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Leslie Camacho

Some details on proposed Obama budget for higher ed 2013 | Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    " Preview: Obama's 2013 Budget February 13, 2012 - 3:00am By Libby A. Nelson WASHINGTON -- President Obama today will propose spending $8 billion on job training programs at community colleges over the next three years, part of a budget for the 2013 fiscal year that also would increase spending on Education Department programs and some scientific research. The president will outline the job-training proposal in more detail in a speech at Northern Virginia Community College this morning. But unlike past calls to spend more on community colleges, this plan is aimed squarely at an election-year message of "jobs, jobs, jobs" rather than the administration's goal of increasing the number of Americans with college degrees. The proposal, as outlined by Education Department officials Sunday evening, builds on job training programs already in existence -- especially the Trade Act Assistance Community College Career Training Program, which began making grants to community colleges in September. If approved by Congress, the president's proposal would provide $1.3 billion each per year to the Education and Labor Departments, on top of the trade act grants. While it's unclear whether the money would create new federal programs or build up existing ones, the funds would be spent at community colleges that train workers for jobs in high-demand fields, according to materials released by the Education Department. Programs that are especially successful at finding jobs for their graduates, or at placing those who traditionally have difficulty finding work, would be eligible for additional money. The grants would also be used to encourage partnerships between businesses, states, local governments and community colleges, and to create an online course to encourage entrepreneurs. The money would also support paid internships for low-income college students. But the plan would shut out for-profit colleges, which would not be eligible for the additional funds -- a move alm

19 Most Unhealthiest Jobs in The World - 0 views

    Making a career choice is considered as one the most important decision in the world, but the question to be asked is, will your career choice lead you into a healthy job or will you risk your health. We all are well versed with the phrase that "Health is Wealth" but today the world we live in understands only one language - MONEY! In this run for money, many people are often forced to risk their lives either by choice or by necessity.
business Blog

[ Career ] A Better Debt Collector - 0 views

    Everyone knows about this kind of job. An organization will hire debt collector for collecting money from people that owe the organization s money. This job is known as one challenging job because you have to deal with a lot of people who has their own problem of paying the sum. Still, there are a lot of people that applies for this job because of
Leslie Camacho

A Payday for Your Kids? - The Juggle - WSJ - 0 views

    "Giving kids' allowances raises lots of questions for parents: How much to pay? Should the money be tied to chores - and if so, which ones? Can the kids spend the money freely, or must they save part of it?"
Leslie Camacho

MSN Careers - How to Answer Salary Questions - Career Advice Article - 0 views

shared by Leslie Camacho on 11 Jul 09 - No Cached
    Americans aren't keen to discuss money. We like making it and we like spending it, but money doesn't belong in polite conversation. It sits on the shelf of forbidden topics, alongside politics, religion and sex.

Obstacles and Failures in Career or Business - Which Planets are Responsible. - 0 views

    Astrology can not only predict the possibility and timing of career problems; it can also suggest methods to avoid or reduce the problems. In career and business, time is money, and taking the advice of expert astrologers in planning the career and business and dealing with the specific problems early can save a lot of time and money, and give mental peace.
Corporate Chess

It's a myth that past employers can't say anything negative about you in a reference check - 0 views

    References are often highly subjective and opinionated. It's a myth that past employers can only confirm dates of employment. It's both legal and common for employers to give detailed references-and a surprising number of references are either lukewarm or bad.
Leslie Camacho

Why You Need a Business Plan - - 0 views

    Your written plan describes your business, outlines your goals and serves as a road map for future activities- everything from handling unforeseen complications to repaying borrowed money. It's a document that should grow with your business, undergoing constant tweaks as your big idea evolves from a concept into a successful company.
Leslie Camacho

'Unbillable Hours' by Ian Graham Will Make Law Students Reconsider - Careers Articles - 0 views

    "Early in Ian Graham's new book 'Unbillable Hours,' a John Grisham-like true story of his work as a corporate lawyer and how he helped get a murder conviction overturned, he quickly comes to the realization that working at a big Los Angeles law firm wasn't the best career move. The money is great -- $120,000 as a first-year associate -- but as one of his colleagues points out, working 260,000 billable hours per year comes out to $40 an hour, or what he pays his cleaning lady."
Leslie Camacho

How to Create a Problem-Solving Institution - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 0 views

    "Big, complex problems require the work of multidisciplinary teams. Consider prostate cancer. Decades of research and billions of dollars have led to the understanding that neither doctors, chemists, biolo­gists, nor engineers can arrive at a cure on their own. That multifaceted approach is gaining acceptance among the vari­ous individuals and organizations concerned with solving great problems. When giving research money to colleges, founda­tions and government agencies often require that investigators come from multiple academic disciplines as a condition of financial support."
Leslie Camacho

Why Companies Keep Pay a Secret - - 0 views

    "If "Jackass 3D" is anything like prior triumphs in the franchise, its band of raunchy, anarchic daredevils will make high art of low humor and leave no mishap private - especially if it involves someone's privates. But just try to get Johnny Knoxville and his gang to talk about how much each is paid. In America, money is the last conversational taboo."
Leslie Camacho

Earnings Gap Between College and High School Grads Small - - 0 views

    "For years, higher education was touted as a safe path to professional and financial success. Easy money, in the form of student loans, flowed to help parents and students finance degrees, with the implication that in the long run, a bachelor's degree was a good bet. Graduates, it has long been argued, would be able to build solid careers that would earn them far more than their high-school educated counterparts."
Leslie Camacho

The Five Mistakes You're Making With Top Talent - - 0 views

    With today's stale job market limiting employees' mobility, executives have a unique opportunity to boost the motivation and productivity of their top talent without spending lots of money. Unfortunately, many companies are missing the mark - especially when it comes to managing their emerging leaders, or "high potentials." Here are the five biggest mistakes companies are making with high-potential talent:
Leslie Camacho

A Trader Becomes a Waiter - - 0 views

    Growing up in Florida, Mr. Gould enjoyed working in restaurants as a waiter and bartender. But he also liked working with numbers, and after graduating from the University of Florida, he went into finance. He got a job in New York as a fixed-income trader in 2000, and later raised money to invest in new markets and help develop avenues for investments.
Leslie Camacho

How to turn your kids into entrepreneurs - - 0 views

    How do you get kids ready to become entrepreneurs? Journal Report Read the complete Small Business report. The classic answer, of course, is the lemonade stand: Encourage your kids to start a homespun business instead of just bugging you for money. But entrepreneurs and educators say the real solution goes much deeper than that. There are crucial psychological traits an entrepreneur needs to succeed, they say, and parents should help kids develop them at every opportunity. Here's a look at those attributes-and how to foster them.
Leslie Camacho

Career Development Grants for Underserved Populations - 1 views

    "Social justice and advocacy has been a current professional issue in the field of career development for over a decade. Although various professional organizations have attempted to focus on providing career development services to diverse individuals, some sociocultural groups remain underserved. For the purpose of this paper, an underserved population is defined as a particular sociocultural group that is historically marginalized and faces disadvantages based on their sociocultural identities. In an effort to offer our services to underserved populations, career practitioners and researchers may need supportive resources to expand career development knowledge and practice. "
James Smith

My Brother Passed the Fireman Recruitment Process - 2 views

My brother is so happy because he passed the fire service recruitment process. He said he would never have made it were it not for Fire-Service-Recruitment UK. They helped him pass all the recruitm...

fire service recruitment

started by James Smith on 09 Sep 11 no follow-up yet
Leslie Camacho

How to Make a Bad Job Less Bad - 0 views

    So many working people out there feel frustrated and stuck in their careers . They feel trapped in jobs that don't fit, unable to make a change. Eventually, a negative perspective starts to permeate everything.
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