--it definitely addresses the common concerns and potential problems of using Twitter with students. I liked the part about the kids building a story with students from China! I also thought it was a good idea that the teacher created one account and then shared the password. I wonder how he achieved this on an international level? Thanks for sharing!
    I checked out the "Youth Twitter" website - unfortunately it looks like it has disappeared, but there must be others out there?? Anyone know of others?
Marlene Johnshoy

Teachers asked to 'unfriend' students on Facebook - Technology & science - Tech and gad... - 1 views

    A school district in Florida is advising teachers not to "friend" students on social networking sites, claiming that teacher-student communication through this medium is "inappropriate."
    Interesting that these regulations are listed in the teachers' handbook. I live within walking distance from the school I work at, and often see neighborhood kids. One in particular is my student, in fact I was standing outside my home last night talking with two friends of mine and he walked by. He's a great kid and we always say hi and chat a little, but it's in the back of my mind that even that could be used against me by someone who is twisted. The weird thing about the inappropriate internet stuff is that there is always a paper trail, so it seems so obvious to not do certain things. I'm surprised FL advises teachers to not even use a "professional" user account with students, but apparently they feel the risks outweigh the advantages.
Marlene Johnshoy

Google for Teachers: 100+ Tricks | TeachHUB - 7 views

  • 25. Create online surveys for research projects. Quickly and easily create online surveys for any research project that requires feedback from others. The answers are saved to your Google Docs account.
    • Amy Pierce
      Who else still calls it Google Docs?
    • Marlene Johnshoy
      Looks like it was published a year ago (from the comment dates - it would be nice if they dated the article...)  When did they switch to call "Drive"?   =)
    • klmcguinness
      From what I understand, Google Docs exist within one's Google Drive in the same manner as your files and applications exist within your hard drive. I think Google is trying to make a distinction between a larger body and the parts within it. For example, I have an icon on my laptop's menu bar that takes me to my Google Drive. In my Google Drive are "My Drive" which contains my files and folders. I can also access my email, files that are shared with me which I have no ownership of and cannot move to "My Drive" folders, I can also access any Google Groups from my Google Drive, but they are not part of my Google Docs. That's my take on it.
    • brittasparksbr
      Thanks for that analogy. That helps a bit, but my head still swims with the amount of vocabulary bounced around in this tech world. I am trying to understand my OneDrive, SharePoint and things like that, with work having switched to Office 365. I am not liking it so far, because of the learning curve.
    • yflanders
      Great site for practicing in google search.

Seven Ways to Use Google Docs to Support Bilingual Student Writers | EdSurge News - 0 views

  • Even though some of my students may not have regular access to a computer at home, they can access Google Docs from anywhere, including their phones.
    • cwelton
      This is an important factor for me when I am thinking about integrating a web-based technology--my students all have very different levels of access, so I want to be as inclusive as possible of their various capacities to engage.
  • students also know I will look at the “Editing History” to hold them each accountable.
    • cwelton
      Really important to high schoolers!
  • With Google Docs, they can quickly find the right word for their writing with Google Translate.
    • cwelton
      or through a technology like's interesting to think about integrating Google-based platforms with other web-based tech
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • What’s more important is that I can provide feedback without drawing dark red lines across their writing, an experience that can be discouraging to many writers (including myself). Instead, we use Comments, Editing, or Suggesting to provide less invasive feedback; we can also share audio feedback right in the document using Kaizena, a Google Doc add-on. Students can receive immediate feedback multiple times throughout the writing process--and I don’t have worry about dragging stacks of paper home!
    • cwelton
      I'm curious to look at this addition to commenting/suggesting, I also use colors to clarify my edits for students (I do this on paper, too)--different colors represent different kinds of errors, for example, purple means there is an error or lack of clarity in vocabulary choice, red means the verb is misconjugated, etc.

Why Diigo Rocks for Educators! | TeachHUB - 7 views

  • Once the group is created, you can create student accounts. No email addresses needed. You create the username and password.
  • There are groups for all these where members can share their saves to not only their inventory but to the group as well. Diigo will email you once a week with all the new content. Pretty neat, huh? 
  • There are loads of other features as well, like highlighting on a webpage, adding sticky notes to pages, saving pages to read later without actually adding them to your collection and so much more.
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  • When you save to Diigo your saves go anywhere because they are saved to the cloud. Sounds mystical doesn't it?
    • mauritzenj
      I am so mad I never used this earlier! It is really fantastic.
  • One of the most powerful features is the tagging. Basically, if I save and don't tag it, I will have to remember the name of the site or something in the address
  • your saves don't travel with you from computer to computer and device to device.
  • So if students are working on a group project they can share their saves together, automatically. Or as a class, if you are working on something everyone can contribute information they find.
    • cwelton
      I love this concept--in level 3 I sometimes have the students do peer-editing of papers or projects, and I think Diigo could pair well with a pre-editing phase where they could collaborate on research as well as composition!
    • tkozhanova
      I agree. i like this idea too!
  • hen visit the Educator Area and apply for the Educator upgrade.
    I love that you can use this with students! I had no clue. Thanks for sharing.
    As I am still trying to understand the full benefits of using Diigo, I found this article of tremendous help. Thank you for sharing!
    This seems really useful. I'm excited about Diigo for my own use, hadn't thought about using it with students yet.

Facilitating a Class Twitter Chat | Edutopia - 3 views

  • Communicate the public nature of Twitter to parents. Consider an opt-out alternative for students or parents who are uncomfortable with participating in the classroom chat.
    • cwelton
      I've also used my school's platform "discussion board" as if it were a twitter chat feed--some students got really into it, and I think I could implement some of these suggestions to make it more universally engaging
  • assist students in moving back and forth between their own words and technical or course-specific terms. And help highlight particular content with the use of sentence starters.
    • cwelton
      perhaps for a language class this would look like a vocab list, or a list of social media abbreviations that are language-specific.
  • Do you feel the chat’s objective was reached? What was the most useful part of the chat? How might we improve the chat?
    • cwelton
      i've do this, at some level, for almost every new project or activity I do in my classroom--the students feel so empowered when I ask them to share their opinions and reactions to the structures of the course.
    Thanks for sharing, Carmen-- I am also considering students who do not have Twitter, or parent concerns, and I wonder if small group work might be a solution- Using the twitter account of one student, another student or group of students help to compose responses, stay hidden from their online contributions.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Hi Veronica--you could also consider making a class handle. I did that with an Adv. class once, and simply gave all the students the info to log in. They could all post from that handle, and sign tweets with their initials.
    This is a helpful article. I like how it gives us step-by-step of how to host a twitter chat.
    Thanks for this suggestions, Carmen-- will use it!
    Especially middle/high school parents/students may feel more comfortable using a platform provided by the district. I am also planning to use the discussion board in the district's platform. I can definitely use the tips in this article.
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