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Leslie Camacho

CUNY Proposes a Leaner Core Curriculum, to Faculty's Dismay - Curriculum - The Chronicl... - 0 views

  • The proposed structure would also unify a set of general-education requirements that now vary widely from campus to campus, both in emphasis and in the number of credits required, which ranges from 39 to 63. Under the new structure, CUNY's students would take their first 30 credits in two categories. The first would be a 12-credit "required core" composed of six credits in English, and three each in mathematics and science. The division of those core credits reflects a revision, suggested by some faculty, to the original draft requirements.
  • The second category would be an 18-credit "flexible core," in which students would take six three-credit classes encompassing five different areas: world cultures and global issues; U.S. experience in its diversity; creative expression; the individual and society; and the scientific world. Students would be able to choose a class from a range of disciplines to satisfy each area. For example, a student could take a course in world literature, history, economics, sociology, or political science to meet the requirement for world cultures and global issues. Each of the system's four-year campuses will also develop requirements for an additional 12 "college option" credits, bringing to 42 the total number of core credits required under the new plan.
  • December 2, 2011 CUNY Proposes a Leaner Core Curriculum, to Faculty's Dismay By Dan Berrett
    "The committee charged with designing a new core curriculum for the City University of New York released on Thursday its final recommendations, and faculty leaders quickly faulted both the substance of the proposal and the process used to produce it."
Leslie Camacho

MLA Tutorial - 0 views

    MLA Tutorial created at Hunter College - CUNY
Leslie Camacho

September Issue of LIVE Wire - PDF - 0 views

    Check out my article entitled, Introducing LaGuardia eCareer! in the September 2010 issue of LIVE WIRE. A LaGuardia Community College CUNY publication.
Leslie Camacho

eCareer Plan & eCareer Central - 0 views

    This is the landing page for eCareer at LaGuardia Community College- CUNY.
Leslie Camacho

eCareer Plan & eCareer Central - 0 views

    Welcome to LaGuardia eCareer: A Virtual Career Center at LaGuardia Community College of the City University of New York.
Leslie Camacho

Careers in Criminal Justice and Public Service (PDF) - 0 views

    Career Services @ John Jay. Careers in Criminal Justice and Public Service (PDF)
Leslie Camacho

Social Media: Simple Steps to Make It Work for Your Job Search | JOB MAVEN - 1 views

    "Social Media isn't just for staying in touch with former school classmates. There are ways to use social media to stand out from the competition. It does take some strategic thought, but it can really take you to the next level. Here are 3 simple ways to get started using social media to advance your brand."
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