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Leslie Camacho

Some details on proposed Obama budget for higher ed 2013 | Inside Higher Ed - 1 views

    " Preview: Obama's 2013 Budget February 13, 2012 - 3:00am By Libby A. Nelson WASHINGTON -- President Obama today will propose spending $8 billion on job training programs at community colleges over the next three years, part of a budget for the 2013 fiscal year that also would increase spending on Education Department programs and some scientific research. The president will outline the job-training proposal in more detail in a speech at Northern Virginia Community College this morning. But unlike past calls to spend more on community colleges, this plan is aimed squarely at an election-year message of "jobs, jobs, jobs" rather than the administration's goal of increasing the number of Americans with college degrees. The proposal, as outlined by Education Department officials Sunday evening, builds on job training programs already in existence -- especially the Trade Act Assistance Community College Career Training Program, which began making grants to community colleges in September. If approved by Congress, the president's proposal would provide $1.3 billion each per year to the Education and Labor Departments, on top of the trade act grants. While it's unclear whether the money would create new federal programs or build up existing ones, the funds would be spent at community colleges that train workers for jobs in high-demand fields, according to materials released by the Education Department. Programs that are especially successful at finding jobs for their graduates, or at placing those who traditionally have difficulty finding work, would be eligible for additional money. The grants would also be used to encourage partnerships between businesses, states, local governments and community colleges, and to create an online course to encourage entrepreneurs. The money would also support paid internships for low-income college students. But the plan would shut out for-profit colleges, which would not be eligible for the additional funds -- a move alm
Leslie Camacho

Views: An Alternative to Graduation Rates - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    "When college presidents and other higher education leaders talk about federal policy these days, the most common theme is dismay at proposed new regulations from the Department of Education. But a close second is the inadequacy of data from the Education Department's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for evaluating anything. "
Leslie Camacho

New study tracks student transfers - Inside Higher Ed - 6 views

    "Invisible Transfer Students February 28, 2012 - 3:00am By Mitch Smith Enrollment managers have long spoken about the mobility of students, citing the high number of credits transferred in and out of their colleges and grumbling that federal graduation rate calculations fail to account for those transient degree-seekers. Data released today by the National Student Clearinghouse back those assertions, showing that a third of those who were first-time college students in 2006 had attended at least one other institution by summer 2011. The study followed 2.8 million full- and part-time students of all ages at every type of institution. Students were counted as transfers if they enrolled at a second institution before earning a degree. Thus, students who moved to a four-year institution after earning an associate degree were not counted, but university students who took a community college class over the summer were. High school students who enrolled in concurrent enrollment courses were not counted as transfers. The Clearinghouse researchers found that a quarter of those who transferred did so more than once and that the greatest number of moves, 37 percent, took place in a student's second year. It also found that 43 percent of transfers were to public two-year institutions, making them the most common transfer destination for students from every type of institution except other public two-year colleges. This study, unique in including part-time students and in following students who might transfer several times, joins a small but growing body of research on the mobility of students. The findings don't surprise Clifford Adelman, a senior associate with the Institute for Higher Education Policy whose research agenda includes national transfer patterns. Loyalties to a particular institution or location, which can discourage transferring, have long been eroding, Adelman said. He calls the phenomenon "geomobility" and said it has called attention to ineffi
Leslie Camacho

An Educator's Story - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "I met Dorothy Walker in my first year of Shades Valley High School, one of several schools in the Birmingham, Ala., area. Confident of little and terrified of much, I entered the honors section of her 10th-grade English class. Known to us simply as Mrs. Walker, she began by using the prescribed curriculum to shape and mold us as her students. Without my realizing it, she began teaching me a lesson that took me three graduate degrees, 24 years of service in higher education, and countless life experiences to understand: the enormous impact educators can have on their students."
Leslie Camacho

Education | Diigo - 0 views

    What are Diigo Educator Accounts? These are special premium accounts provided specifically to K-12 & higher-ed educators. Once your Diigo Educator application is approved, your account will be upgraded to have these additional features:
Leslie Camacho

What Spurs Students to Stay in College and Learn? Good Teaching Practices and Diversity... - 0 views

  • Good teaching and exposure to students from diverse backgrounds are some of the strongest predictors of whether freshmen return for a second year of college and improve their critical-thinking skills,
  • How College Affects Students, and they sought on Sunday to synthesize what recent research says about student learning, while also weighing in on recent controversies in higher-education research.
  • The likelihood that freshmen returned to college for their sophomore year increased 30 percent when students observed those teaching practices in the classroom. And it held true even after controlling for their backgrounds and grades. "These are learnable skills that faculty can pick up," Mr. Pascarella said.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Good teaching
  • defined
  • how well the teacher organized material, used class time, explained directions, and reviewed the subject matter.
  • Exposure to students of diverse backgrounds was measured
  • he gains in critical-thinking skills over four years were strongest for students who entered college with weaker academic backgrounds, defined as those with scores of 27 or lower on the ACT college-entrance examination.
  • He also sought to replicate the findings of Academically Adrift, the blockbuster book released this year that argues that 36 percent of college students show no significant gains in learning between freshman and senior year. The book's authors, Richard Arum, of New York University, and Josipa Roksa, of the University of Virginia, also found that just under half of students wrote papers of 20 pages or more each semester and that they spent 13 to 14 hours per week studying.
  • November 6, 2011 What Spurs Students to Stay in College and Learn? Good Teaching Practices and Diversity. By Dan Berrett
    "Good teaching and exposure to students from diverse backgrounds are some of the strongest predictors of whether freshmen return for a second year of college and improve their critical-thinking skills, say two prominent researchers."
Leslie Camacho

High Enrollment Strains Two-Year Colleges - - 0 views

    "Community colleges, long regarded as the most accessible realm of higher education, are becoming more difficult to access thanks to record enrollments combined with belt-tightening by state legislatures."
Leslie Camacho

Study explores increases and declines in student work hours | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • The last 40 years have seen dramatic changes in the hours worked at jobs by full-time undergraduates -- with notable increases until 2000, and then a period of relative stability until a sharp drop in 2009, according to research (abstract available here) released Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • During the period of rapid increase in hours worked, many students exceeded the hours that many experts recommend as optimal for those seeking to finish a degree on time. But to the extent that some of those working long hours may have no choice -- due to tuition increases and the lack of desire or ability to borrow -- the drop in work hours due to a shrinking of available positions may be problematic for many students.
  • By 2000, the average working student was employed an average of 22 hours a week -- far more than the average time students spend on academic work out of class, and far more than many experts recommend.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • many believe that there are advantages, but that these evaporate -- and time to degree grows -- when students work more than 10 or so hours a week.)
    The last 40 years have seen dramatic changes in the hours worked at jobs by full-time undergraduates -- with notable increases until 2000, and then a period of relative stability until a sharp drop in 2009, according to research (abstract available here) released Monday by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Read more: Inside Higher Ed
Leslie Camacho

Earnings Gap Between College and High School Grads Small - - 0 views

    "For years, higher education was touted as a safe path to professional and financial success. Easy money, in the form of student loans, flowed to help parents and students finance degrees, with the implication that in the long run, a bachelor's degree was a good bet. Graduates, it has long been argued, would be able to build solid careers that would earn them far more than their high-school educated counterparts."
Leslie Camacho

Check out "How to apply to a Diigo Educator Account" bookmark. - 4 views

What are Diigo Educator Accounts? These are special premium accounts provided specifically to K-12 & higher-ed educators. Once your Diigo Educator application is approved, your account will be upg...

web2.0 teaching students

started by Leslie Camacho on 22 May 09 no follow-up yet
Leslie Camacho

New book says elite black students don't try for high-paying jobs | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    "The economic and educational disadvantages of low-income black students who struggle to complete college are well-documented. While black students at elite universities don't necessarily fit into that category, a new book says they face social and institutional obstacles of their own - obstacles that ultimately drive them away from the high-status, high-paying jobs that they're qualified for in fields such as engineering, science, finance and information technology. And while the reasons are complex, universities are partly at fault, the book argues."
Leslie Camacho

CUNY Proposes a Leaner Core Curriculum, to Faculty's Dismay - Curriculum - The Chronicl... - 0 views

  • The proposed structure would also unify a set of general-education requirements that now vary widely from campus to campus, both in emphasis and in the number of credits required, which ranges from 39 to 63. Under the new structure, CUNY's students would take their first 30 credits in two categories. The first would be a 12-credit "required core" composed of six credits in English, and three each in mathematics and science. The division of those core credits reflects a revision, suggested by some faculty, to the original draft requirements.
  • The second category would be an 18-credit "flexible core," in which students would take six three-credit classes encompassing five different areas: world cultures and global issues; U.S. experience in its diversity; creative expression; the individual and society; and the scientific world. Students would be able to choose a class from a range of disciplines to satisfy each area. For example, a student could take a course in world literature, history, economics, sociology, or political science to meet the requirement for world cultures and global issues. Each of the system's four-year campuses will also develop requirements for an additional 12 "college option" credits, bringing to 42 the total number of core credits required under the new plan.
  • December 2, 2011 CUNY Proposes a Leaner Core Curriculum, to Faculty's Dismay By Dan Berrett
    "The committee charged with designing a new core curriculum for the City University of New York released on Thursday its final recommendations, and faculty leaders quickly faulted both the substance of the proposal and the process used to produce it."
Leslie Camacho

Maybe Experience Really Can Be the Best Teacher - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher ... - 0 views

    College students work for different reasons. Many take jobs to pay tuition and related educational expenses. Others work to afford electronic gadgets (often ones that we, their professors, don't yet know exist). Regardless of the reasons, many professors and administrators consider students' working during college to be an unfortunate distraction from what should be their primary focus: their academic studies.
Leslie Camacho

Finding your Own Path - 0 views

    "In the U.S. higher education system, students are challenged to declare a major or choose an occupation in their sophomore year in college, sometimes even before starting college. That's an onerous task, especially if done without sufficient self-knowledge or guidance. Perhaps that is why at least 60% of college students change their major at least once before graduating and, on average, students change their major three times during their college career. Many graduate, even begin work, and find that they have made a poor vocational choice. That's discouraging and costly for both students and their parents. Such a situation is less likely to occur at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, where career counseling, using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II combined with the Strong Interest Inventory, provides students with effective, empowering guidance."
Leslie Camacho

Recession-Swelled Rolls Test Community Colleges - - 0 views

    "Community colleges get their few moments in the White House limelight next week when President Barack Obama and the vice president's wife, Jill Biden, convene a community-college summit. It's another step toward giving the institutions, the Rodney Dangerfields of higher education, a bit more of the respect they deserve."
Leslie Camacho

Want Data? Ask Students. Again and Again. - Students - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    All year long, from every direction, surveys bombard students.
Leslie Camacho

News: Low-Hanging Fruit - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    WASHINGTON -- Whether they called them "near-completers" or "ready adults" or "stop-outs," the educators and policy experts gathered here today agreed that people who have earned most but not all of the credits they need for a college degree should receive more attention.
Leslie Camacho

7 Community Colleges Try an Online Doorway to Help Students Succeed - Online Learning -... - 1 views

    "There are two things Clint McElroy knows about community-college students: A huge number of them don't stay in school. And many of them-who are often the first in their families to go to college, and who must juggle work and parenting-don't understand how to balance all those demands while studying at the college level."
Leslie Camacho

CLA experiment focused private colleges' attention on assessment | Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    A seven-year project in which dozens of small private colleges used a standardized measure of student learning to gauge and try to improve their performance accomplished many of its goals, increasing the colleges' focus on student learning outcomes and stimulating changes in practices on many campuses, says a report on the effort released today.
Leslie Camacho

Views: Completion Rates in Context - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Much attention has been directed at college completion rates in the past two years, since President Obama announced his goal that the United States will again lead the world with the highest proportion of college graduates by 2020. The most recent contribution to this dialogue was last month's release of "Time Is the Enemy" by Complete College America.
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